Heavy rains, warm winters and broken records: 2021 was a year of weather extremes in El Paso (2024)

  • Scientists agree that climate change caused by human activity pushesup temperatures across the United States, particularly in the Southwest.

2021 will be remembered as one of El Paso's hottest years and wettest monsoon seasons dating back to 1879. From a February snowstormto torrential summerrains and an unseasonably warmholiday season, 2021weather kept El Pasoans on their toes.

Instead of anomalies, these conditions signifywhat is to come. Scientists agree that climate change caused by human activity pushesup temperatures across the United States, particularly in the Southwest. 2021 was the ninth warmest year on record in El Paso. Eightof the top 10 warmest years took place in the past decade.

More:El Paso not messing around with Sun City nickname: Weather expected to be warm, dry this winter

Shorts weather in December

El Paso had its second warmestDecember on record, with an average temperature of52.7 degrees. The same trend played out across the state and country. Texas had its warmest December since 1889, according to state climatologistJohn Nielsen-Gammon of Texas A&M University.Preliminary datashows the continental United States had its warmest December ever.

"Not only is it by far the warmest December since the beginning of comprehensive weather records, it will probably also turn out to be the warmest winter month, period," Nielsen-Gammon said in a press release.

El Paso'sfirst freeze of the season was not until Dec. 20, tying the record for the latest in the year.

On Christmas, El Paso hit a toasty 72 degrees. But that was nothing compared to Rio Grande Village, Texas, where a National Weather Service (NWS)station hit94 degrees. The station in Big Bend National Parknow holds the dubious distinction of the hottest Christmas temperature on record in the entire U.S.

The past year had the fourth warmest fall on record in El Paso. November was the seventh warmest on record in El Paso, with an average temperature of 57.4degrees.

Wet and wild monsoon season

Between June 15 and Sep. 30, a record-breaking monsoon season defined the summer months. El Paso received 10.08 inches of rain, whichtied the record for the fourth wettest monsoon season.

Downpours in July and August flooded neighborhoodsand brought traffic to a standstill. The city's official weather station at the airport recorded the most daily precipitation at 1.93 inches on July 18.

More:El Paso's monsoon season brought relief from drought, caused disaster preparedness challenges

However, the Aug. 12storm will be remembered as the year's most damaging. The airport weather station received only received 1.27 inches of rain that day, but Central El Paso recorded 4.65 inches. A 65-year-old grandmother and her 2-year-old granddaughter diedwhen a wall collapsed in their home In Central El Paso. The rains also damagedstormwater channels and drainage systems, requiring costly repairs.

Despite the prodigious monsoon season, theNational Integrated Drought Information System ranks El Paso as "abnormally dry," one step removed from an official drought. The cumulative effect of several dry years means that one above-average rain year isn't enough —2020 was among the top 10 driest monsoon seasons.

More:Tuesday's 200-mile-wide dust storm brought 64 mph winds to El Paso

The Sun City is only getting hotter

In2021, six daily temperature high records in El Paso were tied or broken. Only one dailylow-temperature record was set.

The year's hottest dayswere June 12 and 20, when the mercury peaked at 109 degrees. Feb. 14 and 15 werethe year's coldest days at 14 degrees. A Valentine's Day snowstorm blanketed the region.

More:Valentine's Day snow covers El Paso as winter storm hits Borderland region

But don't let the occasional snowfall fool you:Temperatures in El Paso are increasing faster than in almost any other metro area nationwide.

An October reportfrom theTexas climatologist found that out of Texas' 254 counties, El Paso's average temperature increase was greater than all but one.Between 1975 and 2020, El Paso County'saverage temperaturerose 0.83 degrees.

The non-profitClimate Central analyzed temperature data across the country and found that among metro areas, El Paso had the greatest spring average temperature increase over the past 40 years, at1.1 degrees. El Paso also tied with Odessa, Texas, and Las Cruces, New Mexico, for the highest average summer temperature increase, at 1.2 degrees.

Heavy rains, warm winters and broken records: 2021 was a year of weather extremes in El Paso (2)

More:State climatologist: El Paso can expect more extreme heat, 100 degree days to double by 2036

If 2021 was any indication, El Paso couldexpect more extremes this year. The first days of January 2022brought a cold snap, with temperatures dropping to the low 20s at night. Temperatures will be creeping back up in the next few days.La Niña is expected to keep the rest of the winter dry and relatively warm.

Staff writer Martha Pskowski may be reached at mpskowski@elpasotimes.com and @psskow on Twitter.

Heavy rains, warm winters and broken records: 2021 was a year of weather extremes in El Paso (2024)


Heavy rains, warm winters and broken records: 2021 was a year of weather extremes in El Paso? ›

2021 will be remembered as one of El Paso's hottest years and wettest monsoon seasons dating back to 1879. From a February snowstorm to torrential summer rains and an unseasonably warm holiday season, 2021 weather kept El Pasoans on their toes.

