The Madill Record from Madill, Oklahoma (2024)

LAKE REPORT level 613.87; water 1 temper69 degrees; barometer 30.06 and steady; sunrise sunset 7:33. VOL. XLIII Oil Women's AV tour of the multi-zone Cumberland oil field was the highlight of the days activites for a group of some 100 oil women, Saturday, May 24. The women, representing the Women's Oil Association, spent the week-end in southern Oklahoma oil areas to learn more about the industry for which they work, Headquarters for the group were at Lake Murray Lodge, where they arrived early Saturday. For lunch, they were the guests of the Pure Oil Company, after which they left immediately for the Cumberland oil field.

They arrived about 2:00 p.m., and went through the Oil offices first. Here they the offiPure, cials of the company in this area, who acted as hosts for the afternoon. From the Pure offices the women went to the water barge. L. A.

Ogden, division production engineer from Tulsa, explained the workings of the barge in relation to production in this field, The group then toured the field, seeing the main points of interest. They visited the discovery well, the 'dike, gas wells, wells in the lake and returned to the offices through the Pure Oil camp. Pure officials accompanying the association on the visit were: H. E. Schafer, superintendent of the Pure, Tulsa; L.

A. Ogden, division production engineer, Tulsa; Benton Springer, chief division material man, Tulsa; Roy Webb, superintendent of the gas department, Tulsa; and W. M. Peck, division manager of the Pure, Tulsa, Rain Postpones Donkey Ball Game to Monday Night As a result of heavy rains, the donkey baseball game between Madill negro baseball club and the American Legion baseball club postponed, was, game will be played Monday evening, June 2, at the Alumni field at 8:00 p.m. Admission will be adults 50 cents and children 25 cents.

Heading the American Legion team will be Walton Blakemore, Lee McKinney, Marvin Gordon, Kenneth Hartin, Mann Pratt, Sandy Vick, Winston Johnston, Bill Hawkins, Ducky Pratt, Ben Turbyfill and the reserves. Oscar Watson will be the captain for the Madill negro team. Other players will be: Vernell Jeffers, A. J. Watson, Wade Watson, Trenton Watson, Gene A.

Fitzgerald, Francis Parker, William R. Watson, Charles Hastings, Clarenc Moore, L. J. King, Maneul Morris, Kitty Tom Brooks, John Head and Junior Hastings, Proceeds of the game will go tp help sponsor the American Legion Junior Baseball League this summer. Judge Bell Improving at Home in Madill Judge W.

J. Bell, who was returned to his home here from a Denison hospital a week ago Saturday, is reported getting along fine. His daughter, Mrs. Noel Jennings, Denison, is here with him. She reports that Mr.

Bell is able to be up, but is still weak and has not been able to be out as yet. SEEN Walt Blakemore, who is enthusiastic about the boy's baseball team workouts which started Monday with 20 boys present, Squeegee Moore, visiting the Johnny Smiths here, taking childish delight out of running through the puddles on the sidewalk after Wednesday's rain, McClure, who is building a new dairy barn, offering sympathy to another man trying to complete a building project, Northcutt with an armload of supplies and instructions, making preparations for the coming election, U. Ayres going home from an night's work. small boys engaged in full battle with blow guns in front of the Majestic theater Culbertson copying a recipe for a lucious looking dessert from wine Roy Rorie, who caught a seven-pound black bass Carl Albert, congressman from this district, visiting around town Wednesday Emmett Meraz' sailor brother here for a brief visit with Aaron Dry early this week. Alsup clutching at a shower of beads as the string broke on her necklace.

Herrin buying a posy for a sick friend. The Madill "In the Arms of Lake MADILL, MARSHALL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, Group Tours Field Here SEEING PURE FIELD Menbers of an Oklahoma oil women's organization toured the multi-zone Cumberland field in Marshall county Saturday. The entire group is pictured in front of the discovery well in the Pure fieid. There were 100 women in the group all "good-looking" according to a Madill Record reporter. (IRBY PHOTO) Officials representing the berland office were: Joe Sigler, superintendent of the Cumberland field; and Virgil Johnson, office manager and bookkeeper for the company here.

