Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

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Richmond Times-Dispatchi

Richmond, Virginia

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ELEVEN I RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH: FRIDAY JUNE 30 1916 lngton State and Bt Louie Mice Alice Ftahburn sou trustee feet 11 Inches by 14 1-1 it 1 June feet west Una Twenty-eighth Street fit feet 7 Inches south of Street SUMMER Atlantic City NEW HOTEL MERI0N MMTTSSECM To-Day and To-Night in Richmond COAST LINE SHOWS INCREASE IN REVENUE which ho has gained from years of study of problems In many cities "Co-ordination of ho emphasised 'is the way to secure the Ideal government To wage war on crime disease and poverty and make your city prosperous and a happy community requires co-ordinated He pointed out that not long ago tho idea prevailed that each city was a little republic and Its form of government was baaed on the asms line as that of tho national government It was agreed he said that what was good for the big republic was good for tha littlo republic "But there Is to-dsy a new spirit abroad In tho matter of general government he added Brief references were made by the speaker to what Is blng don In various line of reformed elty government throughout tho country referring principally to some reeent changes which have made New York ho said a better place In which to live "Never lose sight of the fact that vl fernor-eleee Second Police Station I o'clock Police Board Polica Headquarters 9 GO eVlwk Band concert Jeffcraoa Park to 1 Pepalar vaodcvlllci aaatl-arr Si alsbf 7dM) and Ik The Weather Feral shed by IT 9 Weather Berceal Forecasts Virginia fair Friday and Saturday not aeneh change fn temperature North Probably local th-drrahowero Friday Lood Katnrdny I-oral Temperature 12 noon temperature 3 temperature Maximum temperature to 1 Minimum temperature to 4 Mean temperature Normal temperature Deficiency in temperature Deficiency In temperature since March 1 Accumulated deficiency since Janaary 1 S3 14 35 44 74 74 2 140 15 Local nalafalk Rainfall laet twenty-four hours Kxceax In rainfall allies March 1 249 Exceas In rainfall since January 1 144 (oral Barometer Readings 3094 a a Leeal Observation nt 8 Yeaterday Temperature 74 humidity 44 wind direction east wind velocity 7 miles weathsr partly cloudy CONDITIONS IN IMPORTANT C1T1E4 Temperatura 1 -c- i rrWs'W-v'aj I s- -'d I I rr Wji '-7 -s the city of Richmond Is an organism IS MHttlMB hrslRB and smIa 4a Oiin" it requires brains and muscle to run' cautioned Mr Binkerd In conclusion The request of tha suffragists to be allowed flve minutes to speak was granted and Miss Clark utilised every moment In presenting striking arguments in behalf of the votea-fnr-wo-men movement Ri ESTATE AND COURTS Featuring the trading on the local real estate market yeaterday was tha recordation of a deed by which the city of Richmond acquired from James Boyd's executors a lot of land fronting 205 feet 4 inches by 191 feet 4 inchea at 'the- southeast corner of Leigh and Prentiss Streets Tha property also extends back and fronts a Ilk distance on Pulliam Street and sold for 424009 The local market was fairly active with the sales of city property for the day aggregating more titan 410000 although the business was confined In the main to the transfer of small property There was considerable activity on the South Sid and In Henrico County reel estate Charles Meyer sold te Carrie Taliaferro a lot fronting twenty-three feet eight Inches on the north of Grov Avenue Just east of hree aide I the I I corner of Lombardy Street for 99600 Henry Wallereteln yeaterday leased to the Jefferdtn Luneh Isa the brlek store at 1114 East Vain Street for a period of five yearn from May 1 1914 at a rents! of 99940 during tho life of the less The Building Department iaeued a permit to A rulllam to build a two-story brick tenement two dwellings to bs erected on the south side of Hanover Avenue between Sheppard and West Streets-that will cost approximately 112009 I CHANCERY TRANSFERS Eleven Deeds of Bargain aad Sale Aaoaatlag fa HUN Neal et -ux to George and Ernest Mayo 41x120 feet at tha northweat corner of Chaffin and Addl-aon Street June 21 1010 tax 1270 910 A Turman to Cbarlea Lanea Jr a lot of land bounded by Calhoun Cabell Roane and Spring Streets also a lot of land hounded by Cabell Roane and Spring Streets and tha Bacon Quarter Branch June 27 1910 tax 13 HO Jioliano Flnrlilo et ux to Frank Finrillo 20 feet 3 inches by ISO