Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, · 2017-11-30 · Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (2024)

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (1)

MARK YOUR CALENDARS Santa Venetia Neighborhood Association November/December 2017

November11/23 – Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy!– 11/30-12/8 – The Marin Center Pop-Up Holiday Craft & Art Boutique, 11am-7pm, Friends of Marin Center Room, Civic CenterDecember12/8 (8pm), 12/9 (2:30pm, 7:30pm, Mayflower Chorus, Marin Showcase Theater12/9 – 2nd Saturday Medians Workday, 9am-noon, call Nanni for meeting location 415-472-326912/16 TapCracker!, Sat., 2pm or 5:30pm, Civic Center Showcase Theater12/17 – Tis the Season...Peace on Earth, Singers Marin, Sunday, 4-6pm, Marin Veterans' Memorial Auditorium, Civic CenterJanuary 20181/30 – SVNA Commun-ity Meeting, 7pm, State of the County, Supervisor Damon Connelly. Korean Presbyterian Church, 635 Adrian WayJCC11/18 @ 7:30pm – Live Music Community Sing Along to the Beatles11/19 @ 2pm – Free Mill Valley Philharmonic Concert12/6 @ 7:30pm – Bob Minkin in Conversation with Paul Liberatore12/9 @ 8pm – Kitka Concert12/10 @ 11:30am – 2pm – Festival of Lights Holiday Celebration with Live Music, Food, & Arts & Crafts12/26 - 29 & 1/2 – 9 – Winter Camp – K-6th grade12/31 @ 9pm – Stand-Up Comedy Showcase New Year’s Eve1/22 @ 11:30am – Kan-bar Kids – Performance for FamiliesNights Salsa Party with Los Pinguos1/28 @ 3pm – New Cen-tury Chamber Orchestra

See Something...Say Something 415-479-2311

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, There have been reports of vehicle vandalism and harassment in our community over the last couple of months. It is disheartening to hear that this activity is happening mainly to residents living in the apartments (along La Brea and Adrian Way) when they park their cars on the surrounding neighborhood streets. No one deserves, or should be subjected to, vandalism or harassment while parking legally on a public street, so if you see vandalism or harassment occurring, please report this to the Sheriff’s Office. We all value a safe and supportive community. We hope all neighbors will work together so that people can walk to and from their homes without being harassed. We hope that people can park their vehicles without the worry about their property being vandalized. Santa Venetia is a wonder-ful community to live in and we believe that this kind of disruptive and discriminating behavior has no place here; or anywhere - Not In Our Town!Please keep in mind that it is legal for anyone to park a vehicle on a public street for up to 72 hours without having to move the car. Homeowners do not own the parking spaces on the street in front of their homes. If a vehicle is parked for over 72 hours, anyone can report it to the Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office has a process it must follow, which is to issue a warning and then a citation. A vehicle may be towed if it remains in the same location.We are asking that everyone be respectful of one an-other. Parking is an issue in neighborhoods throughout the county - there is simply not as much available as there used to be. Many people use their garages for stor-age, so their vehicles are on the street. Those who live in apartments pay for some of the parking spaces (if they are available), and the cost to tenants for a parking space continues to rise. In all of our families, when our children reach driving age, another car is often added. Together, let’s keep Santa Venetia a strong supportive and caring community. Remember, using common courtesy goes a long way towards keeping the peace. We are neighbors and can watch out for and support one another. If you See Something, Say Something. The Sheriff’s non-emergency number is 415-479-2311. Your County Supervisor’s office number is 415-473-7342. And if you are not already a member of our Neighborhood Association, please visit to learn more about the SVNA and how to join. Thank You.

Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,Ha habido informes de vandalismo y acoso de vehículos en nues-tra comunidad en los últimos meses. Es desalentador escuchar que esta actividad está sucediendo principalmente a los residen-tes que viven en los apartamentos (a lo largo de La Brea y Adrian Way) cuando estacionan sus automóviles en las calles vecinas del vecindario.Nadie merece, ni debe ser objeto de actos de vandalismo u hosti-gamiento mientras se estaciona legalmente en una calle pública, de modo que si observa actos de vandalismo o acoso, informe de ello a la Oficina del Sheriff. Todos valoramos una comunidad segura y solidaria. Esperamos que todos los vecinos trabajen juntos para que las personas puedan caminar hacia y desde sus hogares sin ser hostigadas. Esperamos que las personas puedan estacionar sus automóviles sin preocuparse de que su propiedad sea destruida. Santa Venetia es una maravillosa comunidad para vivir y creemos que este tipo de comportamiento disruptivo y discriminatorio no tiene cabida aquí; o en cualquier lugar - ¡No En Nuestra Ciudad!Tenga en cuenta que es legal para cualquier persona estacionar un vehículo en una calle pública por hasta 72 horas sin tener que moverlo. Los propietarios no son propietarios de los espacios de estacionamiento en la calle frente a sus casas. Si un vehículo está estacionado por más de 72 horas, y alguien puede reportarlo a la Oficina del Sheriff. La Oficina del Sheriff tiene un proceso que debe seguir, que es emitir una advertencia y luego una citación. Un vehículo puede ser remolcado si permanece en el mismo lugar.Pedimos que todos sean respetuosos unos de otros. El estacio-namiento es un problema en los vecindarios de todo el condado, simplemente no hay tanta disponibilidad como solía haber. Muchas personas usan sus garajes para el almacenamiento, por lo que sus vehículos están en la calle. Los que viven en aparta-mentos pagan algunos de los espacios de estacionamiento (si están disponibles), y el costo para los inquilinos de un espacio de estacionamiento sigue aumentando. En todas nuestras familias, cuando nuestros hijos alcanzan la edad para conducir, a menudo se agrega otro automóvil.Juntos, mantengamos a Santa Venetia como una comunidad soli-daria y comprensiva. Recuerde, el uso de la cortesía común va un largo camino hacia mantener la paz. Somos vecinos y podemos cuidarnos y apoyarnos mutuamente. Si Ves Algo, Di Algo. El número de teléfono que no es de emergencia del Sheriff es 415-479-2311. El número de la oficina del Supervisor de su condado es 415-473-7342. Y si aún no es miembro de nuestra Asociación de Vecindarios, visite para conocer más sobre SVNA y para inscribirse. Gracias.

