The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR GAS FIXTURES AND FIT. ang-Apply to W. P. FuGu, corner of Superior and Senec wruers protuptly attended w.

HOUSE-REEPERS AND PERSONS GUINU TO are ed to call on us, at the corner of Supertor and Seneca street Fou bud 'a very large and well selected stuck AND CROUKERY WARE Every description of GLASS MARE, and a splendid nock os HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES such BRITTANNIA, ALBATA and SILVER PLATED WARE UNO AND TIN CHAMBER SETS, ICE CLAM KNIFE NATAL COOLERS US WILLOW WARE LIKING GLASSES, OUTLINI, JASTORE, LAMPS TEA TRANS dU. -A great variety of Ladies ar. invited Articios, to come many and new and convenient. our Dew Goode, as we take pleasure in EDU they do nos purchase. W.

P. roga. Goods delivered to any part of the city, ULU. W. IONABLE HATTER, 188 Superior Surtel, HAT MANUFACTURY-BET.

TELEY is now Manufacturiox the Spriux Styles, at 133 Supe. ror Street. she extraontinary and demand for taat invalus pie preparation, WRIGHTS PREMIUM KATHARION, bad Induced! envious jatu oft ouer arucius sundar to pace and appearanct, bus absolutely worthless, which has 8 tendency to injure the reputatiot of the geuwne articio, pui. chases abouid be particular to ack for Wright's Premium Ka sharion, and they tus; rely cu riceiving an article uncyualleu tor lie blatuca for restoring a decay ed bead of hair, for a cool, retesting and deighuu! appinatiou during the hot weather, re moving all disagreeable sensations of and headaycha, ked for the toilet 1: haz never had an equal tor its pleusant and delightful fragrauce. Its thousands of testimoniaLs are a sufficient guarantee for its campletely restoring a decayed head of hair; for removing ali for proventing Its falling of, whether from sickness Or discase and for entirely dispensing with the neccasity of hAIr dyes, as it excites the secretion, producing a supply o.

satural plywent or coloring mauser, givin, the heir a dart, 119 Doody appearance, with a luxuriant Per tale by evory in the city, and by throughout the United States. A liberal discours to dealer. Erica So comma per bottle. PETER T. WRIGHT CO.

til Market street, I GAYLORD Wonleme Cleveland. Ohio CANNOT BE when the people of any country bear in 1885 ticued, in the case of Dr. J. HOSTETTER'S Stomach bitters. Not only have we the individual evidence of the land, but every paper in the Union la commenting upon the great most to to derived from she use of these celebrated Bitters, various Diplomas awarded them, among which is one besides toe Oblo Mechanic' Instate, at their Thirteenth Anauzi Exhibition, at Cincinnad, where the Committee was chlety of Physicians the city.

These are all weighty it in facto at bat cannot balp but convince the inout credulous that 1 wortby of trial. For Dyspepsia in any form these Bitter: a certain cure when used as per directiona on bottle. art For sale by WM. FISK and GAYLORD 00., Agents Oleveland, Ohio. Jan98 A CARD TO THE DUPONCO'S GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS are infallible in stoppages or irregularities of the menses.

These Pills removing ure nothing new, but nave been used by the Doctor for many in France and America, with unparalleled success IL TEars, beib and he is urged by many ladies who have aged these Pills public for the alleviation of those aur very case, them, to make from any irregularities whatever, as well as a preventa those Ladies whose heaith will not permit an increase 01 rive to itamily. Pregnant females, or those supposing themselves to be co, are cautioned against using these l'ulls, as the proprietor as fames no responsibility after the above admonition, altnough tueir muduces would preveut any injury to health; otherwue these Pills are recommended. Directions accompany each box. Price gl. Sold wholesale and retall by O.

E. HUNTINGTON, Druggist, 93 Superior Cleveland EDWARD KINGSLEY. 87 Ontario st, Cleveland; and BEN. BROTHERS, Detroir West Side, Cleveland. All orders must be addressed to the above agenta.

They will the trade as proprietor's prices; also send the Pulls to ladies (Co aidentially and free from observation) by mail, on reof la rough the Post Otlice at Cleveland, Ohio. N. alguature J. Duponco on each box; LO othar genno. for particulars get circular of the Ageute.

J. DUPONCU, Proprietor, Broadway Post Office, New York. GENERAL KAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT TICKET CAL oblalu Through Tickets trow Cleveland via every route to New York Philadelptra, Baltwork, Pittsburgh, Car ton, Maril. Boston, don, Wooster, Zauesville, Nawark, Shelby, Davwu, Indianapolis, Peru, Terre liaute, Mina nuts, Evansville, Lowaville, Ky, Jettersouville, At. LouisVicksburgh, Natchez, New Orleaus, Galeus, Book leland, Dusuke, Burlingion, Galesburg, Quincy, St.

Paul, Milwaukee and all ports on Lake Michigan. Also to Budale, Niagara Falls, burgh, Montreal, Rutland, Burliugwu, Bellows Falla, Mont. pieler, Lowell, Li Coucurd, Keene, White River Juuction, Littletoz end White Mountain, Saratoga Springs, Worcester, Brattleb: ro', Albany, Troy, and all stations on Northern, South ern, Eastern and Western K. R. Routes.

Tickets good for days. Privilege of stopping at any point 010 line of Road. Office hours from 6 in the morning 09 in the evening. D. HORTON, General Ticket Arent, Office at Weddell House.

OMNIBUS LINE WI call for Passengers in any part cal the city by leaving orders at this orice. bis 6md (leveland. June 10th. 1866. TRAVELLERS' .7:15 A.

M. 2:40 P.M. 1:00 P. M. DEPARTURES.

L. SLure Train, .8:20 3:20 45 9:30 9:00 .7:45 via 6:10 2 :00 50 9:16 'Toledo a .9.05 .7:00 3:80 6:90 Buffalo Conneaul 9:00 Detroit 9:00 ARRIVALS. 7:35 A.M. 2:40 P. M.

9:00 6:20 P. M. Shore Train, east, 2:80 9:80 Pitnburzh I'r 9:00 Toledo Toledo vi. Norw 2:20 8:45 via Sandusky. 7:25 9:15 10:00 8:80 Buttalo Train .6:0 .9:25 Detroit .5:00 Citizens wish.log conveyance to ether of the above or boats wil be called for by the Coaches of evens' Onulbus Line, by leaving Lext their door to address Wendell at the House.

Omnibus Office, 20 61 Sncerior atre Sept 101 HAIR MAKES NO ce how ay or red, or rusty the hair or whlasers may be, nor how much they way have been luJured by bad d3 PA, BATCHELORS HAIR DYE will make them a beau'lful aad Nively black or brown the least injury and will never fade or turn rusty. Warranted. Made and sold, or applied ce private at Bachelor's Wig Factory, 283 Broadnay, New York. None genuine except Wm. A.

Batchelor 1s on the label. The get ulne le sold in Cleveland by Wm. Flake. Superior Streer, a Beware of an IMITATION called Batchelor's Hair Dye," of Utica, N. and hawked around by Tuttle Moses of Auburn Names of dealers who sell it now bel.

obtained and will shortly be published. sep2-dim FOLEVELAND TOLEDO K. K. WESTERN FREIGHT AND GENERAL OFFICE, No. 61 Superior Street, next door to the Feidell House.

Passengers can procure THROUGH TICKETS BY ALL THE RAIL ROAD STEAMBOAT ROUTES, to the principal cities in the West, South and East. Also COD tracts given for WESTERN FREIGHT. umce Hours, A. M. to 9 P.

