Steuben Republican from Angola, Indiana (2024)

Page Rfoq Twe finest PEAU Shumaker Is gaining-, but is still confined to liis home with his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills and family spent the week end with Mrs. Maude Mills.

WITH dallville, Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Fifer and children and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Fifer.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kogin, Mrs. U. A.

Spanghr and Mrs. Cora DeLong visited Mrs. Leola Leas Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Marshall Dole spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ford Zimmer in their cottage at Lake George. comes i OBITUARIES Chadwick, of Ashley, Mrs. Lillian Brown, of Waterloo.

Mrs. Douglas Frederick and son, of Angola, and Mr. and Mrs. Clay Mrown. The occasion was a surprise celebrating Mrs.

Gay Browns birthday anniversary. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strock attended the funeral of Mr.

Clyde Kirkland. at Gibsonburg, Ohio, Saturday. an.7 Mrs. Myrl Loucks, of near Montgomery, Michigan, were guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Loucks and daughters. Sandra and Sharon. her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.

Kirk Tillson. and one grandson. Charles, of Roslyn Heights. New York: two brothers. Ross Hollinger.

of Dryan. Ohio, and Claude Hollinger, of Hamilton; a sister-in-law. Laura DeVinney. of Fredonia. New York, and several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services were conducted by Dr. Frank S. Hickman and Reverend Lloyd G. Sapp at the Weicht Funeral Chapel, in Angola. July Burial was in the Mansoleuni at P.utler.

of To relatives, neighbors, and friends who in any way contri WITH (VKAT THEY HAVE iT r- A s. I II ft-T yVm 1 1 1 TO OFFER. MRS. NF.TTIK. lKVINM-V SALEM Srntl nn ltrin to l.nt-nl Editor MHS.

KKKIK Kditnr Nettie Hollinger DeVinney, daughter of Daniel and Clara Plans Arc Complete For Biff Kendallville Fair A giaantie agricultural event, with entertainment, amusem*nt, educational achievements, horse ratine, auto ratine, and other outstanding attraction? are all combined into the seventy-first annual Noble County Fair, to be held at the Kendallville fairgrounds. The elaborate displays of farm and home products and farm machinery will he combined with thrills, fun and entertainment, woven into a packed schedule of seven days and nights, but with the program opening officially Tuesday mornine. Ansust ISth. Asain. the Kendallville Ministerial Association will be in charge of community religious services in front of the grand stand on Sunday afternoon, August K.

at o'tlock p. m. and the general public is invited. Hr. II.

Jones, pastor of the Wayne Street church of Fort Wayne, will be the prin- ipal speaker, and the services Hollinger. was lorn in DeKalb county. Indiana, December 2. and departml this life Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Howard. Reeky Jo and Michael, of North Manchester were week end guests Mr. and Mrs. Henry Armbrew- ster. of Woodbnrn, visited their daughter, Mrs.

Harry Heath, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Moser, of! Woodhurn. were supper guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Heath and son last Sunday. Miss Donabell Huffman and Miss Caroline Steingass. of Hoi-i gate, Ohio, nieces of Mrs. Cloyd Schmidt, were guests of Mr.

and! Mrs. Cloyd Schmidt last Monday. Mrs. Keith Holden and children were also guests. Mr.

and Mrs. Curtis Christlieb of Fort Wayne were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rollile Alleshouse Saturday afternoon. Ford Libey.

Rollie Alleshouse spent Sunday until Thursday evening in Michigan fishing. Miss Fatty Alleshouse spent last week with her grandmother while her grandfather was away. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Peflley and dauchters.

of Goshen visited Mr. and Mrs. Hush Smathers last Sunday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs.

Max Smathers and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Clark took their nephew- home Sunday. He will spend a few- days getting acquainted with their new nephew.

Rush Smathers and Frank Strock spent Monday afternoon and evening; in Auburn attending the ball game. and last Mr. and Mrs. Barbara Frederick son. John, of Angola, spent week here with her parents, and Mrs.