This letter was distributed to some of the homes/blocks in SV earlier this month. Esta carta fue distribuida a algunas de las casas / bloques en SV a principios de este mes.

Thank you to Heidi Paizis, Gina Hagen, Susannah Clark, and Linda Levey for their work on preparing this letter and to Heidi Paizis, Gina Hagen, Jannick Rosenblatt, and Dinah McClure for going door-to-door to distribute the letter.

MOU Note: If you missed the County/Airport MOU meeting, a video will be posted online shortly–keep an eye open for the link.

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (2)


2 S V N A C O M M U N I C ATO R N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 01 7

DENNIS BORTOLI [emailprotected] 415-479-0167

NICOLE CIBELLIS- ANDREWS [emailprotected] 415-225-6115

Board Member Emerita NANNI WURL 415-472-3269elamin@m

Past President MARK WALLACE [emailprotected]


Santa Venetia Neighborhood Association PO Box 4047, San Rafael, CA 94913-4047

The deadline for articles and ads for the big Jan/Feb issue is Jan. 1, 2017. Email text to editor Linda Levey, [emailprotected], 415-499-3411. Put SVNA in the subject line of email.Advertising Rates Paid-up SVNA resi-dents can advertise and support The Communicator. Buy a 3-1/2 x2" ad. Ads in the big Jan/Feb issue are $60 and the issue is mailed to all 1800 homes; ads in the other 5 issues are $30 each. Pay one issue at a time or get one free issue by paying a year in ad-vance—only $180 for the whole year, 6 issues, and receive FREE 4-color on the SVNA website and in the display case. For ad specs, contact Norma Novy, [emailprotected], 415-499-9409.


Santa Venetia Neighborhood Association Mission StatementTo preserve and promote the quality of life of the Santa Venetia community. This is achieved through encouraging healthy social interaction; facilitating the flow of information; and protecting the natural beauty and economic well being of the community.

Photo credits: Gina Hagen, Linda Levey, Nicole Cibellis-Andrews, Norma Novy • Thanks to Ann Thompson for the Communicator masthead design and artwork for Mt. Tam/Miwok Indian tribute, to Jok Church for the original SV logo design, and to Joel Lau for revising it. Articles in this newsletter represent the opinions and ideas of the authors, and may not reflect the views of SVNA or its Board. While this newsletter aims to best represent information that is useful to the community, please note that SVNA reserves the right to edit submissions for both accuracy and clarity.

President RUSS GREENFIELD [emailprotected] 415-578-2580

Vice-President GINA HAGEN [emailprotected] 415-377-3377

Treasurer LINDA LEVEY [emailprotected] 415-499-3411

Secretary Catherine Lagarde [emailprotected] 415-472-7862

COMMUNITY MEETING, Tues-day, Sept. 26, 7-9pm Korean Church, 635 Adrian Way at Rosal Way

• Bella Santa Venetia: COULD THIS BE YOU?• Land Use: MARK WALLACE, LINDA LEVEY• Median Crew: NANNI WURL• Membership: LINDA LEVEY• Neighborhood Watch: COULD THIS BE YOU?• Newsletter: LINDA LEVEY• Social Activities: NICOLE CIBELLIS-ANDREWS • Traffic & Roads: GARY ROBARDS, [emailprotected]• Watershed: RUSS GREENFIELD

ADVISORY BOARDS• Dredging (CSA #6): ELLEN STEIN [emailprotected]• Emergency Services (CSA #19): MARK WALLACE, NANNI WURL• Flood Control Zone (FCZ #7): JACKIE GARCIA, jacqueline. [emailprotected], 415-492-1898, RUSS GREENFIELD• Parks (CSA #18): LINDA LEVEY, GINA HAGEN

SVNA Membership—Stronger Together

Your Ticket to a Better Community

Join the SVNA!

• Linda LeveySupport your Neighborhood – Support the SVNA!