There were eight women from the Pure Oil Office in Tulsa down for the tour Saturday afternoon, The group was the guest of the Ardmore Geological Society Sunday. On a tour through the Arbuckle Mountain region, one of the world's greatest 'fossil yards." The club is known now as the Women's Oil Association, but they are making arrangements to affillate with the national organization pf women in the oil industry. The national organization is called the Desk and Derrick Club. The Oklahoma City club is the first of its kind to be organized in Oklahoma. In order to become a member of the association one must be employed by the oil or its allied industries.

The Oklahoma City group now have 216 members, representing 60 oil companies on their roll. The group meet once each month for a business meeting. At these meetings they have noted speakers and follow a program of education on the oil industry. These meetings are round table discussions, thus giving the women a chance to ask questions concerning their phase of work with the oil com The club actively participates in oil progress week. They sponsor an information booth in Oklahoma Lumber Yard Burglar Back In Jail; Declared Sane James Alvin Brummett, 21, who' buglarized the Rogers Lumber here last week is back in jail here.

He was sent to Norman for a 30-day period of observation as to sanity. The the hospital there notified o. C. Barnes, county attorney, on May 16 that Brummett had been declared sane, and asserted that he was giving trouble in the hospital, asking that he be removed. He is being held here on $2500 bond on two counts He is charged with the burglary here and an automobile theft case, He also has a record of car thefts in Amarillo, and Oklahoma City.

His home is in Tulsa. 125 Enrolled in Church of Christ Bible Study Camp The Church of Christ Bible camp at Jack Little Camp began Monday, May 26 and will close Friday (tomorrow). There were approximately 125' children attending the camp. A program of recreation, Bible study and handicraft was planned for the group. Teachers for the camp were: Mrs.

Walter Jones, Mrs. C. A. Hardee, Miss Lucy Ette Herndon, Mrs. Doris Hawkins, Mrs.

Vera Yates, Mrs. Walter Huff, Jay E. Payne and Mrs. Dick Lynn, George Henry was the supervisor of the camp. Mrs.

Maurice Lampe, who had planned earler to attend the camp, was unable to do so because of a trip to Ft. Worth. A registered nurse was on duty at all times during the camp meeting. Running concurrently with the Bible camp was the Church of Christ Bible school here in town. There were 66 children and adults enrolled in this school, The Bible school at the Church of Christ here in town will continue another week, Mrs.

Berry King announced Wednesday. The children and parents were eager that the school last two weeks, Mrs. King said. The school will close a week from Friday. The camp on the lake closes tomorrow (Friday.) Mrs.

Berry King was in charge of the school with Mrs. John W. Pigg assisting. A complete program of Bible study, recreation and handicraft were planned for this group also. Refreshments were served daily.

Teachers the school includes: Mrs. Sam 'Whitson, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. Odie Steward, Mrs. Thomas Sudduth and Mrs.

W. E. McGill, Refreshments for the town school were sponsored by Mrs. Jim Ewing, Mrs. Don Welch and Mrs.

Lloyd Henson, Oklahona Historical Society State Capitol Comp Okla. City 5, Okla. Society Comp Record THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1952 NUMBER 48 Sgt. Faye Honea Off Again to Far Eastern Command Foreign service is nothing new in the life of Sgt. Faye -Far Eastern service will be the novelty.

Yes, Sgt. Honea's orders read the Far Eastern She presumes it will be Japan and she's not a bit anxious. Faye, as her many friends call her, had spent a good portion of her adult years in service. She saw 27 months of active service during World War II. She was with an inspecting team during the last world war.

The team's chief duty was to inspect G. I. mess halls throughout the country. Then, the officials decided they needed mess halls inspected in Germany and France, and she sailed for foreign service. Ten months of her 27 month enlistment was spent on foreign soil, When the war was over and Faye received her discharge, she returned to Madill to continue her work as a civilian, But April 18.

