Eat Your Nutrition - A healthy food and nutrition website with gluten-free recipes and wellness tips by holistic gut health nutritionist, Laura Ann Villanueva (2024)

Clients often ask me how much L-glutamine they should take a day, what are the health benefits associated with L-glutamine. Also, which foods are rich and high in L-glutamine? Finally, how much L-glutamine should you take to benefit symptoms of leaky gut? Let’s talk about all this.

Eat Your Nutrition - A healthy food and nutrition website with gluten-free recipes and wellness tips by holistic gut health nutritionist, Laura Ann Villanueva (1)

Glutamine is synonymous with bodybuilding. But do you know it’s helpful for so much more than just muscle recovery?

L- glutamine helped heal my leaky gut, strengthen my digestive system and recover faster. I also like to think the L-glutamine benefits help my tired muscles.

What is Glutamine?

It is a non-essential amino acid. It’s available in abundance from the foods we eat, but often most people still don’t get enough to stimulate deep repair.

The more energy you put out, the more wrecked your digestive system is, and the more time you’ve allowed passing eating processed foods, the more likely you’re deficient.

My journey with this supplement has been surprising. I never expected it to work, but it did. The science behind why this helps repair the digestive tract is interesting.

In fact, I even created my own brand of nutrition supplements that include my gut boosts, like Restore L-Glutamine powder.

How Glutamine Rich Foods Repaired My Gut?

Basically, it works in the gut by protecting against mucosal breakdown.


Now imagine this environment. You’ve got stomach acid that’s so strong it could burn through the carpet (no joke, and this is healthy and natural).

Then a little way down the road in your intestines, a more alkaline, lubricated environment is necessary because otherwise evacuating our bowels would be quite painful and horrible.

When things get out of whack in the gut, the important mucosal lining can start to lose its tenure. This helps it stay strong and protect us against the potential for a leak to spring.

Eat Your Nutrition - A healthy food and nutrition website with gluten-free recipes and wellness tips by holistic gut health nutritionist, Laura Ann Villanueva (2)

L- Glutamine Health Benefits

The second way this has helped me is its amazing ability to diminish cravings for sugar and carbohydrates.

This amino acid becomes a quick energy boost for our brains (where those cravings are coming from). It signals to the body the need has been met and the craving dissipates.

Because let’s face it, it’s not our bodies that want that chocolate bar, it’s our addicted brains.

Paired with a change in diet, probiotics, and plenty of stress reduction, L- glutamine has helped me repair my gut and experience genuine, lasting health.

I also discovered some amazing exercise and gut health benefits.

What Are the Benefits of L-Glutamine for Adrenal Health?

When you think of L-glutamine, you probably think of bodybuilders using a powdered supplement to help maintain muscle mass. 💪

But in fact, this amino acid does so much more!

Beyond its role in fitness, L-glutamine plays a crucial part in supporting adrenal health, primarily through its involvement in various metabolic and physiological processes.

Here are just some of ways it can support your adrenals.


Glucocorticoids like cortisol are hormones produced by the adrenals and L-glutamine serves as a vital precursor for cortisol production, crucial for stress response and energy regulation.


The adrenal glands demand ample energy, especially during stress. L-glutamine fuels the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, sustaining energy for adrenal cells to function effectively during stress.


L-glutamine supports the immune system by serving as an energy source for immune cells. This ensures that the immune system remains robust and responsive during times of stress.


The gut-brain axis is closely linked to adrenal health. L-glutamine helps maintain the integrity of the gastrointestinal lining, helping with leaky gut, as it is the primary energy source for the rapidly dividing cells of the intestinal mucosa.


L-glutamine is crucial for neurotransmitter production, which affects mood regulation and emotional well-being—especially important under chronic stress.


Oxidative stress can harm adrenal health by upsetting the balance between free radicals and antioxidants.

L-glutamine aids adrenal health by boosting glutathione synthesis, a potent antioxidant that safeguards adrenal tissue from damage.

How Much Glutamine a Day is Optimal?

So how much glutamine a day is optimal to gain the benefits I discussed? Studies indicate between 20 and 30 grams per day is the beneficial dosage for most individuals.