So many SVNA volunteers work to make our neighborhood a great place to live. Your memberships and donations help to fund our volunteer efforts including:The Communicator: You’re reading it now!Community and Land Use meetings: Don’t you want to know?Neighborhood Beautification: Don’t you love our medians?And various Social Activities: Did you enjoy the Labor Day Picnic? Did you come to the Halloween Block Party? What about the Easter Egg Hunt? And there’s so much more….If you don’t join or renew, who will fund the wonderful things we do for our community?

More Members = More Communication = More Power as a Community.

And remember, one time doesn’t do it, you have to renew annually. So, if you haven’t joined or renewed your 2017 membership, please do so now. And while you’re at it, include your membership for 2018, be-cause… time flies and it’s almost here!A warm Santa Venetia WELCOME to new SVNA members: Theresa Smith & Greg Hebert.And THANKS: to those neighbors who have donated extra: Maureen Brant, Marty Parker, Elizabeth Sheehy, and Joy Sidon.And a special THANKS for large donations from: Gaspare’s Pizzeria Ristorante & Bar.We are the SVNA and it’s a great organization. Please join us! And if you have the time and energy to help, please let us know!

Second Saturday Medians• Nanni WurlIn September, we worked in front of the three homes, weed-whacking, pruning, etc. Working were Carolyn Byrne, Dennis Bortoli, Eliseo Garcia, Wayne Lechner, and Carl Sitchler. We lost one Pride of Madera which I want to replace with Lantana to provide clear view.In October, the regular workday had to be cancelled due to poor air quality from the fire iin Santa Rosa. But on the following Saturday, the A-Team: Carolyn Byrne, Denis Bortoli, and Wayne Lechner worked. Dennis pruned. Wayne provided better drainage and pruned too. Carolyn and I attacked the crabgrass – no joy there. We did some pruning in front of Norte Del Oaks and removed most of the dead Pride of Madera. We left a branch to fill the space. We will do some planting in November if we get a decent amount of rain.

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (3)

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Supervisor’s Corner Fall ‘17

MOU with the San Rafael Airport• Supervisor Damon Connolly, [emailprotected], 415-473-7331, County of Marin is negotiating a Memorandum

of Understanding (MOU) with the San Rafael Airport. The Community expressed interest in three issues, each of which is addressed in the draft MOU: » Resolution of conflicting boundary information; » Long-term maintenance for the levees that surround the Airport; » Planning for future restoration of the land east of the runway.

The boundary lines will be resolved by exchanging the State tidelands on the north side of the South Fork of Las Gallinas Creek (levees), for lands on the south side of Las Gallinas Creek. The draft MOU will provide for navigational related operations and maintenance (including encroachment of private docks) along Gallinas Creek. The lease will allow the County to provide authorization for Gal-linas Creek Encroachments for creekside property owners to extend their private docks to access the deep parts of the creek. The lease will be in effect until the State Lands Commission creates new maps along Las Gal-linas Creek that will establish the property lines.The MOU will not dilute the County’s assertion that the entire creek is subject to a public trust easem*nt for purposes of commerce, navigation, and fisheries.The MOU provides a lease to the Airport to maintain and repair, at the Airport’s expense, the County owned levees during the State Lands Com-mission process. This will eliminate the need for the County to maintain any levees around the Airport. It is the intention that as part of the exchange of parcels, the State Lands Commission will create new maps in conformance with the intent of the MOU.The County will keep the State tidelands at the tip of the Airport prop-erty. The intent is for the County to pursue outside grant funds to build a levee that allows for the restoration of the land to the east of the new levee at the tip.The State Lands Commission process is expected to take three years. The intent of the MOU is a 10-year agreement to allow the State Lands Commission to exchange the parcels, and draw new maps which provide clear title on both sides of Las Gallinas Creek, all of which should be ac-complished within the 10 years.Opportunities for public input on the draft MOU: The draft MOU is on the County website for public viewing. 15, 2017, 6:30 to 8:30pm. A public meeting was held to answer questions on the MOU. Public comments on the draft MOU can be emailed to: [emailprotected]. The comments are due by December 11, 2017. The MOU will go before the full Board of Supervisors. The public has the opportunity to comment at the Board meeting. The date for the Board meeting will be sometime after the first of the new y ear. Please contact my office later in the month for the date.

Maintaining Zone 7’s Pump Stations that Protect Santa Venetia• Laurie L Williams, GISP, Marin County Senior Watershed Planner, 415-473-4301, [emailprotected] Control Zone No. 7 (FCZ #7) follows an annual maintenance pro-gram at its five pump stations along Vendola Drive to mitigate the risk of flooding during winter storms. Pumps, motors, engines, and generators are inspected and tested, and pipes, trash racks, and pump wet wells are cleared of vegetation, sediment, and trash. Zone 7 also maintains a fleet of portable pumps, some of which are deployed during the rainy season in key locations at Meadow Way and Estancia Way.Annual preventative pump maintenance was completed this summer, including testing each pump station’s electrical components and main-taining engines. Individual pumps and electric motors undergo major maintenance every six years. This summer, three pumps, one each from pump stations SV1, SV4, and SV5, were removed, taken offsite, sand-blasted, and coated with epoxy. Parts were removed and maintained. The shiny, refurbished pumps were then re-installed.Before, during, and after storms, Zone 7 staff, with the help of the Conservation Corps North Bay, makes rounds to all flood control pump stations to make sure they are in working order and to inspect and clear facilities as needed to maintain drainage.