M. cd? L. D. ROCKER, Gen. A Ag't.


of New York, Author of the Invalid's Guide," Consum ptives Manual," -) and JOHN W. SYKEs, A. M. M. D.

bare Opered an a floe at 45-, MAIN STREET, BUFFALO, N. where they may hereafter consulted all affections of the throat acd cheat, also for Dyspepsia and Fe ale Complaints, and for all other diseases connected with or predisposing to Consumption, 10 the treatment of which their success la too well known to ro quire comment. The combination of local with general measures, of al and Sthenotrophic Inhalations wi constitution 1 and chanical remedies, added to the Judicial use of water, frictions. proper diet, exercise, must evideutly ent ct far more than can be hoped from any one of u.ese angly; and will afford relief in all cases where disease is not beyond (be reach o) unedicine. Consultation personally or by letter free.

board either In the aty or at Niagara an hour's ride disPadents visiting and desiring to remain, near us, CAD obtain ant. Dr. C. M. FITCH wishes it d'atinctly understood that he has no longer any business counec ion whatever with his late 8.850- late Dr.

S. $. Fitch, whose course during my a' seace in Eu. ope as lucot eisten: I ens and poaltitlou as are cer ain 0 aterueuts respecting self in Dis publis ad during my absence and since my return, incoLsistene with he tact that eluce our separation I have received from him two written propositions to take th entire charge of his practice: yet I do Los wish the pub ic to Judge too 1 aralily a relative of la years, whew I belleve to be must unfortunately under the o' others. Communications may bo addreased to Da.

J. W. STEm or CALVIN M. FITCH, 609d89 1md Main Street. Butfalo, N.

Y. NOTICE. Any person who will wond copies of the Dally Piain Deala the following dates will be entitled to the Dally one year: July 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28, 81. August 5, 12. Leptember 2, 9, 18, 16, 2, 28.

October 7, 13, 21, 25, 28. November 4, 11, 18, 22, 25. December 2, 25. tr W.GRAY. ONE MONAIES- THOUSAND to be sold at reduc PATTERNS pries at of PORTau14 ALBERTSON'S, on the corner.


Do Do CHENILLE: LEATHER' 1 LAT Facts and Fancies. FRIDAY SEPT. 12, 1856. SUICIDE. -On the afternoon of Tuesday a woman, apparently about 22 years of age, committed suicide by taking strychnine.

The first known in this city of the deceased was on Saturday last, when she arrived in a carriage, alone, at the house ef Mr. William She stated her name to be Cook, and that she had a cousin at the Biddle House, who was a cotton-dealer in the South. hi A young man called upon her once, and bad short interview with her. She was 'in health, and employed a physician, who visited her until Tuesday morning. On that morning she professed herself as nearly well, and obtained permission te eat an ice cream.

This abe ate about noon. An hour or two after, the family were attracted by a noise to her room, where they found her in spasms. A physician was immediately summoned, to whom she acknowledged that she bad taken strychnine, stating the quantity to be "a shilling's worth," and that she procured it in Cleveland. A paper marked "strychnine, poison," was afterwards found in her apartment. She died at about 4 o'clock the same afternoon, and was buried yesterday.

Previous to her death, a messenger seut to the Biddle House for the cousin mentioned by her, but no such person bad beep at the hotal. She had a large quantity of clothing, but only about a dollar in money. She bad in her trunk large number of letters, papers, from which something of her previous history is gleaned. From her marriage certificate we learn her maiden name to have been Ann Eliza Dickerson, and that she was married in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, on the loth of July, 1858, to Wm. W.

Pingree. On the 7th of April ensuing she separated from her husband and went to Indianapolis where she carried on the dress-making business. Proceedings bad evidently- been commenced at Cleveland, by one of them for a divorce; and by letters from her lawyers, it appears that her husband suspected her of intidelity. She had ser. eral kindly written letters from her husband, and several signed with initials, and some not signed, written in rather an amatory style.

The following letters, in sealed envelopes, were found in her room. They were all wri ten on the same kind of paper, but were without date: "TO THE CLEVELAND P'LAINDEALER -Three years ago I was married to W. W. Pingree, and lived with him till the 7th of April, when I left him and all that pertained to him and went to Indianapolis, where I bad a dress-making shop and a was doing well till he found out I was there, and then left and came back to ettend to my trial, there bag been things bappen in this time that causes me to take my own life. The eyes of the world may be down on me, but I bare a cause for all this.

A. PINGREE." "DEAR BROTHER-I shall send my clothes to mother, and her and Louisa can have them. My health is very poor, and I can't live long and this world is a bore to me present, and I will leave all to her and Louisa. 'Good bye. A.

PINGREE." "DOCK- -Can you fix things all right to-night? I will tell them at the house I have gone to Wellington, but I will hare to stay in your room till ten in the morning. Send me word. A. PINGEER." In another letter, directed to "Miss Brooks," she desires her clothes sent to her mother Pittsfield, Hillsdale county, Mich. She adds: wish to be buried in Wellington by the side of my baby." An inquest was held upon her body by Justice Lane, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts.

The Justice retains possession of her Free Press. COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE. -The follow. is the list of the County Central Committee appointed at the Democratic Convention: WARD MEMBERS. First Ward, J.

J. Farwell; Second, S. S. Lyon; Third, John S. Stephenson; Fourth, Dr.

T. G. Cleveland; Fiftb, H. H. Dodge; Sixth, R.

Gray Serenth, D. F. McLeod; Fighth, John Sweeney; Ninth. P. Rhodes; Tenth, Edgar Masters; Eleventh, Wm.

Brinker. TOWNSHIP MEMBERS. Dover Township, T. G. Cousins; Olmsted, Jas.

Strong; Rockford, James Stranahan; Middle. burgh, G. M. Barber; Strongsrille, Dr. I.

I. W. Leonard; Brooklyn, A. W. Turner; Parmo, Cyrus Ingersoll; Royalton, A.

P. Knowlton: Newburgh, Richard Radway; Independence, William Green: Euclid, Joseph Tilton; Warrensrille, Gwen Murray; Bedford, W. B. Ilillman; Marfield, Lemuel Southwick Orange, Thompson Willet; Solon, Charles R. Smith; Chagrin Falls.

HI. L. Russell; East Cleveland, Darius Adams; Breck3ville, Daniel Foster. The Committee at its first meeting organised by choosing as its Chairman DANIEL P. RHodes; Secretary, JOHN S.

STEPHENSON; Treasurer, S. S. LYON. The duties of this Committee are wellknown. A member of the Committee residing in each Townsbip and Ward of the county, is the medium through which primary meetings are called, expenses of the canvass incurred and documents distributed.

Communications should be directed to the Secretary, and will be promptly answered. MEETING OF THE CITIZENS. -On Thursday evening there was a meeting of citizens of Cleveland, at the Court House, to make arrangements for the accommodation of people from abroad in' attendance upon the State Fair. His Honor, Mayor Castle, was chosen chairman, and H. S.

Sterens, Clerk. The following gentlemen were chosen a Committee of Arrangements, to procure boarding houses, for the accommodation of risitors after the Hotels shall be full -Messra. John Blair, Dudley Baldwin, R. R. Herrick, W.

T. Smith, John G. Stockley, Homer Strong, Belden Sey. mour and E. A.

Brock. Remarks were made by the Mayor, B. Steadman, A. P. Winslow, John Blair, and Dr.

Sprague, Sec. of the State Board of Agriculture. On motion of A. Stone, roted that the doings of this meeting be published in all the papers of this city. W.


HICKORY RAISING IN INDEPENDENCE. -The Democrats of that town bave invited the Democracy of the county to join them in a Hickory Raisas can be found anywhere, and claim their town ing to They are a plucky set of fellows AS the banner one of the county. They bare made ample arrangements to accommodate all who go. The Canal Packet Ware," Capt. N.