feet north line Cary Street 190 feet 10 Inches east of Short Street June 27 1010: tax 91 919 lion Finrillo to Jioliano Finrillo 40 feet 3 Inches by 159 feet on 1 Cary Street 1T0 feet 10 inches east of Short Street June 20 1919 tax 94 910 Land Investment Corporation to 8 Pace lota 71 and IS in block In the plan of Chamberlayno Court April 4 1911 1709 Lewis Schomherg trustee to IF Terrell 95x140 feet at the souUieast corner of Marshall Street and High Point Avenue June 10 1010 52990 Joseph A Purcell trustee to Nuckofs 50x130 feet west line Twenty-eighth Street 145 feet 5 Inches north of the Nine Milo Road May 29 1114 9740 James Boyd's executors to City of Richmond 205 feet I inches by 101 feet 4 inches at the aouthaaat corner of Leigh and Prentiss Streets Tha lot also fronts 205 feat 4 inches on Pulliam Street Juno 22 1014 925009 51 G- Duks et us te Charles Willis 35x149 feet at tha northeast corner of Moore Street and High Point Avenue March 20 1019 tax 92-10 914 Charles Meyer et ux to Carrie Taliaferro 23 feet 19 Inchee by 179 feet 0 inchea north line Grove Avenue 101 feet 4 inches east of Lombardy Street June 23 1010 tax 4IS0 319 Gibbs to Lucy Willis 22 1-3 by i feat 4 inches north Hn Leigh Street 57 fest west of Twenty-third She was Mra Hwtllr Haokhrad Prides Special to The Tlines-Dipati-h LYNCHBURG VA- June Mra Rosalie Bankhead Selden widow of Captain Harry Heath Selden for many years a resident of Richmond died here on Wednesday at tho home of Captain James Gerow aged eighty- two yesra At tho time of her death she was making a visit with Mrs Gerow her niece The body was taken to Richmond for buriaL Harvey Wllklaaoa Special to The Times -Dispatch PETERSBURG VA- June 1-larvoy Wilkinson of Alatoaca died this morning at hia hom*o In that village He was thirty-two years old and Is survived by hia wife and two sisters Mra Georg Childress and Mrs Mamie Simmons both of Matoses Judge Robert Braee Peebles NORFOLK VA Juno Judge Robert Bruce Peebles aged aeTenty-six years of tha Superior Court of North Carolina and on of tha beat-known men on tho State's bench died here to-ntght in a local hospital Ha was a native of Northampton County NG Tha body will bo sent to his hom*o at Hillsboro to-morrow whero tho funeral will be held on Saturday Does Your Condition Discourage Yon? After suffering from a severe cold which car and treatment have not allayed as you think they ahould do you feel your system needs a change of treatment? In many such where symptoms of asthma bronchial troubles or pulmonary affections Erk- man'i Alterative has brought good results This -lime-boarlng' preparation haa been widely used for more than twenty years with remarkable results In numerous Instances Aa with any prescription too much must not be expected of tho medicine ItselfL At best tt can only assist Nature And her Is a remedy that la safe to try since it contains no habit-forming drugs Sold by Tragi Drug Co and leading drugglsta ta ary Philadelphia (Advertisem*nt) Office of Collector of City Tutq Clty Hall Soon 19T Pay City Taxes City taxes on REAL ESTATE for 1111 are due and payable June 16 to 10 inclusive Failure to pay all or one-half In June Incurs a penalty of "I per cent on tha whole amount and If not paid before September 1 the collector is required by ordinance to levy with costs added AU mates twenty-on year of age all persona (mala or female) who own PERSONAL PROPERTY and all parties conducting business In th city of Richmond (of whatever nature) are PERSONAL taxes can be paid FOR THE YEAR 1916 between October 1 and December II 1911 without penalty Grading paving pip and aewer connection hula are due and payable whan noMcea are mailed Property transferred January 1 or later stende in name of owner In 1915 when making settlement give name In which property stood prior to December 21 zm This ia the only nottc required by law pleaa give It prompt attention ao aa to avoid delinquency and penalty South Richmond taxes etc must paid at the office of th Deputy Collector Tenth and Hull Straeta HLHULCE Collector of Taxes City of Richmond RESORTS North Carolina Panacea Spring Hotel LITTLETON C- Opens June 1st An excellent orchestra Spacious new ball-room fishing bowling and tennla Unexcelled luUdne Pouasra CalHog You SUMMER Atlantic City HOTEL xWILLARD Proof New Yerk Ava and Beach overlooking tho ocean Opsn surroundings Host central location Capacity Gt Modern In overy way Iveta batha running water In rooma alava-r ato superior tabla fipaclal oarly tea-eon rates I1SW up weekly 4214 up