Beatrice hospital dt-cas Music Ccctest March 2 1 Sargent kme near Lewiston on undergone an a a Dramas Contest in Vir-; Sunday. Mil undergone an ap- also a ur arna-c contest in Vir-; Sunday. Milton Sargent, who has March 11, 1954 The Arbor State, Wymore, Nebr. and expects to he sent hack to day ireja a Stale in June. He is a psi- stere he had uate cf the Virginia high school 1 pendectoeny.
He la making a sal-: aomelune in March. Mrs. 1 returned from service in Ger- class of 1950 and enlisted in the ufactory recovery. Harry Borgsroa presented a many, wax honor guest. Force in December cf the I The senior class and their soon- program tonsinmg of a to- i Mrs.
Melvin Broadbrooks of the past two yean or, Sup. Emry, drove to Lin-J cal klJ by Mary Mend and a (Beatrice called on Kathryn stationed on Okm- coin Friday where the students musical reac.rg by Barbara Swarts and Mr Lffie Houston same year, has been coin Friday where the students musical reaauig by Barbara Swarts and Mr Lffie Death Trap Circle Triggers Desert Fires Texas Fever Dobbins a Inez HoefLcg. Austin Mr Cora oh be in of Beatrice, Emerson Gage County Chairman, presert-Bragg ed the program on American- had their pictures taken. They Brawns tac by Ftiday. pictures Smoky River Smitn; urn." Miss Juba Seng of Beatrice, Juvemlo winner of the DAR Americanism Stairway to a Secret then Essay Contest, read her essay to Triple-threat Patrol Gilbert, the groupi Mr Ernest Sokolik.
v. Laune Cavanr.a president of the Beatrice Unit, Outlaw Red Kje.gaard was also a guest. Bnghty of the Grand The Unit voted to give $7.50 Henry for the Wooden Church Crusade, Mysterious Neighbors Judd I a non-denommational and a non Secret at the indmij Judd1 profit organization for the pur-Lone Footprint Judd pose of constructing a series of awa and ether islands in the Pacific. The following Virginia friends attended funeral services for Mrs. Karolina Kalina in Table Rock Wednesday: Martin Penkava, Kris Una Dobrovolny.
Mr. and Mr Joseph Vetrovsky. Mrs. August Krikava, Mr George Henzel. Mr Marcus Anderson.
Jerry Kozak. Mr. Albert Stake and Mrs. Joe F. Hubka.
The Band Mothers held their March meeting at the school house on Tuesday. March 2nd. The president, Mrs. Frank Kozak, conducted the business meeting during which plans were made for transportation to Lincoln on Monday, March 8th, when Virginia school pupils appeared television on Station KOLN. They also completed plans for the musical program on March lfith.
The April meeting will be the second Tuesday in April 11:15 a.m. Ernest Mend returned Thurs- Judd wooden churches along the son er that ae pa rates West Germany Sawyer and Communistic State In other words to build a spiritual wall Dan paralleling the Iron Curtain. Have You Read These? The following books have been received at the Wymore public Lbrary: Adult Non-fiction Greatest Faith Ever Known Oursler Secret Diary of Harold Ickes Ickes Triumph and Traredy Churchill Adult Fiction Lady of Arlington Kane Time and Time Again Hilton Assistant Angel Marsh Horizon Home Bowman Moon of Enchantment Steep Hill Holliston Sojourner Rawlings Bright Conquest Hill Seton Buck Turquoise Portrait of a Marriage had dinner in Lincoln and enjoyed an evening of culler skating before returning home. Supt and Mr Emry and Mr Ed Weiss chaperoned the group. On the senior class roll are Ronald Weiss, Arnold Fritch.
Esther Penkava, Corinne Libal, Janet and Janice Baeiir, and Dcnna Schuster. Virginia P. T. O. met Wednesday evening, March 3rd at the school house.
The president, Mr Alvin Goracke. opened the business meeting with the singing of America and the Lords Prayer. Three and one half dollars was pledged to the Red Cros It was reported that the new stage curtains were here and Edd Weiss was appointed to see about their installation. The following announcements were made by Supt Emry: Virginia TV program Mar. 8.
music night March 18. Gage County Music Festival March 18, and the Mu- Strange Echo Beano, Cirrus Dog Journey Cake. Ho! Birthday Story Unruly Robin Danny's Luck Doena Schuster, and readings by Mr Roberta cf Liberty. This was followed by a fUa on Pioneer Nebraska. Lunch was served by the committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Snyder were appointed Red Cross chairmen for Sherman township and Mr Merl Carpenter and Mr Eugene Cacek are the solicitors in town. Mr. and Mr Ray Morris and Marvin drove to Lincoln Saturday and visited at the homes of Mr.
and Mr A. W. Paul and Mr Gene Kline. Mr Maynard Krebsbach returned home from an Omaha hospital on Sunday. She had undergone surgery last Tuesday and is improving satisfactorily.