Gay Drown. Mr. and Mrs. Kav Hart of Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Darnes and family. P.illie Mels, of Paulding. has been spending several days buted assistance, sympathy, or flowers during the illness and deatii of our wife and mother we extend our heartfelt thanks. GEORGE DeVINNEY MR. AND MRS.

KIRK TILLSON 31 children, of Anderson, spent a few davs of their vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey tin1 K. 1..

Jackson home. i Mr. and Mrs. Leo Proxmire of Hart. Mr.

and Mrs. Gay Drown have returned home from a week's vacation trip in northern Michi Paulding, Ohio spent Tuesday tnd Wednesday at the home of his' sister, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jack-i 1 i 27. after a long illness in h-r home west of Angola, at the juue of 67 years, seven months.

and days. She was united in marriaue to George DeVinney March 1111. To this union I was born one daughter. Margaret. During tier chiUDiood she joined the 1'Tiited P.rvthren church near P.utler; of wiuch Fhe was a nionilitr until she moved to An-gola: at that time s.he transferred her membership to the Methodist churdi in Angola.

She leaves to mourn her passing her hustaind. George; son. COLLECTION SERVICE and Credit Reporting Service Credit Bureau of Steuben County Phone 10O Angola will also include special soloists, (immunity singing and music by the county high school hand conducted by Ja Wainwright, of I.imhet lost a p. Latlrange otinty. gan ana Mrs.

Mabel Haskins was a guest' Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Leighty. near Helmer. Mrs.

L. Pidwell. of Helmer, was taken to the Sacred Heart Hospital, Garrett. Friday afternoon in the Kistler ambulance. She is a medical patient.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dower-man, of Flint, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Warrick, of near Helmer.

visited in the Rev. A. E. Scotten home, Sunday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. William Whaley and two daughters left Thursday for their home in Corpus Christi. Texas, having visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Marshall BLOCKS LaGrange County Corn School AlT.rST TO Midway itli Rides and Shows, Music by 1-11 County Hand, Kxhibits, Talent and Queen Contest and Fret Acts I DM l- tloi-vo ltHiir CoMct, Swim niil Sale, TIM P.l Trminr Pulf. r.ittle -lu-Uiiti nn-1 Tractor I'Hf I 'nntcM I lllV 'riMnina of 1,1111111, ltriilt Free l-ll Tiiuinr Sn Ht.Kl.-ln Slum, l-ll nnl St ont Cattle I tvf At Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staniford sind two children were week end guests in the Walter llanna-home.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCleer of Stockland. Illinois were week end guests of the Karl Rinuler fam-! iiy. Mr.

and Mrs. Durlyn Mains and children are out here on their va-cation with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Eshu Mains and family and his mother, Mrs.

Hattie Mains. Mrs. Ina Hammond has return-1 ed home from her daughter's where she has been at for several weeks. Her daughter and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with her. The Sherman Strawser children had a family picnic at Kendallville fair ground Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jackson were guests in Fort Wayne visiting sick friends Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Standi-ford and children of Camhy spent I Gonser the Mr. and Mrs. Robert announce the birth of a ter. Saturday morning Superior Elmhurst hospital, name is Elizabeth Angola. Her Ann.

Weight CEMENT That are Extra Smooth Surface Solid Uniform Construction Absolutely Square Mix is Measured and Weighed rat tor ana Horse nulling contests have been arranged for Tuesday and Wednesday, with Zcigler. of Portland. in charge. The winners will be awarded cash prizes; the tractor content is confined to entries from Noble county and the horse pull-ins; contest is open to the world. Tuesday will also be a big day for the kiddies, as children of school will be admitted free at the gate until p.

m. and rides will be operated for the youngsters at reduced rates. Harness events, with scores of tM-n-)th pacers and trotters of the rating circuit entered, will start Wednesday, continuing; Thursday and Friday afternoons. Something new has been added to the fairgrounds this year, a quar-ttr-mile auto race track, and it is expected that the crandstand will lbs, SU o7.s. First child.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Schienda and son. of Akron, Ohio, spent from Thursday night until Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Ford Libey. Mrs. Schienda and son remained for a longer visit. Russell Collins left Friday Dole. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Strock entertained in their home on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Frederick and Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Strock, of Auburn. Mrs. F. E. Whitford.

of Kendallville. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strock and Stephen. Mr.

and Mrs. Harvey Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Hart and children, of Anderson, and Mr.

and Mrs. Don Davenport ami children enjoyed a fireside lunch at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hughes and family near Salem. Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Clelland, of Port Huron, Michigan, spent over the w-eek end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hardy.