daily Booklet Direction uf owner PATRICK A1AHAC HOTCL Ocean Front la tha heart of Atlantia City Absolutely firopreef Open always American and European plana hot and' cold aea water batha capacity 4M grill orchestra daneing garaao attached HACK LATZ ft CO HOTEL MAJESTIC-' throughout centra of attractions ocesn view capacity Jtt alevalor private baths while aervlra etc: superior tablo Special I12SV up weakly up daily Booklet A SMITH THE WILTSHIRE Virginia av and Beach inx Hibieniitb v1w Capacity 16 private batha elevator porches abb Special rates $15 up weekly 9250 up dally American plan Every convenient upen all year Auto moots trains Booklet SAMUEL ELLIS Opm tAiougHout thi FWMemsIetj it Son gj THE BREAKERS Atlantic Newsstand Moat Luxurios-hr Appointed Fireproof Hotel On eesm front with unobstructed visw of the aaa American and (arapeaa Plans EGYPTIAN Ilf ST A UltAN I ON ROOT ts by sspsrb srehaatrs and aoupor da naan te MR MUMliPm A MIHVSfl Mgr HOTEL SH0REHAM Virginia Av aad Bearh Atlanllo lily A modern hotel with every convi-nlcncn steam heat private batha open aurruund-Inga: apl-ndlil tabln Rates $36 Up Dally $1X6 Weekly Mane gr RALEIGH HOTEL Hlgh-rlass scrvlra Reasonable rates HOTEL ABSEC0N Virginia Atraus Near llearh Fireproof' The boat moderate-pries hotel In Atlanllo Clly Rooms with private hatha and running water levator to street level labia well supplied anil service guod IUM per week up per day Lp Booklet a I'AINTCII IP 1114 42014 HUSTINGS DEEDS Of TRCPT Ms Deeds of Treat Amoootlog to n401Aai Georg Gray to Alfred Cohen trustee 45x111 feet west eld of Sixteenth Street June 22 1911 430930 George Gray to A Adamson at ala trustees 45x114 feet west line of Sixteenth Street T5 feet south of Decatur Street June 22 1914 41409 Boshen et ux to A I Adamson et els trustees 21x145 feet east lins of Twenty-fourth Street 134 feet north of McDonough Street Juno 24 1414 41409 Annie Welelger et vlr to Augustin Royal! 50 feet of lot 129 and whole of lot 139 Forest Hill Park Land Corporation June 2T 1919 $1120 Long et ux to Rex 9 Jones trustees 40x154 feet east line of Twenty-fourth Street 71 feet south of Femme Avenue May 24 1914 $77250 Hook et ux to Adam son trustee 29x120 feet north lino of iJftlftWlPi AVMlUft US fftAt Mlt flf Delaware Avenue 115 feet east of Twenty-first Street June 25 1914 41009 HENRICO DEEDS OF TltlST Harris to Edward Brown trustee 240 feet 2 Inchea by 725 feet south line of Hilliard Road Juno 22 1914 4104440 Lillian Crenshaw et vlr to Chapin trustee lots 31 32 33 24 35 24 in block 4 In Colonial PJace June 22 1914 41150- Haugh et ux to American Trust Company trustee 234 1-3 acres north Id of New Blarket and Long Bridge Road 19 miles southeast of city June 22 1916 11000 Haugh et ux to American National Bank truatee 234 1-2 acras north side of New Market and Long Bridge Road 10 miles southeast of city June 22 1914 91500 HENRICO RELEASE HEEDS rax Fear Deeds of Release Ameuotlag SI 734 John Easley to John Gee et ala II 24-100 acres seven miles below city on north side of Mill Road Juno 12 1114 4200 Chapin trustee to Lillian 51 Crenshaw et vlr lots II 42 33 34 35 II In block 4 in Colonial Place June 22 1116 7I4 Whit et ala trustees to Rucker 10 acres aig mile olty north side of Darby- June 21 1111 9250 Phillips et ale trustees to N'annie southeast of town Road Phi jaSesrr Lonir 14 mTss miles aouthaaat of city on north aid of Darbytown Road Juno II 1914 4449 CHANCERY RELEASE DEEDS 4 Fourteen Release Deed Amonatlog to 91SA9E27 Sutton trustee to Melton 25x140 feet weet line Enalow Avenus 140 feet north of Front Street May II 1916 11770 A Chewning et trustees to Alexander Board 44x149 feet south line Wood Street 70 feet east of West Street June 27 1910 4520 A Harmon truatee to Be tile Dalton 31x124 feet west line Sycamore Street 131 feet I Inches north of Cary Street June 20 1010 970050 John Mitchell Jr et al trustees to Martha and Maria Sweet 17x100 feet at the northwest corner of Hanco*ck and Catherine Streets June 12 1910 910600 Goodwin to Waillnger et ux 02 feet 4 Inches by 140 feet at the southeast corner of Stuart Road and Tha Terrace June 29 1910 93200 Schmidt truatee to same the same property as described in deed next above June 30 1910 9104317 Goodwin trustee to name 35x140 feet south line Stuart Road S3 feet 4 inches eaat of The Terrace December 15 1914 95 Nelson et al truatee to Lena Glaxer 33x145 feet being lot 4 in block 313 In the plan Duval's Addition May 10 1910 91450 Nunnally trustees to John Williams 30x130 feat north line Beverly Street 