1951, Faye again enlisted in the armed forces. She was sent to Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, for assignment. From there she was sent to Ft. Hood, Killeen, where she has been stationed for the past 13 months.

Faye is now what the army calls a mess steward. Her chief duties are to supervise the cooking, draw rations and make up menus. Things were rocking along quite smoothly, then came the eventful day--Sgt. Honea's orders to the Far East. She spent a pre-overseas furlough with relatives in Madill before reporting to Camp Stoneman, Pittsburge, Cal.

She presumes her next tour of duty will be in Japan, When asked how she felt about her next assignment, Faye replied, "I'm not a bit eager to see Japan, but there's nothing I can do, It looks like I'm going to see it anyway." So far as she knows, she is the only WAC going at this time. Faye left Tuesday for Camp Stoneman and will fly from there to the Far East within the next few days. While in Madill, Faye lived with a sister, Bea Honea. Other relatives are two sisters, Mrs. Claude Miller and Mrs.

Buster Creswell and a brother, Bud Honea, all of Madill, Grand Jury Will Meet Again Mon. Marshall county's grand jury will reconvene Monday June 2. The investigating group was recessed after staying in session three days last week. So far there have been 52 witnesses called in the investigation, which started May 12. The jury has been in session eight days since that time.

Pre-School Clinic Will Be Wednesday The medical round) up for preschool children will be held next Wednesday at the Methodist church, it has been announced by Mrs. Jo Rust, county health nurse. Parents of all children who will start to school next fall are urged to take advantage of the clinic. Dr. J.

H. White, dirctor of the Carter County Health Unit, will conduct the clinic aided by the staff of the Marshall County i Health Unit. Registration will begin at 8:30 a. m. George Bryant Dies of Heart Ailment George Bryant, 39, died in an Ardmore hospital early Tuesday morning of a heart attack.

He had not been well for several weeks, but had been in his place of business Monday, closing up as usual. He became ill at his home later in the evening and was taken to the ho: 1 where he died a few hours later. Mr. Bryant had operated the bus station, Western Union and Mistletoe Express here for the past. seven years.

He was born in Arkansas December 24, 1912. He was married to Mrs. Cadmus King June 26, 1947. Funeral services were held in the First Baptist church, where Mr. Bryant was a member, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.

The Rev. Bert I. Cherry was in charge of the services. Burial was in the Mannsville cemetery. Watts Funeral Home were in charge of all arrangements.

Mr. Bryant is survived by his wife and two step daughters, Jimmie June and Wanda Joe Bryant, and a half brother, Pallbearers were L. A. Gaylor, Charles Strother, Earl Ragsdale, Tommie Lee 'Scott, Jesse Ward, and Raymond Gary. Dinner Kicks Off New Organization of Methodist Men A fried chicken dinner complimented the charter members of the Madill unit of the national organization of Methodist men, The dinner was given last Thursday night in the basem*nt of Methodist Church, Fifty-seven men signed the charter member list.

The organization is not limited to members of the Methodist Church but is open to all laymen of all churches. The monthly meetings of this group have been set for the second Thursday of each month and will be held each time in the basem*nt of the Methodist Church. Dinner will be served at 7:00 p.m. Serving the dinner at each meeting will be a committee of cooks and hosts taken from the membership list. The charter meeting dinner was served by Rev.

Walter Browers, Marvin Bryant, Allen French, Ben Turbyfill, David Ward and Jim Peterson. Officers for the coming year for the organization include: Marvin Bryant, charged lay leader; David Ward, secretary-treasurer; Jim Peterson, chairman of publicity and chairman of the program committee; and Pedo Jones chairman of the attendance and membership committees. The next dinner meeting will be held June 12, The cooks and hosts committee named for that meeting is: Aaron Mooney, A. T. Hawley, Tom Humphrey, Huston Kirtley, Elmo Townsend and Metz Castleberry.