H. NEWCOMB, leaves at 101-2 o'clock to taking passengers at the Canal Basin. This boat is now a regular passenger -boat running between C'lereland and Peninsula, and will do so till after the State Fair. It will return in the afternoon. All aboard who are going.

A good entertaintuent for the hungry visitors has been provided by the pitable people of Independence, and able speakers will be present to address the crowd. A good time will be enjoyed by all who go. THE CONCERT. -The PINE and Harrison Opera Troupe gives its first Concert in this city at the Melodeon to-night. The reputation of the Company is as wide 89 the country.

It will doubtless be the musical festival of the season. The selections of music are those in which the most celebrated rocaliats hare excelled, and in these Miss LOUISA PYNE is unquestionably equal to the most meritorious of the singers. Those who attend to-night may be sure of one of the most rare and excellent musical treats which have ever been offered to Clerelanders. BENTAN ON CANVAS. -It is now two hun dred years since BENTAN, shut up in Bedford jail, wrote the beautiful allegory of the "Pilgrim's Progress," which has furnished so many subjects for the poets and painters.

A panorama executed by Artists of distinguished abilities in New York and Philadelpbia, has been exhibiting for several years in the largest cities in the United States, and bes received marks of approbation from the press everywhere. It will exhibited at CHAPIN'S Hall on Monday evening. about five o'clock in the afternoon, a fire was discovered in the depot of charcoal in WOOLSON, HITCHco*ck Stove Foundry. It was extinguished by the prompt efforts of the firemen who were on band in a very few minutes after its discovery. The old buildings though, for the hundredth time exposed both from within and without, promise to last till the world burns up, if not pulled down BEY.

NEW MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. -The Misses DEAN, successors to Mrs. NASH and Miss BRAGG, No. 10 and 11, Nortbrup's Block, have just returned froin New York with all the latest sty les of' bonnets, head dresses, collars, ribbons, flowers, and other fancy fixings which go to make up fashionable establishment, and are ready to wait on customers from city or country and on the abortest notice. Their stock is extensive and Ape.

It will be exhibited for nothing and sold to suit the times. Call, every body, but not all at once. See adrertisem*nt. FINE DISPLAY. -JOHN STOREY, on one of the most enterprising of our Merchant Tailors, has received a very superior lot of new fall goods, which are attracting considerable attention.

He is abead of all competitors in the taste and style of his goods, and the "fita" he givos customers. -The Female Seminary on Kinsman street has opened its Fall Term with 8 larger number of boarders and day pupils than ever before. The institution is justly popular, and accessions every week. Over fifty boarders are already enrolled, and its classes number over a hundred pupils. We very much doubt whether it will be able to accommodate all who apply after the first of October.

COLUMBIANA COUNTY -It will be remembared that that the County Fair in Columbiana comes off at New Lisbon on the 9th, 10th and 11th days of October. The access to the Ground by the people of this vicinity by the Pittsburgh and Ohio Pennsylvania Railroads is easy, and the Fair will be one of the best of the kind. SIXTH -The unterrified Democrats of the Sixth Ward have made arrangements for a Hickory Raising on Wednesday next. They have procured a fine tree and will have a good old fashioned gloritication on its with a splendid new flag to wave at its top. The Committee appointed to arrange accommodations for visitors to the State Fair meet to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock at the Omnibus Office.

PROPELLER NEW -A propeller with this name has just been completed by Messrs. Bidwell, Bauta of this city, for. D. Caldwell, of Dunkirk, who will place her in the New York and Erie Railroad's Dunkirk and Toledo line. The Messrs.

B. Co. built her contract to deliver her complete for sea in every department, and have so executed the contract as to maintain their high reputation as ship architects and builders. Iler bull was modelled by Mr. Banta, and is as well calculated for speed and sea-worthiness as 132 feet over there 32 ft beam; 11 ft 1 inch hold; any propeller ever launched.

It measures and has a carrying ability about 665 tons. The planking and timbers of the frame are very heavy; an abundance of iron bas been used, and more than the usual number of knees. She is double plank-sheared, and her arches are very strong and well braced. Around the ceiling under the upper deck, the bulwarks are left open no as to completely ventilate the main deck; a great desideratum in the transportation of atock. Her cabins and salnon are very judiciously arranged; there are five first class staterooms, and a fine dining ball, kitchen, drover's state room, deck bands and firemens' rooms, and a steerage cabin, large and airy, with forty -three births.

All these are arranged in the most appropriate, convenient and comfortable manner. The state-rooms, saloon and captain's room are really elegantly furnished. She has tiro low -pressure engines with oscillating cylinders, 30 inches diameter, and 30 stroke. H. O.

Perry's patent valve is attached. The boiler is 9 1-2 ft abell-19 ft and rated at 50 lbs steam. The fire and boiler room is entirely lined with sheet zinc, spacious and easily accessible in every part. the rudder post is attached a patent steering apparatus, the name of which we did not learn, but understand there is only one other of the kind on the lakes, and that on the Western Metropolis. Brown's capstan, an English patent, bas been adopted by this propeller.

It is manufactured by Terry Taylor, New York, and its advantages consists in its immense strength, ease of handling, and its capability of being used 83 a a windlass to weigh anchor. The details of finishing, fitting up, bave been under the Ruperintendence of Capt. Ludlow, who 19 to sail ber, and are highly creditable to his taste. In short, the New York is a model propeller in every respect, and is to be run by a captain, fully capable and efficient. without using Quinine.

Arsenic, Mecury, Opium, or any poisonG FEVER AND I AGUE CURED Outs druga, or dangerous compounds, generally resorted to by suderers this long a awn, most atticting and annoying of all diseases, by resorting to Carter's Mixture, which contains mone of the above deleterlous substances, but cures et. fectually and fully by acting specidcally on the Liver and Skin, Purifying the blood, and expelling the remains of old medicines with which the system has been clogged, opening the port8 of the body, and allowing nature to astist itself in breaking up the disea and recuperating its energles. See the cure of Mr John Lorgdon, of he had Axed and chronic Ague and Fever; chills twice a day for three years.Nothing permanently cured him until be tried Carter's Spaniab 3 bottles of which perfecly restored him to health: nor bas he bad a chill since. He is only one out of a thousand who has experienced the the lite renewing effects of this valua ble purider the blood. sep4 1m dew GREAT CURE OF DYSPEPSIA.

G. G. MERSIION, Merchant, says: Simpsonville, Shelby county, March 30, 1855. "The German Bittere give general satisfaction, and I here with hard you the certifcate or Mr. Morton Bersley, a reapec table farmer of this county.

Simpsonville, Ky-, March 80, Dear Sir: would 1p form you that I have been for ecveral years with Dys pepsia, in a very agravated form, for which I used Sarsaparilla and various other remedies, without obtaining any relief.From the various testimonials In favor of German Bittera, I was Induced to try them, and I now state with pleas ure. that through their use I am enjoying better health than I have done for years past, and cheerfully recommend the Bit tere to aii adleted with that terrible disease. To Dr. O. M.

Jackson. Respectfully, yours, See advertisem*nt. MORTON BERKLEY. NEW HAT 25 SCPERIOR STREET. COLLINS will introduce the FALL STYLES for Gentlemen's late for 1856, 07 Saturday.

August 30th. In selecting our Styles for this Fall, we have been very DAT ticular to sundy the wants of a scrutin' zing pu' lic, and It 18 sufficient to say that they far surpass any previous Style Fe lutr duced. S. 8023 No. 25 Superior st.


101) 45 STEARINE CANDLES. On hand and for pale by Aug. 23. W. J.

GORDON CO. BISHOP'S French LAW Mitte, long SILK and AND LINEN Jy11 TAYLOR. GRISWOLD CO. DIE LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL assortment of LADIES' HATS in this city, are now opening at sepo NO. 160 SUPERIOR STEET.