Hobby returned home with his parents after spending two weeks here with his grandparents. Mr. All types of Standard 4" and 8" DELIVERY SERVICE be packed for the auto races night for Port Huron. Michigan, where he attended the Collins family reunion, Saturday and Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Young and family. Mrs. Mabel Haskins returned home Saturday from the Lucy Dayhuff home, near Pleasant Lake, where she has been caring for Mrs. Dayhuff the past four weeks. Mr.

and Mrs. Franklin Fifer and son had for dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Albert the week end with their parents. Mr.

and -Mrs. llanna. Mr. and Mrs. John Odell and children of York.

Pennsylvania, are spending a week's vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Milleman. Mrs. Dud Wylie, of Detroit.

will spend this week with her parents. There will he Sunday school and worship service on Sunday, August There will be no sermon since Rev. and Mrs. Jones will be gone. which will fill the Saturday afternoon program.

The Tuesday evening entertain-i merit before the grandstand ill i be the popular amateur show. Angola Cement Block Co. and Mrs. Gordon Panks, of Fort Wayne, visited in the Hardy home, Sunday. Guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Don Croy and family Saturday even- 1108 W. Broad Phone 549-X ing were Mr. and Mrs. John Stackhouse and children, of Ken- Aiisideiiair Milk NOBLE COUNTY FAIR TUESDAY, AUG.

18, 1953 8:00 P. M. Kendallville, Indiana FEATURE ATTRACTION FIRST BIG NIGHT of the Great Noble County Fair (All entries mailed on or before Aug. 10 to Clinton S. Kerulallvillc, Ind.

Decision of judges final.) Name cf Act Description of Act Name Address FIRST FEI2E $50.00 SECOND PRIZE $30.00 THIRD PRIZE $20.00 FOURTH PRIZE $15.00 FIFTH PRIZE THREE $5.00 PRIZES I Last year's winner of the amateur show at the fair. Marilyn Shock, of Llponier, with her twirling; batons, went on to win top honors at Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis. Topping; the week's entertain-'tnent. the Thursday. Friday and Saturday night program will feature "Hoa clan's all girl Eques-trian Kevue." with high school dancing horses, beautiful white horses and gorgeous girls performing miraculous feats of skill, dancing, hurdle jumping, Roman chariot and standing races, all combined into a and minute show, packed jwith more fun than a circus, i Away from the exhibit halls, livestock barns and race track, will be the popular midway which 'Clinton S.

Riinmel, fair secretary, I says will be lined from end to end with rides, shows and concessions to make it the fun center for voung and old. This demonstration showed me the way to a better deal! I'd been planning to buy a higher-priced car until 1 found out all Chevrolet offered MVVV III and how much I could save! HUDSON You're "sitting pretty" behind the wheel Take this Bel Air model. First thing you'll notice is the rich-looking upholstery and appointments and roomy, comfortable scats. Just turn the ignition key to start the engine and you're ready to go. Smtt ltrm tw I.

oral FNlltor Mil. nt.VMv KOlN, Editor Mrs. Thomas Scott and Mrs. C. Darnell of Evansville, and Mrs.

Carl Den man of Detroit, were guests cf Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Alles house and children. Mr.

and Mrs. Derton Alleshouse and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Erwin and son were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Rcllie Alleshouse, last Sunday. Mrs. Allen Rowe was pleasant IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT ly surprised Tuesday when her I uncle and wife. Mr. and Mrs.

Wayne Van Pelt, of Puente, Cal. isited her. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.

Rowe and two children of Flint, spent the week end with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rowe. HAY SUPPLIES for the 1953-54 feeding season are slightly larger than for last season, but supply per head of hay-eating livestock is smaller.