It’s not only enough to understand how much we should be taking, but also what foods contain glutamine.

High Glutamine Rich Foods

Eat Your Nutrition - A healthy food and nutrition website with gluten-free recipes and wellness tips by holistic gut health nutritionist, Laura Ann Villanueva (3)

Foods That Contain L-Glutamine

Here are the top foods I recommend, which are rich in L-glutamine. Trying to get in extra is easy when you understand which foods you should choose that contain L-glutamine.


Seafood is an excellent source of protein and glutamine. Grilled fish and shrimp are excellent choices.

For example, studies indicate salt-water seafood has a higher content than freshwater fish (1), so trying some flounder, yellowtail tuna, mahi-mahi (my personal favorite), and grouper are wonderful choices.


Next aim for leaner cuts of beef, because this is better for your heart health, but also because leaner cuts of beef contain higher levels of protein, which supplies the body with more glutamine.

How Much Glutamine is in Eggs?


Eggs are also another suitable source of glutamine. So, not only are eggs full of protein, but they are also an excellent source of vitamin K, B vitamins, vitamin D, iron, and selenium.

So, how much glutamine is in eggs? Roughly 2 large eggs will provide the body with 0.6 grams of glutamine.


Beans are great for vegans, vegetarians, and anyone following a plant-based diet, as they are an excellent source of protein and another glutamine rich food.

Pair the beans with a serving of rice and you have complete protein in a very inexpensive meal. Tofu, which is made from soybeans, is a good plant-based source of protein.

By incorporating beans into your diet you increase your fiber intake as well as get the necessary vitamin and minerals that your body needs to function properly.


Nuts are another plant-based source of glutamine. Snacking on a handful of nuts is great for fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and antioxidants.

You can also add nuts to your morning oatmeal to bump up the nutritional content, rounding out the meal with added protein too.

Eat Your Nutrition - A healthy food and nutrition website with gluten-free recipes and wellness tips by holistic gut health nutritionist, Laura Ann Villanueva (4)


By ensuring a steady supply of L-glutamine, the body can better cope with and adapt to the physiological demands of stress, ultimately supporting overall adrenal and gut health!

Start Eating More Glutamine Rich Foods for Good Gut Health!

If you find these tips on how much L-glutamine you should take for a leaky gut, which foods are rich in this amino acid, and also if you found this list of foods with glutamine helpful for great gut health.

Let me know in the comment section below.

In addition, I would also love to hear what you think, or take a photo and tag me@Eat_Your_Nutritionon Instagram. I love seeing your photos. #EatYourNutrition #LauraVillanueva


Also, if you haven’t picked up my FREE guide, here is the link to sign up. Sign up here for the :

7 Ways to Banish Belly Bloat Guide.


  1. Andersen, S. M., Waagbø, R., & Espe, M. (2016). Functional amino acids in fish nutrition, health and welfare.Frontiers in bioscience (Elite edition),8, 143–169.

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Eat Your Nutrition - A healthy food and nutrition website with gluten-free recipes and wellness tips by holistic gut health nutritionist, Laura Ann Villanueva (2024)


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Top 10 Foods for Health
  1. Water. Drink 8 to 12 cups of water daily.
  2. Dark green vegetables. Eat dark green vegetables at least three to four times a week. ...
  3. Whole grains. Eat whole grains sat least two or three times daily. ...
  4. Beans and lentils. Try to eat a bean-based meal at least once a week. ...
  5. Fish. ...
  6. Berries. ...
  7. Winter squash. ...
  8. Soy.

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Using Harvard's Healthy Eating Plate as a guide, we recommend eating mostly vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, healthy fats, and healthy proteins. We suggest drinking water instead of sugary beverages, and we also address common dietary concerns such as salt and sodium, vitamins, and alcohol.

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By having an idea of the balance in your diet, it should be easier to enjoy food and be healthy. There are seven essential factors for a balanced diet: carbs, protein, fat, fibre, vitamins, minerals and water. The rough percentage of daily calories that should come from each factor is shown in Table 10.