HOSIERY, GLOVES, are now opening at the Cheap Millinery and Dry Goods Store, NO. 160 SUPERIOR STREET. THE HOSIERY LARGEST GLOVES AND in this CHEAPEST city, Stock are now open. ing at the Cheap Millinery and Dry Goods Store, RepO NO. 160 SUPERIOR STREET.

THAT SUITS THE NEW beaut'ful AND FANCY GOODS: at low pricea, can be found at the Cheap Millinery and Dry Gooda Store, ber 5 NO. 160 SUPERIOR STREET. TATS, ARE PREPARED to offer to our customers Leary Genin'e, and Beboe's Fall Styles of Hats, together with a of our own maufacture PADDOCK BUITS, TOTICE TO COOPERS. -THREE GOOD Coopers con bave constant good ateady work at maklog Tight Hogsheads, Wulakey Barrels, Pork Barrels, Loose Bar. rels and Firking.

N. Proprietor offers a good chance for any steady Cooper to tocome a partoer in the above business, with a amail capital to gin with, 'EDWARD OWEN, au23 d82 9td Lima. Allen County. Ohio. 300.

July ToNS 30. b2 PIG IRON RUSSELL FOR GREEN. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS RESPEC. at establishment known heretofore this day disposed don of his business do Breyer and TFULLY to inform bis old friends and customers that be IVES' CLEVELAND BREWERY, to H. G.

LUCAS and FRANCIS ROWE and in returning many thauks to his numerous friends and supporters for de the patronage no liberally accorded to hum, solicits a continuance of it to the new firm. Ulereland, 0 July 22d, 1859. S. C. IVES.

H. in G. succeeding LUCAS Mr. 8. C.

AFD IV Es in the FRANCIS above business, ROWE, under the style and firm of H. G. LUCAS take this opportunity of soliciting a continuance of the kind patronage and support so very extended to their pre dece Orders and communications to H. LUCAS Cleveland Brewery," Canal Street, Cleveland, Ohio. will be promptly attended to.

CASA PAID FOR BARLEY. 1v81 d6 Dr. Wm. R. Hayden's Improved Fam ily Pills.

Boston, Nor. 25th, 1 1818. Dr. Wm. R.

Harden: Dear Allow me to thank you for the great bene it I have received from the Lise of your most valuable Improved PI'la, a which were Arst recommended to me by my friend Mr. Trenbolm, who Is entbuslastic la their praise. If my hearty recommendation is of any service to you, It La cheerfully atria. Respectfally Yours, mall 4. SPECIAL NOTICES.

THE CITY SUPERINTENDENT OF INSTRUCTION may be found at his office in the Central II gh School Bul'ding, from 4 to 5 on each School Day of the ween, and from 8 to 10 Saturdars; sep9 e20 2wd THE GREAT ENGLISH SIR JAMES CLARKESCELEBRATED FEMALE BY ROYAL LETTERS -Prepared from a Prescription of SIR JAMES OLARKE, M. Physt cian Extraordinary to the Queen. This Invaluable Medicine la unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous disease to the female constitution. It moderates all excesses, removes all obstructions, and brings on the monthly perled with regularity. These Pills should be used two or three weeks previous to confinement; they fortify the constitution, and lessen the suffering during labor, enabling the mother to perform her duties with safety to berself and child.

These Pills should not be taken by females during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pain in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion Pal. pitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirita, Hysterics, Sick Head. ache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disor. dered system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other mean.

bave failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any other minreal. Full directions accompanying each package. Price in the United States and Canada One Dollar. Sole Agents for the United States, L. O.

BALDWIN Rochester, N. T. GAYLORD CO. Wholasale and Retail Agents, Cleveland and by one Druggist in every Town In the United States. N.

$1 00 and 8ix Postage Starups enclosed to either of the Ganeral Agents will ensure a hottie of the Pilla by return mall. w1 van ASTONISHING CURE WITH ONLY ONE B. Hall Co. Bays PRESQUE IALE, A ROOSTOOK April 94th, 1854. We herewith send you A certificate of a cure performed by the use of only one bottle of the German Bitters: we think Mr.

Clark to be a man of veradty, and have no doubt of the truth ol his story." Messra. Joe. B. Hall In answer to your Inquiries, I will state that my daughter, aged about years, has been complaining of a pain In her alde for 6 or 7 years, and abont the Arst January last, was taken down and conned to her bed. The pain to her side vury severe, besides being troubled with palis between her shoulders and in her breast.

From reading a number of cures performed by Hoodaod's German I was induced to try it in ber case, and sent to your store and purchased ONE BOTTLE. She had taken it but a few days when she began to improve, and now, after taking ONLY ONE BOTTLE she la enjoying better health than she has for years. She feels no pain in ber side or In any part of her body and attributes her cure entirely to the German Bitters. Salmon Brock, Aroostook Me. WA.

CLARK. See Advertisem*nt, sep3 1m CHANGE OF Malls will arrive and leave as follows: ECIK, BUFFALO, NEW YORK, Sc. Due (through) 7 A. M. and By, r.

M. aud (way) F. M. Cluecs 7 A. M.

and P. M. BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, BALLADELPATA, Due (through) 3 P. and (way) 10 P. M.

Closes (through) and (way) P. K. AKRON AND M. Closes at A. M.

Due 9 A. M. COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, tC. Due (through) 8 A. M.

and 3 P. and (way) F. M. Closes (through) 6 A. M.

P. M. and (way) 1 P. M. WHEELING, Due P.

M. and Closes at P.M. CHICAGO. Due 3 P. Y.

Closes F. M. Due 6 A. M. Cloaca P.

x. TOLEDO. Due (through) 9 P. M. and 7 A.


M. BANDUBKI AND ELYRIA WAT. Due (way) A. M. and Closes (way) 2 P.


A. M. BT. LOUT. Due 8 P.

M. Closes 6 A. INDIAN A POLIS. Due (way) and (through) P. M.

Closes (WAY) 6 A. M. and (through) r. M. CANADA, PORTS STANLEY AND BUBWELL.

Arrives Mondays and Thursdays A. M. Departs same Evenings. J. W.

GRAY, M. Cleveland, May 5th. 1858. DALLEY MAGICAL PAIN never baa been a discovery made in Materia Medica, whereby pain can be so quickly allayed, and where parto in a high state of infammation can be so rapidly reduced to their natuaal state, nor where wounds and sores can be so thorought and rapidly bealed. aud decayed parts restore 1 without eith scar or de ect, than with DALLEY'S MAGI- United States.

Jun21 b89 ECONOMY IS WEALTH. have article. just in the roceived way of a a large assortment of PATENT ENAMELED COLLAR. Gents will do well to call upon us before purchasing the linen in point of fur persons who patronize laundries, It is a eat saving to wear the PATENT COLLAR, a they can be purchased new at about the cost of washing the or. dinary linen Collar.

Price each, cents or 5 shillings per dozen: liberal discount made to the trade. Sold only at DAVIS' OAK HALL my8 Cor. Superior Water sale USLIN br CURTAINS Imported LAUSMANY. and for CAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. In Cuts Wounds Sprains and Bruises casualtias to which children are subject-the action of the genuine DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRACTOR, is ever the same How much Pain and suffering may not thus be prevented Moreover, Tifo itaolf la upon hewing al nana tae Genuine DALLEY'S and for particulars of which I res pectfully refer to my printed pamphlet, for the truth of which I bold myself responable.

No case of Burns and Scalds, no matter how severe, bas ever yet, in any one instance, realsted the all powerful, pain-subdu. ing and healing qualitles of the DALLEY'S PAIN EXTRAO. TOR. NO PAIN EXTRACTOR IS GENTINE unless the box has upon It a Stel Plate Engraved Label with the aignatures of C. V.