HEARD That elaborate plans are being made for the new Texoma state park lodge, and will include among other things a foot bridge across Little Glasses creek. that all plumbers, painters, carpenters and electricians in Madill are still behind with their work. that so far as is known, only one man in Oakland is opposing the 0. G. E.

franchise, to be voted on in the near future. fishermen are planning to make an attempt to catch some of the big gar in Lake Texoma purely as a sporting event. F. C. Norman, who lives east of Kingston, has a brown leghorn hen 12 years old that still lays an egg every day.

Melinda Voyles forgot just one little detail for her card party Monday night, the cards, at 'long last" Jimmy Ragsdale is on his way home from Korea. that Mrs. A. E. Dawson is trying to live down the fact that she sent one of the children out to try to hire Rex Strickland to mow her lawn, while he was doing his mowing on a lot that belongs to him.

Mattie Edna Moss Dudek's new daughter's name is Sandra Juan, with the second name pronounced June. the Church of Christ Bible camp workers served a chicken dinner to members of the Durant senior class in addition to their regular duties Tuesday W. L. Raborn saying that he did like everybody would like to "got sick enough to die, stayed sick 8 long time and then got well." per copy Texoma" Registration for Primary Election Will Open June 1 Auburn Paregien, New Registrar, Gives List of Precinct Officials City for th eguests during the week Charity cases are also part of the club's responsibilities. It was only last year that they sent 2,700 books to replenish the libraries that were destroyed in the Kansas floods.

The main social event of the year is the annual bosses night. It was for this recent affair that the club wrote, directed and produced their own play. The officers for the Oklahoma City chapter are: Sybil Sureck, president; Sue Gloriod, 1st. vicepresident; Clariece Anderson, 2nd vice-president; Elaine Anthony, recut ding secretary; Jane Brown, corresponding secretary; Margaret Behringer, treasurer; and Helen Little, chairman of publicity. Memorial Service Held at Nazarene Church on Sunday Memorial Day union services at the Church of the Nazarene church Sunday night were sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, The Rev.

L. E. Green, pastor of the host church, was the speaker. John W. Pigg, minister of the Church of Christ, read the scripture, with the Rev.

Bert I. Cherry, Baptist pastor leading the opening and closing prayers. Miss Clara Laird was reader for a pageant "'The Crosses" with Roy Lummus, Leroy Loftis, Fayette Walker and Sam Dishmon representing the men who fought in the United State wars. Jow Pakulski and Lee McKinney advanced the colors and Robert Favors and Glenn Timmons played taps. Auburn Paregien presented "My Buddy" as a vocal solo, accompanied by Miss Jo Anne Colby and Miss Edwina Walker gave the reading "In Flanders Field." Mrs.

Walter Huff was in charge of the program arrangements. Three Get Draft Exam Notices Notices have been sent to three Marshall county men to report for Armed Forces examinations on June 16. They are Doyle L. Garrison, John F. Moss, and Billy J.

Justice. Those who will report for examinations on June 26 are Wesley E. Sherrod and Verlin C. Sanders. Jackie Branam is visiting his brother and family Mr.

and Mrs. Junior Branam, McKinney, Tex. Mrs. John He expects to be in McKinney two went major or three weeks. hospital, All qualified persons in Marshall county who are not registered voters are urged to register during the registration period which opens June 1.

The opening day of the registration period for the primary is on Sunday this year, and registration will begin Monday. The period closes June 20. Qualifications for voters are: that a person be 21 years of age, a citizen of the United States, a resident of the state of Oklahoma for one year, of the county for six months and of the precinct for 30 days. Any person whose 21st birthday falls" on or before election day (for the Democratic primary this year, July 1), is qualified to vote. Auburn Paregien is the new Marshall county registrar this year.

Precinct registrars named by Mr. Paregien this week are: Madill, Ward I--J. H. Creekmore, City Hall, Madill; Madill, Ward II -Mrs. Raymond Stroud, 401 W.

Wolf, Madill; Madill, Ward IIIMrs. Mabel Paregien, Paregien's Store; Madill Ward IV--Miss Mae Riddle, 111 S. 9th. Madill; Kingston, Ward I--Mrs. S.