Sunday visitors at the Kathryn Swarts home were Mr Estelle Williams and Mr Bail Graham of Pawnee City. Mr Effie Houston was a guest at a family dinner at the Foster Davis I The Unit also voted to sponsor girl for Girls State. Members were' asked to bring articles to be sent to Korea at tha Veterans Legion birthday party on March 9th. News from the Legion Auxiliary The American Legion Auxiliary held their meeting Tuesday evening. Feb.
9 at the Legion HalL Hostesses were Hazel Campbell, Helena Shoff, Darlene Workman, Mary Humphrey and My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. Thomas Jefferson. Richard Waldens Wife Kelly Happy Holiday OTino. place like Clean, mooch, faUow-eyad and dcUcaM daaorl Everything you'd went in potato yenll find in these (J. 8.
Number once. We do net handle pce-wss iix potatoes. And ef course thew potatoes art money-back wonder Theres do place like Safeway for POTATOES! U.S. No. 1-A RUSSET PREMIUM RED McCLURE Ha 5243a 43a IceCreaniSSSfc Tea Bags Halted Kilk UqaidWu eeeateii Graham Cricksrs HnW Ooid.
32a Soda Crackers 271 Flow XU CMt, Mdwd 83c Cora Uaal nfeanf in vut .32 27a Majoniaisa S239e Salad DrassIagDwtew 5231a ISjBS Row Borii prsadwa lor adjr 10a MB Jar Osilar Iran Facial Soap 26a Lbs. Soap Suds wap 28a 32. Airway Coffee 84? Nob Hill Coffee St 860 9k Fresh, Tasty Cookies Sugar Wafers jaaaAnka. 25c I CHOCOLAT BH-ofc A CCIOirS Jan Arden Pfcg. Ayf 'Oatmeal rSSS.
33c Sandwich 32c U.S. No. 1-A NEBRASKA RED iiiimuiiumnimniuuiimmiiuiiuiii Virginia by Mr. Frank Schultr iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiuimuiiuuiiminuiinnti Dot Guida spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Vetrovsky and son of near Bsrnes-ton. Mrs. Houston returned Tuesday from a week end visit with her daughter. Mrs. Earl Scott add family of Lincoln.
Mrs. Bail Graham of Pawnee City visited her aunt. Mas Kathryn Swarts, on Wednesday. Frank Hubka is recovering satisfactorily from recent surgery at Lincoln General Hospital He was able to return home Sunday. Mrs.
Roy McFarren was hostess to the Jolly Pals Club on Thursday, Mar. 4th. There were nine members present. An auction sale was a feature of the afternoon, it netted $8.00 for the club treasury. A tour of Beatrice was planned for Tuesday, March 9th, with dinner for the group at the Green Top at noon.
Five members and two visitors were present at the Virginia Ladies Aid Society meeting which was held at the C. It. Mittan home on Wednesday. The president, Mrs. G.
A. Wei ss, conducted the business' meeting and Mrs. Mittan had charge of the devotionals. $2.00 was given to the Red Cross. The election of officers was postponed to the April meeting, -which be at the church basement, a pot luck lunch will be served.
The hostess served ice cream and wafers at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. Alma McFarren of Bea trice visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McFarren and family on Thursday.
Mrs. Wm. Reiman and Mrs. James Larimore and little daughter, Janice of Vesta, were visiting old friends in this vicinity on Friday. Ollie Rohlf of Beatrice spent the week end with her sister, Mrs.
Mark Petersen and hus band. Mr. and Mrs. Vid Clough of Red Oak, Iowa were calling on old friends in town Saturday. Mrs.
Clough is the former Vera Currier, who lived in Virginia a number of years ago. Sunday afternoon visitors at the Max Penkava home wee Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fritz an Mrs. Rose Steele of Adams, Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. McGaffey, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Schuster ant Donna, and Monica Allen. Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Weiss and family had for their guests Sunday afternoon; Mr. and Mrs. Ear Weiss and children of Hastings -and Mr. and Mrs: Joe Weiss of Beatrice. Mr.
and Mr John V. Menc and little son, Ronnie, were din ner guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mends parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Prebyl of near Barnes ton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vo-kach and family of Wichita, Ks. were other guests at the Prebyl home. In the afternoon the Mends drove to Wymore and visited Mrs.
H. R. Smith. Mrs. Smith is Mrs.
Mends sister. Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Mittan and Russel enjoyed a family dinner at the Kenneth Hand home in Pawnee City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Scheve and family of Plymouth were other guests. The occasion was in observance of Mr.