CLICKENER proprietors, aud HEART DALLEY manufacturer. Price 25 centa per box. All orders should be addressed to C. V. CLICKENER 76 Barclay, 222 Greenwich Street, New York.

Sold in Cleveland by GAYLORD W. FISKE, and DRUGGIST throu bout the United States, au9-3m DR. DE LA BARCA'S BRATED An infallible safe and speedy cure for the Fever and Ague, Rhillous Fever, Chagres Fever, Dumb Ague and all pebule diseases produced by miarmatic Influences. Warrauted free from Quinine or Mercury, an to cure Fever and Ague In from one to three weeks. Sold by W.

FISKE, 23 Superior Street, and BENTON BROTHERS Wholesale Agents, 30 and 82 Detroit Strect Wes' Side, Cleveland, 0, ly I IMPORTANT TO FEMALES.DR. CHEESEMAN'S The combination of Ingrediente In these Pills are the result of a long and crtensve practice, They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities, painful menstruation, removing all obatructiona whether from cold or otherwise, head -ache, pain in the side, pal. pitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which always arise from Interruptions of nature. They can be successfully used as 8 preventive. Explicit directions, which anould be read, accom.

pany each box. Price $1. Sent by mall by inclosing tc WM. FISKE, No. 11 Superior Street, Cleveland, 0., Wholesale and ilstall Agent.

FOR: J. HEDGES' FEVER AND AGUE ANNIHILATOR is warranted to cure Fever and Ague, Chilla and Fever, Dumb Ague, or any form of Intermit tent and Remittent Fevers, If taken strictly according to the directiona, OR THE MONEY REFUNDED. It has been but two years since the Medicine was introduced to the notice of the public, during that perled it haa found ite way to the houses of thousands of famtlles amicted with thie distressing and debilitating disease, and in no instance has it failed to effect a perfect and permanent cure, where the direct ions have been strictly followed. The Proprietor has used thie remedy In his own private practice for several years, and observing the flattering success which attended his treatment from the use of it, he has been induced to give it a more extended circulation. It needs no encomium-no long array of testimony to herald its effcacy; Its merit lies within itself, and to the in.

valids it will prove of more value than an octavo volume of ertificates. The following are the properties which the Annihilator claims to poses. will cure the worst case of Chill and Fever, even of years standing, wilhin twenty -four hours, and by following the directions eradicate the disease entirely from the system. is entirelyfree from all metalic poisons, sute Arsenic and Mercury, but is compounded from extracts purely vegetable, and being mild in its composition and gentle in its nature, it adapts Itself to all ages, sexes and constitutions; it can be given with as much safety to the Infant as to the adult, and can be taken in all kinds of weather with the most perfect egfety. Hence its adaption to that class of persons who are more or less exposed to the vicissitudes of the weather.

No bad effecta will ever result from the use of it, and is as much adapted to the enfeebled system aud debilitated frame, as pour. ishing food to the healthy and vigorous stomach. is a great purifier of the blood, acting upon the deranged functions of the stomach, liver and digestive system; it removes unhealthy and vitlated bile, pal retcores to thece or gans a more active and vigorous secrecretion, therefore render. ing the blood more pure and healthy. le a certain preventive, and every fam lives in a Fever and Ague country, or persons travelling West or South, abould provide themse'ves with this Medicine, and by taking an occasional dose no fears need be entertained of an attack, is a grest restorer of the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the enteebled stOrE and digestive organs, reliev.

ing Dyspeasia, Nausea, Heart burn, Add Stomach, Flatulency, and all the morbid train of symtoms which attend indigestion. will keep in any climate for any length of time without injuring its medicinal properties; and whepeyer and wherever used accorging to the aireetions, It will never fall to accomplish Its purpose; and the strongest confidence in Ite medicinal virtues, it is recommended to all who are suffering with this a dection. Hundreds of testimonials might be ad. duced in favor of its efficacy. Prepared only by the Proprietor at Stanhope, N.

and none genuine without his written For sale In Cleveland by Wm. FISH ILLIAMS BUFFET, ADd JOSEPH ROSS Co. BOKER INNES, Agents for Chicago. T. J.

HINCHMAN, Detroit. And by Merchants Druggists generally throuzhout the COMMERCIAL AND MARINE. BOARD OF TRADE. J. L.




1856. 00; common extra $6 25; best extra $6 75. Sale of 190 bbls choice Ohlo extra at $6 75. Wheat- Med. $1 25; white 01 47.

Sale of 10 0 bush med. at $1 24; 2 car loads do and 1500 do at $1 95; 7 car loads Inciana mixed at 1 35 300 bush mixed $1 80; 1000 bush choice la bags, from store. at $1 which may be coneldered an extreme gure, Corn-500 bush from boat, sold for 49. High winesfrom car. Rye- 60c.

Barley- -41 25 for good. 60 600. Hams- 2c018c. Butter-Firkia Western Rearra. Uheese Eggs Sales at Water 88.

Pig per ton. CoAL Cargo rates Sterling 01 00; Brier 00: Tallmadge 25 Obippewa $3 25; New.Castle $2 0003 00: Salineville $3 00. At retail, Lehigh 00; Lackawanna 08 00. CoFfeE--Rye, Cape, Laguayra, Java, Mocha, CandlEs--Tallow, Star, Stearine, 17c; Sperm, -New Orleane, SUGAR Muscavado, N. Coffee Sugar, 18c; Coffee Sugar, Coffee Sugar, 12c.

Crushed 14c; Granulated, 14c; Powdered, 14c SPICE Pimento, 16c Nutmeg, Pepper, 18c Ginger, TOBA000-Cavendish, Imperial, TRAS-Gunpowder, Black, per 1 Young 65c Saor $2.95. $1,10. Lard 00 1 bale Sperm HALT-14b Backe 18c: 7ib do 10c; $1 60 to 01 70 bbl. DRIED 59 and scarce. FLATHER-Live Geese, 45c.

NeW York Market. Lea an NEW YORK, Sept 12. 6 for common to good stare $6 0 tor 0 extra do 3uG FLOUR- Without change. Sa'es 5000 buls at. 80 1066 40 40 cominon sup rine to good extra western.

WHEAT In brisk export demand, market excited, and prices centa bigher. Sales 75.000 bush at $1 6001 60 for red western; 81 70 for white do $1 7101 78 white cana dian. RYECORN- -Firm. Sales 40,0010 bush mixed western OATS--Dull as PORK -Steady. Salies 500 bbls at $19 $20 for mess; for prime.

MARINE RECORD. ENTERED 11th. 12th. Prop Mireral Rock. Frazin.

Saut, 319 tons iron ore. Sch Gen Ilouston, Drew. Detroit. Sch Delight, Foster, 'Toledo, 22 Pg3 mndse' 75 bbls water lite. Steamer Oct an.

Blodg Detroit. Steamer Southern Michigan, Goldsmith, Buffalo. CLEARED. Sch Gen Houston. DieT.

Detroit. 200 tor 8 coal, Sch A Frettrick, Field, Monrue, 100 to. 6 Iron, MS ('0. ch Mary Williams, Ellers, Pt Huron. Scow Oor-e'la, Mani Marquette, 150 pga mdse, 100 b.Ick 60 tons hav, Gord Prop Manhatan, Spa'ding.

Superior. Prop real Rock. Fraz Ontanagon. Str Southe Michigan, Goldsmith, Buffalo. St- Orean.

Blotget Detroit. Sch Hibbard, Har man, Detroit. THE MARSEILLES. WE do referred not to three mean beautiful the song, but we have SUMMER COATS by ahove that name. A few more left tha' can be bought at a trifle cost.