150 feet west of Randolph Street June 39 1910 91120 Pollard Jr trustee to Slaughter 34 1-2 by 63 feet at the southeast corner of Thirtieth and Street: alio 31 1-2 by 63 feet eaat line Thirtieth Street 100 1-2 feet south of Street May 17 1010 62120 Pollard truatea to same 22x02 feet east line Thirtieth Street 61 1-2 feet south Of Street June 26 1916 John Bagby trustee' to same 23x63 feet eaat line Thirtieth Street 34 1-2 feet south of Street June 34 1916 91232- Ameriran National Bank truatee to! Burton Marye 34 feet 11 Inchea by 34 1-3 feet west-line Twenty-eighth Street 91 feet 7 inches south of Street June 32 1911 91 Blanton truatee to James Heslip the same property as described in deed next above June 30 1914 93755 HIST1NCS COIRT PART IL Charters were issued by the State Corporation Commission yesterday as follows: The Bristol Chemical Works' Inc Bristol Maximum 150000: minimum $15000: par -value 9100- J-T Ray president Damascus: John Patton secretary Elk Park Pollard ft Bagpy Inc Richmond Maximum 1300000 minimum $150000 'Pollard Jr president Tyndall secretary both of Richmond BUILDING PERMITS Permits for new and repair work were issued yesterday by Building Inspector Butler aa 8 Forbes to repair brick garage on the north side of Monument Avenue between Roaeneath Read and the Belt Line Railroad to cost 4500 Mrs Atkins to huild a brick garage In rear of 1303 Bainbrldge Street to cost 1290 Garbett to build a two-atory frame dwelling on the east side of Woodcllff Avenue between Craig and Linden Streets to cost 93000 A Pulliam to build a two story brick tenement two dwellings on the south side of Hanover Avenue between Sheppard and West Streets to coat $13009 AT Garbett- to build a two-atory frame dwelling on the east aide of WopdclIlT Avenue between Craig and Linden Streets to coat 92000 and Clara Stansbury to build a two-story frame dwelling on the east side of Montrose Avenue between Hooper and Essex Street to cost 93630 MAH1IIAUR LICENSES A marriage license was Issued by tha dark of the Ilustlnga Court yesterday to Thurman Oscar Hay and Elate Scott Young holh of Richmond PLUMBING PERMITS The following permits were Issued yesterday by Plumbing Inspector Lenders: Krltser ft Harmon for Shelton southwest corner of Hawthorne and Hammond Avenue Capitol Plumbing Co for Minor 1621 Park Avenue Griminell for Elam ft Funaten 901 East Cluy Street II Delaney for 8 Cullen 1921 Grove Avenue ELECTRIC PER II ITS i The following permit were laaucd yesterday by the Electrical Department Cohen Co for Cohen ft Co 9 11 13 Varment ava and Beach capacity SO moderate rataa for tha comforta appoint-manta and table of tha larxaat hotels 1 ap dally 4l7se up weekly Urea cool ocaaa-view rooms otc Booklet PRKTTX-IIAK Prop FARLEY Her jKTLMNTICCITY Superior location with an unobstructed view of beach ana boardwalk A recognized standard of exclence Cimoctv600 WALTER JBU2B7 NEW SAVOY HOTEL Comer Belmsat Arraus aad Boardwalk Ocean view from seary Non Hat and raid running water In trary mom Tha largest and finest np-ts-date seller betel In the city HARRY LfTTMAX Msrater Gookrt and Moat Vttractivu Locatien OSTEND "The Garden Spot of Atlantic Qty Tbe Hsal hotel of Summer eemfsrt occupying entlrs Mock of eeaen front fn beautiful CMam action Capacity MO Renovated aad rsfumMiad throughout Swooping view of aoa from all rooms madam anpMntmant and comfort Bos aad rom ground floor: new commod loco open air roof loungo 4ljM foot of broad parcboo oaa ontlra floor a varitaWa Florida enchantment at palms sail flowers derated to social diversions: daneing twice daily: orchestra of soloists: mistress of caramon ion SujMmiweuioiiwwhltedininrrosmssrvieo FEES GARAGE Special Summer terms Americas plan 93X49 up weakly Booklet mailad Auto moats tnum Ownership management guaranteeing SERVICE Adjoining hotel is com plate tonic bath asteblkh inducing aaaaralac SUMMER West Ylrglnla OLD SWEET SPRINGS VA A Charming Place nt Which te Spend tho Hummer Amusem*nt varied and attractiva-s GOLF HWIMMINO POOLS orchestra dancing tenuin tally-ho lino (addle horeen motoring a is For rate and reservations address PAXTON Owes? Berime Va THE JEFFERSON RICHMOND VA The moat magnifleeat hotel In th South Europaan plan Rooma ateyo and aultsT wlth'nnd Hpeelsl sample rooms SUMMER RE Pennsylvania VTA SPRING BOTH Franklin County Pa A High Cls Summer Resort 2000 Ft above tea levs! ootii WMRR Frea me of 9 bole golf Course For Rataa and Booklet Address AJPD8D Ntanofer THE WALTER Walters Park Pa In the mountains Lssdlng hsslth resort WsrnersTllls