Mittans birthday. George Allen Weiss spent the week end with his brother, Jimmie Weiss, and wife of near Sterling. He returned home with his parents on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mn.
Joe Vetrovsky were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mn. Henry of Wilber. Other guests were Erma Vetrovsky of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs.
George Vetrovsky and Donnie of Beatrice and Mr. De Wayne Kattan of Hallam. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Carpenter drove to Blue Springs Sunday where they joined other mem-ben of the family at dinner at the home of Mn.
Laura Merri-weather. Others present were A. R. Memweather of Omaha and Mr. and Mn.
Robert Malstead and son Bobbie of Blue Springs. Mr. and Mn. Russel Weiss of York were week end guests at the G. A.
Weiss home. Little Roxie Behrens, who has been spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Haverkamp, returned to her home in Adams Idst week. Her parents have been vacationing in Florida.
Miss Erma Vetrovsky of Lin coin spent the week end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mn. Joe Vetrovsky. Mr. and Mn.
S. L. Skjdmore of Pawnee City were dinner guests at the home of Mrs; Skidmores father, W. L. Oviatt on Sunday.
Afternoon and evening callers at the Oviatt home were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oviatt oi; Beatrice and Mr. and Mn. Joe E.
Penkava and Bob of Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. John Haverkam spent Saturday with Mr. am Mrs.
Roy Behrens and Roxie at Adams. They helped install a new tile floor in the kitchen of the Behrens home. Mr. and Mn. Merl Carpenter were supper guests Thursday at the Everett Olney home in Beatrice.
Mn. Rose Steele, and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz of Adams visited Martin and Joe Penkava on Sunday afternoon. Guests Wednesday at the Roy McFarren home were Mr.
anc Mn. Gene Herman and Sherry jand Mn. Albert Mettscher and boys, all of Wymore. The main interest was a box of souvenirs that Lloyd McFarren had sent home from Lloyd, the oldest son of Mr. and Mis.
Roy McFarren, is stationed with the Air Force on the island of Ok inawa. He had just enjoyed fifteen day furlough to Japan the Air he Mr Mr on on at 0 OsmaWa Waver peels Fiufhest S'g CoraSyrcp Karo Brand; dark, (Hus label) A gyaariwa PERSONALIZED STATIONERY dy 754 vka pi bay SKYLARK BREAD Ml dolaib a ex nsr leaf White 20-n. Loaf Whaal Braid RyeBread 17a 20a 87c Swift'nlng Swift's sB-purpoas Shortening Mozoid 03 73c Caa Frosh Turnips flQ- from Calif, new crop, excellent quality Lb. Uvl Frosh Carrots Tops removed, uniform ahe. wU Cauliflower Solid euid medium aiae white heeds Lh.
lie Grapefruit 4 SOOdloMp Vhttt "BHlt1 mitMMtitftiimiisH Valencia Oranges from Florida; medium else, sweet Lh. VJinosap Apples IQ, Ideal for cooking and baking i Yellow Onions 40, U. 8- No. 1 Grade, dry -5-lb. Bag Uif Salad and Cooking Oil lb.
PKG. 89 Crises Cap Vegetable shortening for cooking frying Jcsbr Foods 9c Geriber'b, Chopped fruits and vsgetablee Cornstarch l-mn 14c Argo Brand, for smooth puddings and pie fillings SJ 30c 73c Vel Marvelous suds for dishes and duds Menu Problems During Lent! Your SAFEWAY Offers- Cheesa Dutch Kill, On. 85a 19c Hisgara.Stardi 12-o Pkg, Powdered, instant starch All Detergent 43c 24-e Controlled sude for automatic washers Chease Feadsmm 2 75a Cheasa Whix sm 33e Spaghetti. 2UT 25e Spanish 2 2 35c Spaghetti Dinner 42a or SPAOHEtTl; l-I n. Macaroni qiajuy twe, cut Bf wis Kraft Dinner tt 28a rkfB.
U.S.D.A. Choke Beef Blade cuts 61 Sliced Bacon Red Salmon Alaska 59c i-i T-as. SUw-KIst, fsney Osa Breeie Detergent for disbee.or laundry Serf SS 30c For the family wash, no need to rinse clothes Geer The Blue magic suds for dishes or laundry 4le Light Tina Light Tana 22, T37e 73c 2SS49c Sardines xuslanl aaues. TenataSanp 3 cans 328 ftkgoHM thdHndPtosht HEARMmi Right menred to limit quantities. Mess efedive thru Saturday, March 13, in Wymore Beatrice 91.11 Deveined Shrimp JskyU UisA freh-fncn.
mmihiiimoim el2a Fkfi.