CSA #6 Dredging Meeting – October 4, 2017 Update• Ellen Stein, Vice-Chair, CSA #6 Advisory BoardCurrently there is a boat collecting soil samples along the stretch of the creek, which is needed before dredging can occur. The board is no longer considering filling in the outside natural flow of the Creek around Santa Margarita Island. Staff has been directed to look into permits to dredge the inside of the Island where the homes are located. Staff has also been directed into looking at costs for homeowners that live along the South Fork of the creek to dredge closer to their docks if they want to pay extra for that. The “Geomorphic Dredge” will only remove mud in the center of the creek. Another possibility is the homeowner’s ability to extend a dock out farther into the creek when needed. We are still looking into working with the Sanitary District and the McInnis Marsh Restoration for disposal of the dredging spoils. I urge you all to attend the dredging meetings and examine the upcoming San Rafael Airport MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) up for public comment on November 27.

SAVE THE DATE!!!SVNA Community Meeting Tues., Jan. 30, 2018, 7pm

What: Supervisor Damon Connolly joins us for our “STATE OF THE COUNTY” annual meeting.

Where: Korean Presbyterian Church, 635 Adrian Way, at Rosal Way

Before After

What Can You Do for the SVNA?What Can the SVNA Do for You?

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (4)

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• Sue Ann AndersonWe are a group of friends, all longtime Santa Venetia residents, with the common goal of giving back to our community! With that goal in mind, Santa Venetia Neighbors Helping Neighbors (not to be confused with the Santa Venetia Neighborhood Association) was formed in February 2009. Our group has at least one yard sale a year, usually on Meadow Drive, to raise funds to help with the needs of our Santa Venetia community. This has also allowed us to meet so many of you and share our story! YOU in turn have shared yours AND have helped with your purchases or some-times donations to the good cause – Our Community.This generosity has allowed SVNHN to be able to: » give an annual TLHS scholarship to a Santa Venetia graduate. » donate funds & materials to Venetia Valley School. » assist families through the Adopt a Family program. » provide gift baskets & gift cards at Christmas time to those in need. » offer school supplies and treats for children from our booth at the

SVNA Labor Day Picnic. » help serve meals to homeless women at local shelters.

I am thankful for pretty much everything! I have great friends, a great partner, a wonderful extended family, a wonderful life, and I live in Paradise. I am truly blessed. — Linda LeveyI'm thankful for being alive and having such wonderful people working with me on the medians. — Nanni WurlI’m thankful for our many amazing volunteers whose hard work and dedica-tion benefits us all. Kudos to everyone. — Sylvia LakemaI am thankful that Carl and I found such a nice home 50 years ago in such a family friendly neighborhood. — Helen SitchlerI am Thankful for my neighbors who are always there for me when I need them. — Ellen SteinI am thankful to be living in a place where there is a beautiful blend of man-made structures and natural scenery. — Marika LoveI am thankful for living in Santa Venetia where I am surrounded by good neighbors, who say hello in passing, and extend themselves throughout the community in volunteer efforts. I especially give thanks for those on the SVNA Board whose energy brings us all together. — Marilyn BagshSo Happy, Happy, Happy for my husband, Terry, and “THE BOYS!!” AND all our Santa Venetia Neighbors Helping Neighbors Group! — Sue Ann Anderson I’m thankful for my amazing neighbors. We are so lucky to have all of them in our lives and it’s what makes our neighborhood so special and unique. — Nicole Cibellis-AndrewsThe eight of us from Santa Venetia who are enjoying playing pickleball sev-eral times a week are very thankful for the opportunity to relish the spirit of friendship, fun and competition that the new court has brought us! Thank you to our CSA #18 and to Marin County Parks! — Joyce ClementsI am thankful for my group, Santa Venetia Neighbors Helping Neighbors, and the fall weather, and my family and friends! — Linda WarnerIf it’s not too late - I am thankful for husband, Karl, family, friends, home, job and health. — Mari DanneckerWhat I’m thankful for: Our Volunteers… Thanks to Russ and Dennis for restoring the Landmark Fence on The Other Vendola and to Rich McGrath