Pa A reel Banltorluui where health is regained Booklet Al-fwySOBKRT WALTER If 8UMMER Virginia OrbneySprings Hotel and Baths Orkney Springs Va Open Jnno Beautiful mount etna always cool sieve lion tm Reiterative waters equal Carlsbad Girin any for nervousness poor blood gin-oral debility rheumatism kidney end stomach troubles Frea amuiemsnt daneing pool tennla croquet good table reasonable rates cap 6M booklet Carter Prop Natural OPEN ALL THU YEAR Noted for Excellent Service -An Ideal summer resort In th mountains of Virginia Tabla supplied from hotel garden and dairy All cows tested Dancing swimming bowling tennis driving and motoring Automobiles meet all trains Natural Bridge Station on both ft and ft IV railways Owned and operated by Natural Bridge Co Bend for circular Beach Haven Cottage Largo water-front cottage on car line with all modern conveniences and excellent table Special rates to Fourth of Juty parties BEACH HAVEN COTTAGE 1 Ocean View Va The Virginia Bay Ocean View Va' Season June 20 to September 1 Tenth season under same management aotrihe most liberally patronised summer hotel on the Virginia COMt 100 rooma Immediately on water front Rnnning water In the rooms' and a number of private baths hava just been Installed For rates which are most reasonable and other Information write JXO A TUCKER Mgr Wa mS I HurlS i BATH COUNTY VIRGINIA Tine famana raeart with Aa aaaat 4 Bgktful bath In America ie new open far Write tot tatas aad lafnemalia Mm MaL Eubaalg Wane flatten Va A limited number ot rooms are left for reservation for July and August at the Maple Shade Ion PULASKI VA Morebcad Manager Lowe Cottage Irglala Ray Statloa I Bx Oeeea View Va On of the liirKcut and most comfor-table cottages At this resort directly on water front Modern convenience Excellent eul-alne Select patronage For rate and reservations addrees MBHW 1ATW Hox 3 Ocesn View Va Willoughby Reach scar Rarfelk Va Greenwood Cottage water front one ot the moat attractive Cottages on (lie beach la now open for tho aeaiwn Katas upoa application Address IRX WARNER Willoughby Beach Va Statement for Eleven Months of Fiscal Year Indicates Business Recovery I GOODWIN IS PROMOTED General Superintendent Grice An nuuuces Appointments on Cheaa ieake and Ohio Uold Seniority Rights While in Militia Operating revenues of the Atlantto Coast Lin Railroad Company for the month of May aggregated 02990016 ai compared with 92506949 for tho same month of last year ahowlng a substantial increase while the operating income increased from 9566402 last year to 9247757 according to figures made public yesterday For the eleven months of the current fiscal year tha operating Income of tho road was 931003511 as compared with 929409214 for tha same period a year ago with operating income for the same time of 19078212 aa com pared with 90930759 last year and 92591795 tn 1914 General Superintendent Grice of tho Chesapeake and Ohio Railway announced yesterday the appointment of Goodwin general Inspector of transportation and atatlon service with headuarlera In this city Vf tt Booth Is appointed superintendent of freight transportation with headquarters In Richmond and Parrish Is made hia assistant Mr Parrish will make hia headquarters at Huntington The appointments are effective to-morrow The general grievance committee of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen representing employees of the Atlantia Coast Line Railroad has just amended their agreement with officials of the road stating all member of the Na-members who are members of tha National Guard or who volunteer for servtcs with tha government will be allowed to hold their seniority right and on their return will be reinstated In (heir former posltibhl The Coast Line has advised all employees that are subject to call for militia duty that their positions will be bold for them AERO RACE CALLED OFF Preparation for Trnnsrantinrntnl Flight Disewntlnnrd Be ran sc of Mexican Sltnstlnn NEW YORK Juno Prepsrstions for tho transcontinental aeroplane race which waa to havo taken pise in September have been discontinued because of the Mexican situation it was announced to-day by th Aero Club -of America after a conference attended by the War Department manufacturer of aeroplane and a represehtatir of Ralph Pulltxer donor of tha trophy It waa atated that th race la called off for so long as tha international poBsibUitlee may It was agreed the announcement said the government needs every available skilled pilot either on tha Maxican border or In training