DAVIS, OAK HALL Cor. Superior Water atrest. LADIES' HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY wou'd announce that Mra. Barnes, Mrs P'. nd.

Mra. Rogers r3 Marble are appointed to solicit for the RAGGED HOOL for he ent year. Node others are authorized the society to collat donatious. 23 P. CHAMBERLIN, J.

R. (BAW FORD, A. J. BREED. L155 6.

CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, PORK GRAIN, Fire Proof Brick Building, corner of Merwin and Divisien tho Da luge, CLEY ELAND, CHIO. Northern Transportation the Line, Northern Transportation Company's Line, Between Boston and New York, and Cleveland. Property fo warded with dispatch to and from New York, Boston, aid all points in New England, via Oswego and 0g. densburgh. 1856.

NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION COM'Y. Company having 14 First Class' Steam Propellers, Will, du in the present season, run a DAILY LINE BETWEEN OSWE. GO, CLEVELAND TOLEDO DETROIT! And a Semi- Weekly Line between Ogdensburgh 0g. wego, and Chicago and Milwaukee connecting at Ogdens burgh with the Ogdensburgh and Vermont Central Rail Roads, between Ogdeusburgh Boston; And at Oswugo with the new Oswego Line of 85 Arst class Canal Boats Between Oswego and New York. BEING THE CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE Between New York and Boston and the West.

(Two additional Propellers will be built and placed in the line about August ist) TIME- Between Boston and Lake Erie and Between to 10 dare. do Boston and Lake to 15 days. Between York Lake to 15 daye. do Between New York and Lake Michi. 15 to 18 days.

APPLY TO OTIS KIMBALL, Agent V. C. H. R. 108 State Boston.

J. MYERS, Agent N. T. Co. 197 Broadway, up stairs.


A. GODARD, Toledo, 0.: CRAWFORD 00., Ogdensburgh, N. GEORGE WILEY, Agent, Detrolt, MATHER Chicago, N. -This Line offers great facilities for transporting Mar. ble from the Vermont quarries, and Nails and Iron front Lake Champlain via Ogdensburgh to the West.

m6k08-ly PLUMBING, TAS. G. KENNEDY and JAS. FARNAN, baviua opened store at No. 7 Park Row, Public are now prepared to receive orders for Plumbing work of every description.

Having been engaged in the bu: ineas for the past 15 years, both here and in eastern cities, they can assure the citizens of Cleveland and surrounding towna, that the work entrusted to their care shall be done well, and the terma reasonable, We keed constantiy on hand Lead Pipe, Sheet and Ball Lead, Pumps. Wash Basing, Bathe, Water Closets, Cooking Ranges Jobbing done with neatness and dispatch. J. G. KENEDY 1y 12c491y No.

7 Park Row Public Square. RANGES, LEMONS, AND PINE AP. 10 J. GORDON 00. PLES.

150 boxes and 6 bhis just landed, and for sale by 355 Fresh Ground, BARRELS for sale by WATER LIMEJOHNSON, WILLARD CO. Bargains for the People A RE STANDING the APPRECIATED. rnsh, we hope to be able to NOTWITH- wait upon all who wish to secure the bargains. J3218 E. I.

BALDWIN. BARGAINS Mantillas FOR at THE $1,25. PEOPLE, BALDWIN NO. 4. 1y18 I.


BENTON FALL STYLES HATS. NOW MANUFACTURING and have rea'v the Fall Style of Silk Fats gentle and would call the attention of all who wan' 2 d. virals Hat. CAPS OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN BOYS, Under American Hotel, 43 Superior Street, WHOLESALE RETAIL. RICH DRESS SILKS.

WE extensive ARE NOW assortment OPENING Brocade, THE Br cade MOST ped. Satin Striped. Boult De Ombre strip Br cade. Plain Black and Plain Colored Dress Silks, we have ever recel. ved.

seps KENDALL DE WITT. SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, LADLES, In quantities and various tanted pure as coin. N. E. CRITIANDEN, 99 Superior street, 10 FOR BBLS.

SALE. No. 4 CRUSHED Ontario Street. SUGAR JAS. R38S.

HANNAH KING,) VA Petition for Divorca and Alimony. DUDLEY Kixe. SAID DUDLEY KING IS HEREBY TIFIED that on the 6th day of September, 1956, the said Hannah King Alt In the Clerk's office of the 'ourt of Com. mon of Cuyaboga conuty, Per for a divorce from ea'd defendant an 1 for reas nab Alimony in the prem ires. and setting up a cause therefore, the extreme cruelty of de endant toward petirioner.

Said cause will be for bearing at the November term of said Court. M. COFFINBERKY. Cleveland Sept. 6, 1856 ser8e21 6w Att'y fu My assortment Spectacles is very large, glass in incinding Gold.

the Pilve, ce ebrated Steel and Salomon Plated Scotch Pebble, and plain Rows. I bose in want of Luis article are invi'ed to call and ex. amine my stock. N. E.

CRT TENDEN. sep? Willey Cottage Coal Yard, MICHIGAN AL in Street, the Oleveland opposite market Hay for Market, sale by he ton or hushal CHRISTIAN PREISER. TEW DRESS DE LAINES PRINTST. BARNET. ASSIGNEE'S SALE ARRIVAL OF THE CAMBRIA AT HALIFAX.

INSTRUCTIONS TO GOV. GEARY AND GEN. SMITH, OF KANSAS. NEW FORK, Sept. boat belonging to the steam frigate Wabash which arrived here last night from Philadelpbia upset this A.

Mi. about 11 o'clock and Ave of the twelre men who were in it were drowned, the others were rescued by a ferry boat. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 12 -The Daily News, the Fillmore organ of Pennavlrania, bas come out in support of the Fremont State ticket. HALIFAX, Sept.

Royal mail steamsbip Cambria with Liverpool dates of Saturday, August 80th, three daya later than by the Canadian at Quebec and the Fulton at New York, is signailed off' this port, but ber news will not come to band in season to admit its being published in the evening journals. WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 -Gov. Geary and Gen. 5 Smith have been informed by telegraph that they will be furnished with additional forces, if neces.

sary, to maintain the public poace and punish all violence by whomsoever perpetrated. Only the persons enrolled by Gen Smith will be allowed to carry 00 military operations in Kansas. RETRIBUTION; BY MRS. SOUTHBetribution 2 paper covers $1 00. Robert Grabam by Mra Car.

line Lee 00. do do parer cover, 2 vols Magdalen Hepburn; by Mrs. 00 Peterson's New 12mo edition of the works of Chas. Dickens vole, now rtady Pickwick Papers, 1 vol $1 60c. To.

Do 2 vole, with 43 cow Illus trations from designs by Phiz Cruikshank: 1 50c. Nicholas eby 1 large 12.00 sol. 31 50c Do. do 3 vols vi'h 40 Steel Plates from designs now first 60:. and Learn; a sew supply For bale by HATES sep6 P.

O. Hall, Clereland. NEW STYLES TALMAS. Falll Styles Talmas. with 80 assortment of Talma HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED.

Cloths aud Trimmings to which we Invite attention p5 KEND ILL DE WITT. Ancient Order of Good Fellows. NATIONAL GRAND LODGE OF this order will ho'd its Annual adon at Cleveland, the Lodge Rrom A' the corner of Ontario Street and Put l1c Squ are, on W. dris'uy, the 10th September. On Thurs aF.

the ll a Grand Proce-sion of all the Members of tre Order wfil rare plac: at hal. past o'clock aud ezer. cises and in the evening. The Mambo 8 of the will take no and govern themselves accordingly. JOSWPIT.

NACE, Sept. 6, 1868. M. N. Grand Painting, Drawing and Music.