T. Corder; Kingston, Ward II-Mrs. Henry Rollins; -Della Riddle; Little City, -Mrs. Amiteen Huff, Huff Grocery; CumberlandJ Poole; Wood Dillow; Willis- A. Cryer; PowellMrs.

Willis Owens, Powell Store; Lebanon- Orr, Orr Store; McMillan--Floyd Greer, Greer's Store; Simpson-Mrs, R. W. Irwin; Tyler-Mrs. Iva Gardner; ger; Oakland-Mrs. Lazelle Cornelison; Archerd -Hall Starkey; Shay -Mrs.

Ellis Morgan; Enos-B. E. Jones, Store; Lynn-Nola Greenlea and Fobb-Mrs. Hubert Keeton, Absentee Ballots Ready Next Week Absentee ballots for the Democratic primary July 1 will be ready to mail out next week. Persons who will be out of the county and wish to vote before leaving may vote an absentee ballot at the office of M.

U. Ayres any time after June 1, Glenn Northcutt, secretary of the county election board said this week. Applicants for absentee ballots must apply either in person or by mail to Mr. Northcutt. "Requests coming from relatives or friends will not be honored" Mr.

Northcutt said Tuesday. Applications must include the name and voting box of the applicant, and the address to which the ballot is to be sent. Mr. Northcutt urged that persons who vote absentee ballots follow instructions as to notorizing and other instructions to the letter. "Every year a large per cent of the absentee ballots must be discarded as mutilated ballots because they are improperly filled out or not norarized." he said.

Carl Albert Seeking Congressional Post Carl Albert has authorized The Madill Record to announce his candidacy for re-election as Congressman from the third district, which includes Marshall county. His full platform appears on page 9 of this issue of the paper. From Far and Near Kingston Alumni Banquet Has Record Crowd The largest crowd in the history of the Kingston Alumni Association attended the annual banquet at Kingston Saturday night. New officers of the group, elected at the banquet are: Bobby Don Akin, president; Mack Purnell, vice-president and Mrs. Estella Willis, secretary, The Kingston Alumni Association has the distinction of being the oldest group of its kind in the state that has functioned continuously.

It was organized in May 1911, by members of the first graduating class. They were Jim Jones, Rat Buck, Pearl Lewis, Wells and Mabel Bailey. The late John Vaughn, who died in 1950, was superintendent of the Kingston schools at that time, and "GREEN Master Serceant Cecil Everett of Kingston checks the progress of his flower garden at Naha, Okinawa. The garden is a favorite hobby of the county PLaN. He is first sergeant of the 21st Base Post Office.

He has been on Okinawa since January 1950. His family joined his last year. Know Them? The local draft board is seeking the addresses of Charlie Byars, and Buck Jones Lynch. Anyone knowing the addresses of the two are asked to either notify Local Board No. 48 or ask the men to inform the board of their whereabouts.

Round-Up Club Practising for Sulphur Rodeo The Madill Round-up club is riding every Monday evening in preparation for the Sulphur parade and rodeo. The Sulphur event will be held June 10. The purpose of this regular riding of the club is to ready the horses for the bright lights and music. Several of the horses to be ridden are not prepared for city life. Some riders are also training their horses for the "cutting" horse competition.

These riders bring their own steers and train the the horses. Other members are practicing for the barrel race competition. This race is a time event. The members of the round-up club will participate in the Sulphur rodeo and ride in the parade in their regular order. Jimmy Green riding his black horse and carrying the American flag, will lead the parade.

Following will be the bearers of the Oklahoma flag and the round-up club flag, Ben Turbyfill und Leon Hall, on their white horses. The 'round-up club queen, Margaret Carter, dressed in white and riding a white horse, will ride next. She will be followed by her escorts, Phyllis Ward and Jo Ann Godfrey. Other members, in pairs, will follow the lead riders, Visiting in Texas Drilling Is at 3,997 Feet in Test Near City Drilling was continuing at 3,997 at the deep test just east of Madill today. The test, the Anderson-Prtichard No, 1 Beard, ne sw 25-5s-5e, was drilling in shale, with some lime.