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8 tips for healthy eating
  1. Base your meals on higher fibre starchy carbohydrates. ...
  2. Eat lots of fruit and veg. ...
  3. Eat more fish, including a portion of oily fish. ...
  4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. ...
  5. Eat less salt: no more than 6g a day for adults. ...
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  7. Do not get thirsty. ...
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Watercress (also called watercress) contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, and secondary plant compounds. Just 100 grams of the herb would be enough to cover most of the daily requirement of Vitamin C, meaning watercress contains far more Vitamin C than even oranges and lemons, making it the ultimate immune booster.

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Netflix's Homecoming documentary chronicled the celeb's prep for her epic 2018 Coachella performance, which included hours of strenuous workouts, dance rehearsals and a 44-day vegan diet following Marco Borges' 22-Day Nutrition program.

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12 Everyday Foods To Support Your Health
  • Berries. Let's kick off our list with a sweet treat — berries. ...
  • Leafy Greens. There's a reason your mom insisted you finish your greens. ...
  • Nuts and Seeds. ...
  • Avocados. ...
  • Sweet Potatoes. ...
  • Bell Peppers. ...
  • Turmeric. ...
  • Quinoa.

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The 5:2 diet is based on a principle known as intermittent fasting. This is where you eat normally at certain times and then fast during other times. There are different versions, but the 5:2 diet involves eating a normal, healthy diet for five days every week and 'fasting' on the remaining two days.

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8 Tips to Ensure You're Getting Enough Daily Nutrients
  1. Eat a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables. ...
  2. Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods. ...
  3. Don't Neglect Protein. ...
  4. Bump Up Your Fiber. ...
  5. Stay Hydrated. ...
  6. Don't Forget About Fats. ...
  7. Limit Processed and Sugary Foods. ...
  8. Consider Dietary Supplements.

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eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day (see 5 A Day) base meals on higher fibre starchy foods like potatoes, bread, rice or pasta. have some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks) eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other protein.

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  1. A blueberry smoothie will help to prevent muscle damage. ...
  2. Add olive oil to boost your running. ...
  3. Eat a salad of leafy greens and beetroot to increase stamina. ...
  4. Rehydrate with a glass of milk after a workout to keep up muscle function. ...
  5. Eat a bowl of blackcurrants to help work off thigh fat.
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Give it a try for 30 days, sticking to the following guidelines:
  1. Eat 5-6 meals small meals a day.
  2. Eat every 2-3 hours.
  3. Combine lean protein and complex carbs at every meal.
  4. Drink at least 2 liters (8 cups) of water a day.
  5. Keep clean foods nearby at all times to avoid skipping meals.
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  1. gain weight gradually by adding healthy calories – adults could try adding around 300 to 500 extra calories a day.
  2. eat smaller meals more often, adding healthy snacks between meals.
  3. add extra calories to your meals with cheese, nuts, and seeds.
  4. have high-calorie drinks in between meals, such as milkshakes.

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A healthy breakfast may reduce the risk of illness

Compared with people who don't have breakfast, those who regularly eat breakfast tend to have a lower risk of both obesity and type 2 diabetes. There is also some evidence that people who don't have breakfast may be at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Top 7 superfoods to try
  • Superfoods have no agreed-upon definition, but most nutritionists would describe a superfood as a food offering superior nutrition in its class. Genuine superfoods have a high nutrient bang for their calorie buck. ...
  • Beetroot. ...
  • Blackcurrants. ...
  • Cold-pressed nut oils. ...
  • Watermelon seeds. ...
  • Algae. ...
  • Offal. ...
  • Turmeric.

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The 5 healthy food groups are vegetables and legumes, fruit, cereals and grain foods, dairy and dairy alternatives, and meat and meat alternatives. Healthy foods have nutrients that are important for growth, development and learning.

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Worst Foods to Eat for Your Health
  • Foods with added sugar. Examples: Cookies, cake, ice cream, candy, sugary breakfast cereals, flavored yogurt. ...
  • Foods with added salt. Examples: Chips, pretzels, breads, crackers, canned soup, processed snack foods. ...
  • Refined carbohydrates. ...
  • Processed meats.
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