who anonymously and voluntarily picks up litter along NSPR. Makes me thankful and proud to call Santa Venetia Home. — Mary HanleyI am thankful for being able to live in Beautiful Santa Venetia and having wonderful friends and neighbors. — Shelley CooperI am thankful for the privilege of representing our community, and making real progress on long standing issues. — Supervisor Damon ConnollyWe give thanks for: The Earth and the environment, which supports our life and all life on this precious planet; For the great people we share this very special watershed with, both upstream and downstream; we are all in the Gallinas Creek watershed; For people everywhere committed to restoring the land, reducing their carbon footprint, saving water, cultivating food and treating people well. — Judy Schriebman, GWCLike many Marinites, I enjoy a good glass of wine, and am grateful to be located near one of the world’s best regions for wine grapes. In the horror of the fires of recent weeks, several of my clients lost their homes and one of my favorite wineries, in the Sonoma , was threatened with destruction. CalFire made a stand on the border, next to the first rows of vines, and fought back the fires with bulldozers, airdrops of retardant, and resolute land clearing. Charred live oaks attest to the destruction. Yet at the winery, just yards away, everything is normalizing. The November olive festival drew hundreds, including me, where I showed French linens as a weekend vendor Just on the other side of the winery, the olive groves glow with a new green, after our rains. Time for Thanksgiving. — Kathleen NemetzWe’re thankful for a community of diverse ages and cultures, occupations and passions; For its true sense of community in outreach and activism. Democracy and caring live here. And on a personal level, for the commu-nity’s support of our business and family, thank you. — Jim and Monica WalshI'm so grateful for being able to connect with neighbors and friends through the SVNA Communicator, even though Hank and I are way up here in Oregon, and fortunately in good health. There are no friends like my Santa Venetia friends! — Norma Novy I am thankful for the way my friends in Marin – and the many folks I never knew – have responded to the darkness of our current political climate with love and strength. — Dan Monte

Veteran’s Day has just come and gone. We wish to give eternal thanks to those who serve in our Armed Forces. Their past, present, and future service and sacrifices keep us safe, allowing us the freedom to live our lives as we choose.

Giving Thanks…

Santa Venetia Neighbors Helping Neighbors members are shown in the photo below: (back row) Bethanie Gilbert, Carol Bryant, Sherry Julin-Issa, Linda Warner, (front row) Mari Dannecker, Sue Ann Anderson, Shelley Cooper and Missey Jaquysh. We have learned that all of us working together can make a difference in our world. This shared experience has strengthened the friend-ships of our group and has reinforced the power of com-munity in all of us.Thank you again for YOUR HELP IN MAKING THIS HAPPEN! You can reach us at [emailprotected].

Santa Venetia Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (5)

Concerned about develop-ment? Here’s where you can find the scoop about what’s happening in your ‘hood.Keep an eye on the online forums for up-to-the-minute informa-tion.This is a list of current and ongoing projects that we are aware of in Santa Venetia.Now is the time to get involved, before the projects are built, not after. If you have an interest in the outcome of any of these building projects, and you should, please contact the SVNA Land Use Committee and/or the appropriate parties. Speak now or forever hold your peace! J“North San Rafael” projects – Visit to review open projects in North San Rafael (or other areas). You can subscribe to this page and get updates whenever there is a new project in our area (or in all of Marin!)Buck’s Landing / Launching – In 2016, the BOS authorized the purchase agreement for the acquisition of Buck’s Landing (including the lands across NSPR, abutting Heron Hill) from Gallinas Landing LLC, who purchased the property in 2015. The purchase is contingent upon securing funding and other requirements. The project will provide public access to Gallinas Creek and includes plans for restoring habitat. For more information: >>> County Contact: Supervisor Damon Connolly, [emailprotected]. Edgehill Way, 8 - The applicant is requesting Tree Removal Permit approval to remove one protected tree located on a vacant lot in un-incorporated San Rafael. Per the application materials, there is a 15-inch Coast Live Oak located 64 feet from the side property line, which qualifies as a Protected Tree under the Tree Protection and Preserva-tion Ordinance. For more information: >>> SVNA Contact: [emailprotected]. County Contact: Project Planner Sabrina Sihakom, [emailprotected], 415-473-3607.Gallinas Creek Dredging – CSA #6 continues to plan for a geomorphic dredge of lower Gallinas Creek in 2018 or 2019 to provide conveyance for boating and other recreational purposes. For an update, see the October 2017 staff report: >>> SVNA Contact: Ellen Stein, [emailprotected]. County Contact: Jon Liang, 415-473-6215, [emailprotected]. (see article on page xxx)Gallinas Watershed Program – They have released the draft Gallinas Wa-tershed Program Final Report. This report includes watershed descriptions as well as summaries of each of the products developed by the Program. Direct link to the Final Report: and Appendi-ces are in the Gallinas Watershed library: Also, to see a plethora of information – I including agendas, minutes, and their newsletter archives – visit: >>> SVNA Contact: Russ Greenfield, [emailprotected]. County Contact: Laurie L. Williams, Senior Planner/Watershed GIS, [emailprotected] Drive/Vacant Lot – The applicant is requesting Design Review and Accessory Dwelling Unit Permit approval to construct a new 4,412 square foot single-family residence with a 765 square foot detached garage, and a 765 square foot accessory dwelling unit on a vacant lot on Leona Drive. The proposed development would have a building area of 6,104 square feet and reach a maximum height of 30 feet above the surrounding grade. For more information, visit: >>> SVNA Contact: [emailprotected]. County Contact: Project Planner Evelyn Garcia, [emailprotected], 415-473-7173.Leona Drive, 22 – The applicant is requesting Design Review and Tree Removal Permit approval (including two trees classified as “protected”) to construct a new 3-story 4,454 square foot residence and a 613 square-foot attached garage on a vacant lot in San Rafael. The proposed building would reach a maximum height of 40 feet above surrounding grade. For more information, visit: >>> SVNA Contact: [emailprotected]. County Contact: Project Planner Sabrina Sihakom, [emailprotected], 415-473-3607.