camps teaching others to fly It was declared that 209 aviators are required to meet the situation along tha border -and that 500 ahould be placed in training at one In order that 209 proficient flyers may ba obtained quickly DEATHS IN VIRGINIA Mra Elisabeth Wlllaou The funeral of Mra Elisabeth I Will-son who died yesterday morning at the apartment of her brother John Donnan Monroe Terrace 401 West Franklin Street will take place at 6:30 this afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church Mra Willson was serenty-twe years of age She was tha daughter of th late William and Mary A Donnan and th widow of Albert Willson a former resident' of Amelia County She is survived by two brothera 8 and John Donnan and ona slater Mra A Connor all of Richmond Funeral of Shoemaker The funeral of Captain John Shoemaker who died Tuesday was conducted at 10 yesterday morning at the home of hie niece Mra Gary 1001 West Grace Street by Rev James pastor of tho Grove Avenue Baptist Church assisted by Rev Calvin Stewart pastor of the Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church The burial was in Hollywood Cemetery Fuueral of Rev Taylor Funeral services of Rev Travis Tames Taylor who died Wednesday tn Blackstone will be conducted at 4 o'clock this afternoon In the Laurel Street Methodist Church by Rev Heed of Hampton and Rar McN Simpson Pallbearers both active and honorary wll be th Methodist ministers of Richmond The burial will be In Hollywood Cemetery Mlaa Emms Cerke The funeral of Miss Emma 'co*cke who died Wednesday after a long 111-neas will take place at Bliley's undertaking parlors this morning at 19 o'clock Mrs Grrra Klbler (Special to The Tlmes-Dispatch HARRISONBURG VA June Mra Green Kibler sixty year old died on Monday near Pleasant View Church in Augusta County Surviving her are her husband and aeven children Including A Kibler a teacher In the Philippines and sons In Chicago Wash- Ylrgtsla Brash Yrala Service 91a Norfolk and West era Hallway Leave Richmond 3 dally except Sunday arrive Virginia Beach SS0 No transfer between Advertisem*nt FOOL PROOF Tha Wia Acetylene Gas Genaratei for lighting and cooking at 1-1 tha pries of th storage and complicated machine Write us for literature and eur itgeucy preposition In your terrl lory 1881 Was Brood Mrooft RICHMOND VA KxrungioNS Moonlight Excursion to Dutch Gap FIRST liNGLJKIt LUTHERAN CHURCH from Tuesday' Junq 15 to Saturday July 1 1916 at 1:30 Grnllrmcn 30c Ladies 23c int Annual Meeting Civic As-horUUon Open Campaign to Hold Llcrtiun 18LLY 18 NAMED niLSIDEXT 'IdretMa on Municipal Reform Made by Robert ft Binkerd of Sw York and Dr Anderson of Richmond College No tint wilt bo loat by tha Civic elation of Richmond fn bringing out an election of a charter commla-n of aeven member a strong reeolu pledging support to this course vlnjr been -unanimously adopted at first annual meeting of the organ! tion held last night In the John Mar-all High School auditorium The re rt of the committee on resolutions bmltted by Wyndham Meredith vooated Immediate action and as on as practicable the association will inch a campaign to secure signs-res required by act of the last ses-on of the General Assembly to pe- lona calling for the election of a mmlselon to prepare an up-to-date arter for the government of this Many of leading profes-onal and business men were present heard two Interesting addresses on tter municipal government delivered Robert Binkerd of New York rretery of the City Club and Dr I Andereon of Richmond Colleae and active worker for reforme In city ivernment Mine dele Clark of the uual Suffrage League of Richmond ho wee given unanlmoue consent to eek pleaded for the aupport of the soelatlon for tho women In their lliht have a volee In governmental affairs ffuggestlene made by the committee i for officers to aerve for 0 ensuing term were unantmonaly lopted and John Cl Easley was sleet- 1 president succeeding Dr Stuart Me- ulrs Frank Duke John Stewart ryan I Marcuae and Wyndhafi eredith were named ee vlce-praal-tnia i i 4ME SEVENTY-FIVE MEMBERS ON BOARD Upon recommendation of the commit-e on nomlnatlona the board of dieters and the aaeoclato board of df-ptore were merged Into an active rectorate of seventy-five member he separata hoards consisted of fifty embers each The directors chosen How Meade Addisem Andereon Anderson- IS Beralas loom berg Carl Boechen owden Rev Bowie John err Branch A Brown Jr John ewart Bryan Carpenter irringteo James Caskie Milton Cone hn Corley Walker Cottrell Creamer Crenshaw -osier Mat Davie Davison Dsy Frank Duks John asley Arthur Eyene A Fslvey Dr Freeman Harwood illen Hill Hill DV George Johnston Jeler Jones cllngff Layfield Leigh I Mareuee Macon Ed-und Maesle Wyndham Meredith urray McGuire Dr Stsart Me jire Miller Norman shop Palma Parrish rhll-s JrY Hugh Powell Roy Pratt Reed Charles Richards Aug--tine Royall James Ryland Saunders Bands Allen Salle Fred Scott Arthur Scrlvenor Shepherd Shlflett Nathan mon Smith I Smith IL liman Joseph IV Stewart A vink Warren Taylor Valen-it Wolford Jr Charles If ratkins John Wicker Jr John ilson Coleman Wortham and mmerman Tho prime object of the association again expressed in an amended con-rltutlon as prepared by a committee which Mr' Meredith Is chairman nd which In part reads as follows: The Objeets of the association shall to arouse our cttlsens to the pri-ary duty of qualifying themselves as 'ters to see that a full vote Is brought ut at every municipal election to work the end of securing for this elty a most efficient modern and respon- form of government to fill its ificea upon merit alone and by those oat qualified and to improve in every ay tbs conditions affecting our eem-iunlty life" EQVE9T CIVIC BODIES TO JOIN MOVEMENT A report of a special committee com-Meed ef Mr Bryan Mr Meredith and Andereon submitted by Mr Bryan iade several important recommends-ons to tha association in keeping itli It policy of conducting an ag-resetva campaign for a charter r-irtn The attention of the association called by the report to the Impera-ve necessity of palsfng M000 in edition to the fixed office expenses of 1469 a year If the work of securing is desiyed signatures to petitions is rried out The committee also aug-ests that the various civic organisa-ons be requested to name one or two lembers from eaeh to serve as mem-era of the board of directors of the ivlc Association A campaign com-Ittes to secure opaakars familiar Itb municipal government and the king of an expert survey of mun total activities of Richmond are among thar things advocated by the committee These will be It Is expected cted upon at a meeting of the di-ctors which may be held next week In opening hie address Dr Ander-in said that one of the reasons for lie formation of the Civlo Assoc Jeon wee a general dissatisfaction with nndltlons as they exist in city attire He declared that members of association bad been ridiculed but la these very men he said who are inly loyal to tha city "The men who qve been active In this association i-e Jit brains of this ha ild the ones who ere now msk-g it what tt la This body of men ia dona a work of which tho city iiould bs If nothing else had been accom-Ished by the association declared Dr udereon it had at least disseminated formation concerning municipal gov--noient so that there was more real nowledge among the rank und file of ichmond cUixens about city affaire ish'ever existed before- have it only spread Information and -ouaed interest but every change In a new charter was the result of ef-irta by the association But thsre is or work ahead of us Simplicity ubltclty end responsibility I what seek Tf we want the men to come the polls give them a simple gov--nment' This no on man's moreen we need the rich matj the poor urn 'the preacher the layman the pltallxt and the laboring man We ieri all men and nil classes of men In work of his II-OHPA INED EFFORT ADVOCATED BY MR BINKERD Binkerd gave many bile of In-ng Information concerning rein municipal government ell of The following suit was filed yesterday Iluatings Court Part II: Street: April I Jfiltax 93O410 i Damage 9300 No declaration was filed EXITED STATES DISTRICT COVRT Two petitions In voluntary bank-ruptcy were filed yeeterda in the United States District Court The Hopewell Ice Cream Co of Prince George County presented schedule showing liabilities of JU4014 and asset of 9532230 Of the asset 92300 was in real estate and 92500 In machinery Duke of Hopewell Prince George County presented schedules showing liabilities of 9665901 and no assets CHARTERS ISSUED Eight Dd of Bargala aad Amounting to 910425 Rosalie Selden et vlr to Wallaea Saundera 4(xli5 fet east line of Twenty-fourth Streat 71 faat aouth of Sanimt Avenue May 24 1916 tax 93 910 Wallace Saqnder et ux to Long 40x155 feet east llna of Twenty-fourth Street 71 feet eouth of Semmes Avenue May 30 1010 tax 91 910 Allan Pettigrew et ux to Clark Thorburn et el 39x110 feet north line of Holland Street 91 1-2 feet west of Twenty-fourth Street June 33 1119 9725 MINIATURE ALMANAC June 30 