From 1946-50 we averaged 1.6G tens of hay per hay eater. This season it will be 1.58. The hay market is slow now. Line up the extra hay you will need this winter. Mr.

and Mrs. Doh Shipe, Mr. and You get more power on less gas Here's all the power and performance you could ever ask for. And along with it comes the most important gain in economy in Chevrolet history! That's because of Chevrolet's two great high-compression engines. Mrs.

Ted Lepley and daughter. Penny. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rowe and son.

David, were guests Saturday evening. Little Penny Lepley was bitten in the face last Tuesday by a kitten, and was treated by Dr. Cole man, of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs.

Dob Shipe, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rowe. Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Rowe and children. HANDLE WITH CARE those new pulleta going into the laying house. The last two weeks the pullets are on switch to the feeding system you will use in the house. If the bird are moved at night and placed on the roost after dark, most cf them will return the next evening. Hand feeding, regularly, helps calm down nighty pullets.

of Flint. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zehonic and daughter, Karen, of Coldwater. were dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Russell 7 Nelson at Bronson, last 3Sli Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and family of Fort Wayne were guests I of Rev.

and Mrs. Don Baney Sun- day afternoon and evening. It's heavier for better readability You're in for a pleasant surprise at the smooth, steady ride. One reason is that, model for model, Chevrolet will weigh up to 200 pounds more than Even Power Steering, if you want It You ought to try Power Steering to see how easy driving can be. You can spin the wheel with one finger! It's optional, of course, at extra cost, and available on all models.

You get greater getaway with the new Powerglide Finer performance on less gas. That's what you get with the new Power-glide. There's no more advanced automatic transmission at any price. You can see all around You look out and down at the road through a wide, curved, one-piece windshield. The panoramic rear window and big side windows provide a clear view in all directions.

I The Builders class of the U. B. church are having a food stand WEEVIL LOSS IN STORED GRAIN amounts to 5 percent or more each year. "Weevily" wheat is unfit for flour manufacture and subject to seizure by the Pood and Drug administration. Check grain regularly for weevils.

It's good insurance to fumigate this month. Use Carbon Tetrachloride or Chloropicrin. at the Fellowship hall, Saturday, other low-priced cars. August S. eh Rev.

and Mrs. Don Baney are leaving Monday, August 10, for Hillsdale, to attend the junior camp and conference for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fioya inxon were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Let us demonstrate all the advantages of buying a Chevrolet now! Krum at Waterloo Sunday eve ning. FATHER-SON PARTNERSHIPS offer a good way for the son to get into business for the father to take it a little easier. Make sure the farm is big enough. Then put the partnership agreement in writing.

Keep accurate farm records and a separate checking account for the business. Two house3 are best if the son is married. The Mothers of World War II will meet Friday, August 7, at 1:30 at Louisa Alleshouse home. Mr. and Mrs.

Cloyd Schmidt spent Thursday with her father, Ed Quaintance at Leipsic, Ohio. r. rrv m. r-v. ann tt Little Tommy Schmidt is on the TO raw ra mi sick list.

And it's the lowest-priced line A demonstration will show you that Chevrolet offers more in the lowest-priced line in the low-price field. Combination of Powerglide automatic transmission and "Blue-Flame" engine optional on "Two-Ten" and tyel Air models at extra cost. Mrs. Gene Loucks spent a few MM tm Biggest brakes for smoother, asier stops An? easy nudge on the brake pedal brings smooth, positive response right now! Chevrolet brakes are the largest in the low-price field extra large for extra stopping power. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! days In West Virginia attending her nephew's funeral who was killed in an auto accident on his way to Indiana to Tlsit his rel HEAR UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS AtOWt THE CIOCK Evwy Satorfcy mi Sawhy-AIC lfi Network ANGOLA CARROL R.

GLASGOW PHONE 91 atives and grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Owens. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Erwln and sons or Pleasant Lake wtrel guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Loucks and son Sunday after noon. Based on factual information believed to be accurate but not guaranteed.

Mr. and Mrs. George Kelster Phone 182 and 41 spent the week end with her par Angola, Indiana ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stomm..

Steuben Republican from Angola, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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