YOUNG LADY WELL QUALIFIED to give Instruction in Oil Paint'ng, Crayen Percil Draw log and us ass stant in civirg lessons on the Pia 0, wishes employment in some institution where those branches of female ed atiou are taught. Would Lave no objection to go into some Scuthera State. The of re'erences given and requircd. DOX 606, CLEVELAND, O. FRENCH EMBROIDERED COLLARS- Elegant d.

signs just opened by ally E. I. BALDWIN CC. FREEMAN are now receiving their Fall Stock of Goods, in part of Plald Plaid Grenoble, Stri; V. lincia.

Toil our. Piain De Lanea, figured French Iferinos, Black Gro. De Grain Si.k, Bonuey do. Gro. De Rhine do.

SI And a very Ine assortment of Mourning Silks, Fancy 6 riped ka, and Fancy brocade Silks, Together with a large varie. ty of other Goods and a la'ge variety of EMok 'IDERIES Just opened th's morniug-by expre-s. 93 Saperior Street. seps REST FREEMA M. FOR Express SALF.

A first rate second hand ser5 sale T6 SUPERIOR STREET. Wagon for cheap. Fnqu-e at. DIG IRON FOR SALE. -500 Tons HangIne Rock No.

1 Charc al Iron. Also, 1 00 Tons of fo Matallion Iron, a beautiful articic at the dock foot of West River Street near the coal yard of Francb Co, Cleveland, sep'. 10 dtf D. RHODES. BARGAINS English.

Mer THE Imack, PEOPLE, Cocheco and NO. Alent Prints, MARKED DOWN the day from one shilling to 8 CENTS PER YARD! 1918 ET. BALDWIN (G. ESS PORK. 200 EBLS, EXTRA HEAVY.

For Sale by 81,26 d71 1m ina HUBBY NUOTES We are now offerinff the balance of our of LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAIYS at cort. R. L. p5 To supe. lor A CARD TO THE PUBLIC.

FRENCH DAVIS, LEAVE TO CALL TIE ATTEN. TION of patrons of the late House of FRENCH And all 'othors who TO may THE favor: FACT with their Patronage, that we have taken the store lately coupled by thrm and shall spare co bonorable endeavor to secure a continuance of such Patronage. FRENCH DAVIS. GILBERT FRENCH, SAMUEL K. DA VIS aul8 d2w ONLY 10 $3000, 10 per cent, 5 years.

ALEX. GARRETT, 8.29 85dtt R. L. Agent, 91 A CLEVELAND AND to Toledo, TOLEDO Chicago, St. RAIL- Lou's, Kock leland, Burili luwa City.

Galena, Dubuque, Fort Lafayette, Loganeport, Peru, Torre Haute, Jackson, de, FALL ARRANGEMENT. To tube cAect September 8th, 1806. Fivo Daily Trains from: 1st 6:10 A N. Y. Exprees, via Sandusky, for Toleio, Chicago, Cinctunati and Fort Wayne Logansport, fayette, stopping 81 El da, Vermillion, Huron, San.

dusky Pt. Clinton Passengers by this reach Toledo at 10 29 A. M. Fort Wayne, 8,15 P. Peru 6.00 53 I'.

M. 840 P.M. Alro, L'aytou 04 P. (lucinnati G.16 P. and Chicago 7 66 in tire to take the Chicago, Alton, 8.

St. Louis Railroad, aching 8t. 1, ul at 2.10 P. M. on following day.

Also, connecting at Onlago with Chicago Kock Island, lena and Milwaukle, Chicago and Union, Chicago lil. and Burlington Wisconsin, Ill Railroads. Central, Chicago Lars Dgers by this I also connect at Adrian, with Train on Jackson Branch or M.S. R. now complete to Napoleon.

Fine coaches run this let 1 rain een Napoleon and Jackson, rid miles) connecting with arriving at 6.00 P. M. 9.05 A.M.. Mail, via Norwalk, for Toledo and Chicago, arriving in Chicago at 11:15 P. M.

8d, 2:50 P. Mall Exprt for Toledo and Chicago, stop. ping at ail stations ou Northern Division. Connecting at To. ledo with 11.15 train of Mich, Southern R.

reaching Chicago at 9 15 best morning connecti: abore with train of Chicago, Alton st. Lous R. reaching St. Louls at 11.20 P. M.

4th, 6.00 P.M. Night Express via Norwalk, mopping Grafton, Oberlin. Norwalk, Monroville. Bel. evu.

Clue, Fre. mont, and at other Statious wee of to take or leave Passengers. Reaches Toledo 10:55 P. Fort Wayne 7.15 A. P'eru 12.20 I', Logane port 2.00 P.

1 Lafayette 5 20 P. M. Also, Dayton 7.00 A. M. 9,25 A.

and Chicago 9:15 A.M.. connecting there with the morning traina for Rock Laland, bs. Louis Galena. dc. Passengers by this Train concoct per abore for Jackson, arriving there 11.30 A.M.

Sub 9 45 P. Northern Night Train, via Sandasky, stop. at all Matinas and connecting with Morning Mall on M. S. R.

R. 1or Jackson, Chicago, arriving in Chicago in the aite noon. Tralus arrive from Chicago and Toledo, via Sar dusky, 7 26 A. M. and 9 15 P.

Cincinnati 7.25 1, M. anu from Chia go and Toledo, via Norwalk, 9.00, aud 8.45 M. TICKETS can be procured for all of the abore places, and contracts made tor Freight, at the Company's Western Freight and Gereral Ticket Office, 61 Superior Strect, 2d door west of Bank Street, and at station. L. D.

RUCKER, E. B. PHILLIPS, Sup't C. 7. R.

Agent. 1714 TRS. STEPHEN'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY September fer-12c. Frank Leslle's New York Journal for Sept. -20c Knickerbocker for September Blackwood for August-25c, For sale: by HAWKS au28 P.


We open this das (Friday, July 25th) the lar. gest and richest stock Real Lace Mantillas and ever dered in this market, which, (owing to the lateness of the seas n), we shall eell at greatly reduced prices. 1y E. I. BALWIN CO.

STEAM AND BETWEEN NEW BURGH, 2500 tons. Commander, WY. Cox. MING; NEW YORK, 2150 tong, Commander ROBERT CRAIO; GLASG- W. 1962 tons, Commander, Joan DUNCAN.

The Glasgow and New York Steamship Company tend sailing their new and nowerful steamers from New York for Glasgow direct. as urder: EDINBURGU, Saturday, Aug. 30th, at 13 o'clock, noon. NEW GLASGOW, August 16th, 12 o'clock noon. RATES OF PASSAGE.

First ..178 00 Third Class, found with cooked provisiona. 80 00 An experienced Surgeon attachal to each Steamer. Gr Passengers Intending to gO by this line of steamers should pay no a. eation to reports of the Berths bing all tak. en, bus apply at the floe on arriving in the city.

Beware of Emigrant Runners. For Freight or Passage, apply to J. McsY MON, 17 Broadway, New York. New York City Bills or Gold only recerved for passage dec12lv SILKS FOR MOST REST NOTHING FREEMAN. G- KIRTS! SKIRTS TI CACTUS MANILLA, opened this day, GRASS CLOTH, HAIR CLOTH, HOUGA'S PATENT ROPE, COFFEE, HOLMES' PATENT.

BALDWIN WHALEBONE SKIRTS- HOLMES' SEAMLESS Just W. WARREN, HOLMES' GACIUS COPTED SKIRTS. WHITE COLERED SKIRTS. au13 150 Superior 8 reet. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BRIDGE BOI' will be received at the or the City Ivil Engineer oft City of lereland, un'Il 6 clock F.