Medical Cannabis Dispen-saries = Delivery Only – A “New Medicinal Cannabis Draft Ordinance” debuted in September with a “delivery-only retail ordinance to be consid-ered in coming months.” The Ordinance went before the BOS and the Merit Hearing will have happened before you receive this newsletter, on 11/14/17. For more information, click here: >>> County Contact: Program Manager Inge Lundegaard, ILundegaard@, 415-473-7023.McInnis Marsh Restoration Project – “In a forward-thinking effort to provide critical habitat and ensure that Marin’s marshlands and critical infrastructure can withstand sea-level rise, Marin County Parks is using a $550,000 state grant to restore 180 acres of diked wetlands in San Rafael to natural marsh.” More information can be found here: and >>> SVNA Contact: Russ Green-field, [emailprotected]. >>> County Contact: James Raives, Senior Open Space Planner, [emailprotected]’s/MacPhail’s School Site – The McPhail Working Group remains dedicated to keeping this site and field as a neighborhood park and resource, as well as protecting the seasonal wetlands. We could use your help. If you are interested in being involved, apprised, and/or updated as to the status of this property, contact [emailprotected] to be added to our email distribution list. >>> SVNA Contact: Linda Levey, [emailprotected]. SRCS Contact: Christina Perrino Zecchini, [emailprotected], 415-492-3576.Oxford Valley Site – The owners of the Oxford Valley Parcel, Jim and Jill Higgins, completed fire safety brush clearance and were alerted to illegal dumping of trash in the stream which they were able to clean up before the rains. They plan on submitting plans to the county for a single fam-ily home some time next year. Jim has provided the following contact information for those interested in his future plans for the valley:[emailprotected] or 415-949-8005. As well, you can view their previously prepared concept here: >>> SVNA Contact: Mark Wallace, [emailprotected] in Santa Venetia – New rules were implemented earlier this year: No parking at all on NSPR, between La Pasada and Vendola, and com-mercial trucks are banned from overnight parking on select streets of our residential neighborhood. Signage has gone up and enforcement has begun. If you live in a section of SV with no parking signs and oversized, commercial trucks are still parking overnight in your neighborhood, please contact the Sheriff to report it. >>> Contact: [emailprotected]. San Rafael Airport – MOU/Levees – The County of Marin is working on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Airport regarding the levees and ownership of the creek. When you read this, the Public Meeting will have already happened (11/15/17), but you can still comment on the Draft MOU by 12/11/17. For more information: (see articles on pages 3 and 9.)San Rafael Airport - Soccer Complex/Recreational Facility – We under-stand the project will be moving forward. (see article on page 6) Let your neighbors and SVNA Land Use know if you see any activity on the site. For more information: >>> SVNA Contact: [emailprotected] Oaks/NSPR Development Project (Busse Land Division/Tentative Map P1612) – The applicant is requesting Tentative Map Approval to divide the 4.438 acre lot bordering on North San Pedro Road (NSPR) and Sunny Oaks (approximate number 71) into four lots with seven (7) proposed units (including 2nd units) in total. The first application submitted earlier this year had two lots being accessed from below, on NRPR, and two being accessed from above, on Sunny Oaks. New plans and information were

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Land Use Update 2017Be Proactive, Not Reactive

Continued on page 9

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (6)

6 S V N A C O M M U N I C ATO R N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 01 7

NOW OPEN!Men ~ Women ~ Children

Walk-Ins Welcome (415) 491-1824

48 N San Pedro Rd (Next to Bogie’s Café)Tuesday-Saturday 10-6

Sunday 11-5

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expires 1.31.18 - one per family

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for a FREE DAY PASS ($25 value)

Osher Marin JCC– Fun for the whole your own backyard!o 11/18 @ 7:30pm – Live Music Community Sing Along to the Beatleso 11/19 @ 2pm – Free Mill Valley Philharmonic Concerto 12/6 @ 7:30pm – Bob Minkin in Conversation with Paul Liberatoreo 12/9 @ 8pm – Kitka Concerto 12/10 @ 9:30 – 11:30am – Pre-school Open House & Holiday Family Connections for ages Birth - 5o 12/10 @ 11:30am – 2pm – Festival of Lights Holiday Celebration with Live Music, Food, & Arts & Craftso 12/26 - 29 & 1/2 – 9 – Winter Camp – K-6th gradeo 12/31 @ 9pm – Stand-Up Comedy Showcase New Year’s Eveo 1/22 @ 11:30am – Kanbar Kids – Performance for Familieso 1/27 @8pm – Winter Nights Salsa Party with Los Pinguoso 1/28 @ 3pm – New Century Chamber OrchestraJoin the Hall of Fame winner for best Fitness & Aquatics Center with indoor & outdoor pools (coupon for special offer & free day pass in this issue).·Adult Classes & Excursions; Preschool; Parent & Toddler Classes; Swim Lessons; Summer Camp for K-10th grade; Afterschool Program for K-6th·Plaza J Café featuring Peet’s Coffee, Mighty Leaf Tea, Smoothies, Three Twins Ice Cream, Sandwiches, Salads, Soups, Pastries, and Snacks (cou-pon for free coffee in this issue)Go to for more info on all of our programs.