What is the record breaking heat in El Paso? ›

The Hottest Day (114 F) In El Paso Occurred on June 30, 1994. 1994 Also Was the Year a Record Consecutive 23 Days of Triple Digits Occurred from June 23 Through July 15.

Why is El Paso so hot? ›

Climate Central researchers argue the increase in temperatures in El Paso and across the globe in recent decades has been too intense to be naturally-occuring and is attributable to climate change.

What is the record breaking weather in the United States? ›

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the highest temperature ever recorded was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F) on 10 July 1913 in Furnace Creek (Greenland Ranch), California, United States, but the validity of this record is challenged as possible problems with the reading have since been discovered.

What was the warmest year on record? ›

Details. The year 2023 was the warmest year since global records began in 1850 at 1.18°C (2.12°F) above the 20th-century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F). This value is 0.15°C (0.27°F) more than the previous record set in 2016. The 10 warmest years in the 174-year record have all occurred during the last decade (2014–2023).

What is the record breaking weather in Texas? ›

1) 120 °F (48.9 °C) Monahans, Texas - June 30, 1994. The hottest temperature in Texas was recorded on June, 30th 1994 in Monahans. Monahans is in west Texas, about 250 miles east of El Paso and 35 west of Odessa.

Has El Paso ever had snow? ›

All time heavy snowfall events for El Paso

22.4 inches December 13-14, 1987 (Don't believe it, check out the picture 66K JPG.)

What city in Texas gets the coldest? ›

Amarillo is undoubtedly the coldest (big) city in Texas. The coldest temperature on record is -12 back in 1986. However, just two years ago we came close to tying this dubious record with a low of -11 on Feb.

What year was the coldest year in Texas? ›

The lowest temperature in Texas history was recorded during the 1899 blizzard, when Tulia in the Texas Panhandle's Swisher County recorded its temperature at 23 degrees below zero on Feb. 12.

Why is El Paso so famous? ›

El Paso is located at the western tip of Texas, where Texas, New Mexico and Old Mexico meet! We are the largest international metroplex in the world where cultures and traditions blend seamlessly; from the historic Old West to the colors of Mexico, from the heritage of Native Americans to the beauty of our desert sun!

Is El Paso a red city? ›

El Paso County is historically Democratic and the 2008 presidential election was no exception. Democrat Barack Obama won 66% of the vote with 121,589 votes even though he lost the entire state of Texas by about 946,000 votes. Republican John McCain won 33% of the vote in El Paso County with 61,598 votes.

How white is El Paso? ›

El Paso Demographics

White: 49.44% Two or more races: 29.92% Other race: 14.81% Black or African American: 3.56%

What will be the hottest day in 2024? ›

Daily global temperature values from July 1-July 23, 2024, from GEOS-FP are shown in purple. July 22, 2024, was the hottest day on record, according to a NASA analysis of global daily temperature data. July 21 and 23 of this year also exceeded the previous daily record, set in July 2023.

What city has the worst weather in the US? ›

1. QUILLAYUTE, WASHINGTON–Ever heard of it? Neither had we. In fact, it's not a city but a location where weather data is accumulated and because of the numbers, it ranks as the number one worst weather location.

What is the coldest place in USA ever recorded? ›

The coldest temperature in the U.S. was set in Alaska: The mercury plummeted to 80 degrees below zero on Jan. 23, 1971, in Prospect Creek in central Alaska, north of Fairbanks. The coldest temperature recorded in the contiguous U.S. is minus 70: That was measured at Rogers Pass, Montana, on Jan. 20, 1954.

How many days in a row has El Paso been over 100 degrees? ›

A hellishly hot record of 44 consecutive 100-degree days in El Paso came to a thankful end when the high temperature missed the triple-digit mark for the first time since June 16. The high temperature on Sunday was 97 degrees, the National Weather Service Office for El Paso said.

What is the record heat in Texas history? ›

120 degrees in Monahans and Seymour — August 12, 1936, and June 28, 1994. Two dates tie for the hottest day in Texas history. On August 12, 1936, Seymour clocked in a scorching temperature of 120 degrees. Then, on June 28, 1994, Monahans also reached 120 degrees.

What is the most hot day ever recorded? ›

World: Highest Temperature
Record Value56.7°C (134°F)
Date of Record10 /7 [July] / 1913
Formal WMO ReviewYes (2010-2012)
Length of Record1911-present
InstrumentationRegulation Weather Bureau thermometer shelter using maximum thermometer graduated to 135°F
1 more row

What is the highest heat rate ever recorded? ›

The current official highest registered air temperature on Earth is 56.7 °C (134.1 °F), recorded on 10 July 1913 at Furnace Creek Ranch, in Death Valley in the United States.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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