Marshall county's second deep test, near Willis, was drilling below 1,800 feet. It is the Pure et al No. 1 Rowland, center se sw 31-7s- 5e. This test is scheduled to go to 11,000 feet. The Texas Co.

No. 1B Chapman, sw sw sw 36-45-4e, was waiting on cement. Casing was set. at 1,406 feet. McLish sand was encountered from 1,154 to 1,350 feet.

This location is near Mannsville, In the school land commission sale Monday, S. E. Cullinan of Tulsa was high bidder on three leases in the southern part of Marshall county, in the vicinity of the Willis test. Mr. Cullinan paid $2,591.60 for 110 acres in 1-2 se and 1-2 se se and nw sw se of 30-6s-5e, and $1, 272,24 for 54 acres in e1-2 sw of 30- 68-5e, and $2,179.06 for 75.40 acres in lots 1 and 2 in section 7-7s-55e.

Raymond Gary Seeking Re-election to Senate Has Operation Tannahill, Blue, undersurgery at the Madill Wednesday morning. was active in organizing the He was later county superintendent, then went to Oklahoma A. and M. College, and was president of Northeast College in Talequah at the time of his death, The organization has grown to a membership of 640, 'as the various classes of graduates were initiated into the group. Rat Buck, charter member has attended all of the meetings with the exception of two, when he was overseas during World War I.

His three children also are now graduates of Kingston high school and members of the Alumni Association, Only 19 members of the alumni group are deceased. It was in 1933 that the first Raymond Gary has authorized The Madill Record to announce that he is a candidate for re-election as state senator in Marshall and Love counties. Mr. Gary's complete platform will be printed in a later issue of this paper. second-generation alumni member came into the orgaization.

Patsy Harvey, daughter of Hattie Bell Hoggard holds this distinction, The Vitatoe family has the largest number of alumni members from one family. Past presidents of the group since 1934 include, Tom Daughtery, Luther Ritchey, Rat Buck, Frank Massey, Leon Lacy, Hugh Hawkins, Lee Roy Ritchey, Holmes Willis, Overton Buck, Frank Landram, Carlice Dennis, Gene Flynt, Cecil Buck, Bob Hawkins, Charlie Easley, Charles Webber Vann and Loyd Reese. Among the out-of-town members present for the banquet this year Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Reese, Denison, Bill Murr, homa City; Francis Roberts Simpson, Oklahoma City; J.

E. Dice, Madill; Harry Thompson, Tulsa; Mr. and Mrs. John Hale, Dallas, Mrs. Charles Whitfill, Leona Rollins, Dallas; C.

D. Hale Fullerton, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Henson, Woodville; Betty Vick, StillwaMcDaniel, Oklahoma City; Oteka LeFlore and Louetta Drain, Sherman; Carolyn McCarston, Oklahoma City, Lena Faye Pershica, Oklahoma City; Mr. and Mrs.

Charley Easley, Atoka; Delilah Clifton, Dallas; Lawrence Haney, Tulsa; Mack Purnell, Shay, Miss Imogene McAdoo, Dallas; Raymond D. Murr, Tampa, Lucile Ashlock, Oklahoma City; Mrs. Buster Smith, Madill; Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hopkins, Oklaleans, Mrs.

Clarence Taylor, Tulsa, Tulsa; Mr. and Mrs. Caton Dennis, Tulsa; Farry H. Moseby, Tulsa; H. T.

Daughtery, Marlow, Jane Minter, Sherman; Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Dillow, Denison; Mr.

and Mrs. Glen Northcutt, Willis; Mrs. Quincy Oliver, Madill Mr. and Mrs. Alger Floyd, Ada; Mrs.

Clayton, Caldor, San Augustine, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Phelps, Tulsa.

Delmas Northcutt, Norman; Mrs. C. W. Vann, Oklahoma City; Mr, and Mrs. Leroy Ritchey, Milburn; Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Hendrix, Tulsa; Mrs. Latrelle French, TulSee RECORD CROWD Page: 2.

The Madill Record from Madill, Oklahoma (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.