Stop by the Osher Marin JCC Cafe for:

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Smoothies | Three Twins Ice Cream

Sandwiches, Salads & Soups

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Expires:1.31.18 one per family

COMMUNITY MEETING, Tuesday, January 30, 7 pm Korean Church, 635 Adrian Way at Rosal Way

Progress Happening with the Soccer Complex• Ellen SteinIn September 2017, they applied for a foundation permit, to start the pile driving and the install the foundation work. That permit is currently under review and should be issued in a month or so. After the foundation permit, they will begin to drive the piles and build the foundation, subject to the mitigation measures and timeframes established by the project approvals and EIR. Following that, they will need to apply for a building permit for the ac-tual recreational facility building and all the site work around the build-ing and parking lot.Last I spoke to the developer, they were actively preparing the plans and plan to submit for the actual building by end of this year, early next year.They were still evaluating whether they would apply for the entire building and interior improvement in one permit or submit first for just the shell of the building in one permit and then come back for a separate permit for the interior work.

Collect ”General Mills Box Tops for Education” and ”Campbell Labels for Education” to support programs at Venetia Valley School

The Venetia Valley School is still participating in both programs. The box tops are worth 10 cents each and are used to fund field trips for all grade levels. Campbell product label points are used to obtain PE and play-ground equipment, recess equipment, and music and art supplies for our school. Contact Tes Robards, 415-507-0375 for more info. Labels and box tops can be dropped off at the school's main office.

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Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (7)


Visit the SNVA Website: www.thesvna.orgBack issues of the Communicator newsletter,

Activities, Personalities, Membership, CalendarS V N A C O M M U N I C ATO R N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 01 7 7

Santa Venetia Neighborhood 9th Annual Halloween Party• Nicole CibellisThe 9th Annual SVNA Neighborhood Halloween Party on Adrian Way was a spooky and fun time for kids and adults alike. This great event is just another way to bring our community together. Waves of trick-or-treaters started to fill the street at 5pm and the party didn’t stop until after 9pm. Children from across San Rafael explored the spooky graveyard, tasted “brains” at our witch’s kitchen, danced to tunes with our local house band, checked out our house underwater and climbed aboard the SRFD Fire Engine. Adrian Way was filled with spooky houses and inhabitants who passed out a record number of treats this year. We estimate 800+ trick-or-treaters this year! We were even featured on as one of the best trick-or-treat neighbor-hoods in Marin!We met lots of new families this year. Families from all over Santa Venetia attended including the Northbridge neighborhood, Venetia Valley, Glen-wood, Coleman, Sun Valley school families, and many families from all over Marin, and some even from San Francisco!I want to take this opportunity to thank the following people without whom I couldn’t have ever organized this amaz-ing party!All our neighbors on Adrian Way, who allow and make this event hap-pen. It is because of you this event is so much fun!Hilary Staples, Kirk McLaughlin, Bethanie Gilbert creating the be-loved Witches Kitchen. Russell Staffen and Lea Watkins for our house underwater. Jackie & Gary Watson for their most “scary” house on the block. Chris, Shannon, Tino and Madalena Owen for adding to our party with a live band and super fun decorations. Pam & Mike Hogan for

Slide on Shoreline Trail Finally Fixed!• Helen Sitchler, Museum Docent and Board Member, Friends of China CampLast February there was a massive slide on the Shoreline Trail at China Camp State Park. It was between the Miwok Group picnic area and the Ranger Station. The trail has been unpassable and off limits since then. But…thanks to a dedicated team, led by Ed Westbrook of Friends of China Camp, it is now open! It took over 2,300 man-hours of labor (50% of which were loyal volunteers). Over 300 volunteers worked on grading, leveling, and shoring up the trail during the last 9 months. The work involved knowledge of big machinery, sweat, dust, muscle power – and some tears of both joy and frustration! Over 54 tons of gravel and stone were hauled up to the slide – much of it donated by Dutra Materials of San Rafael and Ed’s company, Quarry House, Inc. Other supplies were donated monetarily or in-kind. So, now the trail is open and ready for your enjoyment!When you go by the Ranger Station or the Village Café, give a big “thanks!” to dedicated members of Friends of China Camp – or help with future projects by joining Friends of China Camp, Inc.

our spooky graveyard and for storing all our Halloween Décor. Mary Clare and Colin Bly for their ghostly house. Jeanine Lin and her friends for a wonderful setup of snacks and goodies. Jackie Garcia, Giselle Block, and MaryClare Bly for helping me decorate and clean up the block.