Septe her 16, centre and ard Pieand Abut a's for a Turn table Draw for the Columbus 8' (y t' Cureh ga River. Plans and Spe id tau be seer, an 1 more particular laformation rec ive I. at raid Engineer's Roild o' Cry In prove meLts Ir. vite the submiadon of bide, ret rving the rieht to acc pt. or rent ct the eume.

By order of the board of Ci Jo roVe men's. A. 4 DE, City (: vil Er g'neer. Cleve'and. September.

ad, 1856. ser6 116 10nd LIVERY! LIVERY! S. B. CHASED KENDIG, Jones Stable, HAVING 69 Cham FUR. lain Street, bones to see the OLD patrona and 88 MANY NEW as like a ood Turn Out." Cleveland.

He temner 10 1856. e29 Sap DEATHER DUSTERS and PIANO DISTERs- Jut as AN IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY Consisting of the Stock of EDWARD THIS STOCK IS NOW OFFERED FOR under the assignment for the benedt of Creditors. Here is a chance for bargaius as the Stock Dust be Sold by the First of December, Country Merchants cau find a compete Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Sultable f.r the fall trade, and which wi'l be sold AT LESS THAN NEW YORK COST, In order to c'ose up the concern. To' re W' wi to buv La small quantities will And induce meuts to give us a call, 81 Bargains will positively be given Which wI'l astonish the purchaser. Cull la "OT SUPERIOR STREET.



ISAACS' UNION HALL, 8019 Cor. of Superior Union Streets. NEW FALL DRY GOODS W. WARREN. NO.

150 SUPERIOR STREET, Is now receiving b's Stock of Fall Bry Goods, And invites CASH UR To call and examine. WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL! Messers WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS IN SALE STRIP VEIN co A ALNO. NUT COAL FOR SMITHING. Oral Once Mer.

and Yard on the east side of the Pitta. R. R. (fi.ot of Water atreet. Cleveland, 0.) Jy7c231 gd 1856.

LAKE SUPERIOR LINE. Fassenger and Freight line composed cf the teamers NORTH STAR, PLANET, ILLINOIS. Capt. B. G.

SWEET. Capt. J. Capt J. WILADN, vi the above Steamers will leare Cleve and every Mouday and Thursday at 9 o'clock M.

and Detroit every Tucoday and Friday at o'clock P. M. for All ac.I the principal points on Lake superior; Touching at Mackin. North P'lanet. Illinois.

Leaves Clevland Leaves Cleveland Leaves Cleveland Thursday, May 1st Mondav, May 6th. May 8th Monday TI. ur day, 13th Monday. 19t Thursday, 221 Monday, 2011 hursday, Monday, 2d Thur day, Jure 5th Monday, June 9th Thu sday, 12th Monday, loti Thurday, 19th Monday, Thursday. 2 si hun day, 261i Ay, July July Tub Thuralay, July 10to Thur Monday, 11th Thur day Aouday, 21 at 24th Mouday.

28th Thurrdsy. 81 st Monday, Thursday. 14th 4th Thursday, Aug. 7th Monday, Ang. 11tb Monday, 18th Thursday, 21 at dav, 2 Thuarday, 28th Monday.

Sept. let Thursday, Sept. 4th day, dib Thursday, 11th Monday, 15tb Thureday, 18th Monday, 22d Thurmlay, 2'tb Monday, 29th Thursday, Oct. 21 Monday, Oct. 6th Thursday, Oct.

9th Mundas, 13th Thursday, 16th Monday, 20th 'I bursday, 28d Monday, Thurmlay, Thursday, 80th Monday, Nov. Rd Nov. Monday. Nov. 10th Thursday, 181b Monday, for 17th.

Thuraday, 20th. Monday. 24tb Freight or Paarage apply on a'd or to 8p25 MUSSEY SINCLAIR. No. 6 Holman's Block.

FLOUR FEED STORE, at No. 6 Hoffman's Block. OATS AND SHORTS, at No, 9 Hoffman's Block. HOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, No. S.

lune10 h80 tf M. H. HICKOX. Beautiful Residences for Sale. DIE subscriber "OLD GIDDINGS proposes PLACE," dividing the on Euclid aureet, next the lot east of Thomas Bolton's.

place on the strEet la more plea antly located than this is in 8 lot. good stream of living water runs across each outside of the city Limits, the corporation la alsa saved. Enquire of KOOl, Jvoc27tt 67 Supertor streot. SHIP PUMPS. To Builders and Owners of Steamers, Propellers, Schooners arid other Lake Craft.

subscribers beg leare to call your tention tor Vessel the Double Action Force Pumpa arranged er use. They are very simple in construction. readily understood by all, compactly arranged, and not liable to get out of order. aud for cheapness, great durability and power, As fire they operate perfectlyPRICE DAT 00, Union Pumn Works, 113 John N. Y.

TC. L. DAY, Agent, CLEVELAND, where These Pumps will may be be en In operation at the Custom House, oruers received by the gent. Also Pumps for Wells and Cisterns, ou the sane principle. Jun2b241yd TO PRINTERS.

SALE--A NEW RUGGLES' TING PRE.S, and a frat rate que for Card. Circular and other sitat ar work. ch wt do not need owirg to an audition of and Dove er presses. 1s in use at be Plain Dealer Office, was purchased months ago tor $3.5 from the manufac It will by sold for $303-4200 cash the ba'ance 8 months. E.

A. MUNSON. Cleveland, olio. PRATT'S SELF SEALING FRUIT CANS, formerly so'd by E. Leland.

These celebrated Cans can at all tirace be found at No. 9 Richardson'e Block. MERCHANT INGERSOLLe Cleveland. July 8. R58.

1Y A. STILL THEY COME those beantifu! Rocky MOuntain Silvery Drab Bearer DUST RECEIVED--Another invoice of Law, just the thing for this warin weather. J. G. MACK, 66 Supe Opposite Weddell House.

N. practical Furriers wanted Nove but those thoroughly acquainted with manufacturina Furs, aced apply STODART PIANOS. LIGUTE, NEWTON BRADBURY'S PIANO FORTES, EMERSON'S PREMIUM PIANOS, A Piano Fortes for sale assortment low for of cash, at these the Warcrooms excellent the subscriber, 100 SUPERIOR STREET. VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACCORDEON4 SAX SHEET MUSIC, 20. New Songs, Polkas, Waltzes, Schottis hea, VIOLIN STRINGS Italian, French, and Kuglish, the best assortment In the city BANJO, DRUMS, For gale by J.

P. HOLBROOK, 8026 100 Superior TOR bbls. Turk's Island Salt. 25000 Gall us ton, Ware. ('alcined Plaster.

50 ToLa Fire Clay, lu barrels or bulk, by dtf JOHNSON. WILLARD on the oct. 100 for sale BUSHELS at No. 4 Ontario Long Pinkeye, JAS. Potatoes, ROSS.


AIS AND CAPS -IHE LARGEST A' selected sortment cf fresh goods to be found la tue d. at sep9 BETTELET'S UMBRELLAS. cente A to Fino $7:00, at Assortment of ev. sep.6 BETTELETS. LADIES st sty les RIDING at HATS GLOVES 8 p9 BETTELEY'S.

50 corn ever STYLES offered, at CAPS. -The Best AsFB 9 RETTE' TYS. cau buy a tit. Moleskin Hat for $3, BE A MOUNTRY DEALERS WILL FIND IT for their interest to call at sep9 BETTELEY'S. N.

of ilver Forks, DEN Spoons has just Kore, Ladlea, received Cake a Ba kea Plich re bit la Egg Cupa, Halt Die and all the other articles nt orasury or house nse. bed9 29 MOPERIOR STREET. GREAT ARRIVAL OF FALL GOODS HARNEYS..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.