1916 HIGH TIDE: mn 1H -f '17 Sun seta Evenlna 5:03 let! Et Broad Street twelre out- A Bear for Dr Karp light1 Grc Street two outlet ami Wrinner- for Corprew 2401 Last Broad Street aix switches Same for same one new switch Gal eskf OpfickCEIghthndMaln Streets moving outlets in windows Fry for Evening Journal oSl three outlets and lights eel rw2h Seventh Street Baptist 8eVnth 8lreet' Same for Charles Kastleberg 516 Sights Avenu flv outlet and four DISEASE SPREADS RAPIDU New lork Health Department Organises Special Force to Night la-fsotile Paralysis NEW YORK June An epidemic of infantile paralysis is spreading so rapidly here that tha Health Depart-' ment has organised a special force of twenty experts to light' it So far206 cases have been reported iii Brooklyn and twenty in Manhattan from whifh there have been twelve deaths Thirty-two caaea were reported yea terday The department has decided to placard the homea in which the diaeasq exists aa In scarlet fever epidemics and maintain a quarantine for eight weeks from the beginning of the illness Dr Simon Flexner of the Hocke-feller Institute la aiding the Health Department In an effort to discover how the disease la spread Elepe tm Bristsl Special to The Tiines-Dlspatchl CIlRISTTANSByRG VA Jun39- only daughter of Mr and Mra Dan Spangler of this place and Leonard Martin of Roanoke eloped to Bristol on Monday and were married Mfsa Spangler on Sun-dey had gone to Roanoke ostensibly to visit- relatives' aqd the marriage came as a surprise to friends here amusem*nts rieaslog Bill at Lyrieo Borrowing from every act fields its- position well in th Lyric's week-ender Thera are no Ty 'Cobbs but neither arc there any bush-leaguers -The oliow opens with Frank Wilson in a trick bicycle act which Is several notches beyond th beat that have been seen In Richmond In a long time and Roy and Arthur In a juggling turn which true to the program la different" In between conies Kva Taylor and company In a lively littlo comedy called of Ilubtiy" The comedy la of the purely farcical type and the acting la capital Tha audieuco enjoyed' It' Immensely Madison and Mac sing popular songs Tho woman la modeled Status-of- Liberty proportions aind has a voice of appropriate volume The man is considerably larger Tbe two were called back again and again' Vlollnsky eccentric 1 violinist and pianist performs odd feats with both Instrument and gives a capital Impression of a piano-player at a movla show The audience took' all the en-coree he had ami asked for mure Maggie Brooke te Maria Jones 23x 100 feet south line of Beinbrhlge Street 37 1-2 feet west of Seventh gtreet April 1 1910 tax 91 910 Johnson et ux to Baldwin 30x125 feet west line Of Twelfth Street 04 feet aouth of Railroad "Street June 26 1016 91250 Morton et ux et ala to Henry Rohinaon 20x105 feet weet line of Fifteenth Street July 7 1013: 9100 Alfred Cepan to George Gray 45x110 feet west aide of Sixteenth Street June 22-1010 915001 A Morton et ux et ale te Hooker lot 16 In block 1621 Richmond Manchester Land Company March 14 1016 9200 HEXniCO TRANSFERS Two Herds of Bargala aad Sale A mount lag fSM Partse Jr to Gertrude Gee 1 11 14-100 acres on M1H Road seven miles east of city March 19 1006 tax 69 cents 1 Dabnay Raalty Corporation to A England lot 13 In block A in Bryan Park Haight May 9 1919 tax 60' cents 910 1 1 CHANCERY DEEDS OF TIll'ST ammira Eight Deeds of Treat Amounting to $I5B0949 George Mayo et ala te Haslewood trustee 8x120 feet at the northeaat corner of Chaffin and Addison Streets June 21 1916 9650 Battle Dalton et vlr to Harman et ala trustees 21x134 feet west line Sycamore Street 141 feet I Inches north of Cary Street June 20 1910 9700 Amalia llarrla et to IT Brown truatee 25x129 feet 0 inches at tha southeast- corner of-Floyd Avenue and Mulberry Street 22 1910 9106940 Charles Jr to TT Riche-son et al trustee a lot of land bounded by Callhoun Cabell Roane and Spring Streets: also a lot -bounded by Cabelf Roans and Spring Streets and Quarter Branch June 27 1410 92355 XTbrria et ux to Pollard trustee 25x100 feet north line Moore Street 1 Op feet west of Oak Street December 23 1911 93950 A Kinsey et ux to trustees of CltlscnF Building and Loan Association No ID 25x110 feet north line Stuart Avenue 50 feet west of Sycamore Street June 27 IBIS: 93500 Lissie Walters et vlr to Brown et ala trustees 60x150 feet at the southwest corner of the Boulevard and Monument Avenue June 20 1916 92249 Burton Marye et ux te John I Wil-.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.