Ernest Klock for obtaining our permits.San Rafael Fire Department, CHP and Marin County Sherriff for taking the time to make so many kids for featuring Santa Venetia!Target and Safeway for the last minute infusion of candy which helped us to keep the party going.We especially thank the SVNA for sponsoring this annual event. It is a wonderful community-building event and we look forward to next year’s!

[emailprotected] | (415) 339-9336 ext. 1004

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (8)

JOIN THE SVNA TODAY! Power in Numbers Regular $30 and Senior Resident 65+ $15 . Includes subscription to the Communicator Newsletter!

Fun Stuff To Do• Linda LeveyThere are many wonderful things to do in Santa Venetia and neighboring areas. Here are just a few highlights…Marin County Parks. Rangers host a variety of family-friendly events for all ages and interests – barbeques, bike rides, campfires, fishing derbies, horseback rides, interpretive hikes, outdoor safety and skills seminars, skateboard contests, stargazing, and more! Wear appropriate clothes and bring snacks, water, and sun block. Browse to their site to get all the details and to view the entire calendar: Also, note there are many “Free Access to ALL Parks – Measure A Days” on the calendar. And don’t forget, If you have a Marin County library card, you can check out a free park pass. For more information: if you’re in the mood, check out the many events right in our neighbor-hood at Marin Center: Their wide variety of offerings includes dance and music shows, outdoor markets, and more. Of special interest for the holidays – The Marin Center Pop-Up Holiday Craft & Art Boutique, November 30 – December 8, 11am–7pm, in the Friends of Marin Center Room at the Civic Center.Shop for one-of-a kind locally produced gifts and meet some of Marin County’s top artisans, showcasing their unique jewelry, textiles, home accessories, and quality crafts. Take home something special for the art lovers in your family while supporting the true creative culture of Marin!Proceeds help support the Marin Cultural Association which supports arts and culture in Marin County and helps to underwrite programming, education and tickets for underserved youth and to upgrade the Marin Center facilities. With over 700 items priced from $5 to $250, you can take home something special for the art lovers in your family while supporting the true creative culture of Marin!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And as always, great stuff at the Osher Marin JCC. See their article on page 6 and visit: for more events and information.

LesLey McTaggarT Realtor®, SFR, ASP

(415) 497-7548Fax: (415) 259-2889





8 S V N A C O M M U N I C ATO R N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 01 7

Watershed Works!

• Judy Schriebman, GWC Board Member, [emailprotected] proposed airport/county MOU is at the top of our concerns for the watershed at this time. After an incredibly detailed symposium on the watershed, lead by NERR (National Estuarine Research Reserve) scientists and attended by agencies, county and city staff, and watershed advocates, we cannot comprehend how a soccer facility—or any build-ing—can now be constructed in what should be marsh wetland, below grade, in the path of sea level rise (SLR). We will be watching this MOU, as we know our friends in Santa Venetia are watching this.The Symposium discussed what we know about potential SLR estimates, from conservative to higher but still possible levels, and how we will need to act to protect the community and the animals that depend on the marsh in the face of this big change that is coming. Upland Transi-tion Habitat will be a term to know—this refers to having a gradual increase in elevation from the bay edge upstream and upslope so that we continue to grow our protective bayland marshes. Horizontal Levees are also a term to be familiar with, as these levees, which are sloped and very broad, create upland transition habitat, which in turn helps reduce the effects of wave action, allows nature to build up over time. They also do not need to be as high as conventional levees.We also heard from Roger Leventhal about the proposed trapezoidal dredge of the south fork of the creek for navigational access and about the McInnis marsh restoration project, which could help create addition-al habitat for our endangered species, including Miller Creek’s steelhead salmon, as well as protection for upslope properties. This project will also support LGVSD by helping move sediment away from their discharge pipe and helping it accumulate to help build the marsh, as naturally used to occur.The NERR was kind enough to put supporting documentation online here: Our group is also greatly concerned about the Clapper Rails that have now been missing for two years from the north fork of Gallinas Creek. We have written the county and city about this, as well as regulatory agen-cies. The only change to the area in these past two years has been the SMART train and Airport construction. Noted avian biologist Jules Evens brought this situation to our attention. GWC also participated in the CleanMarin and MCSTOPPP Trash Summit on Nov. 1. Supervisor Dennis Rodoni and guest speaker David Lewis of Save the Bay, kicked off this event, which featured a phenomenal panel of trash-activists from around the county. Supervisor Katie Rice did clos-ing remarks. Kudos to all who are working so fiercely to keep trash out of our waterways, creeks, bay and ocean. If you want to help launch a clean up in your neighborhood, please check out welcome everyone to come to our monthly meetings for GWC. They are held on the first Wednesday of the month, at 7 pm, in the Northgate Mall community room above the food court. December will be our end of the year holiday party so we hope to see you in 2018!

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Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (9)

S V N A C O M M U N I C ATO R N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 01 7 9

Join the SVNA. Get current neighborhood info and learn about your neighbors

MOU between the County of Marin and San Rafael Airport, LLC• Ellen SteinWhat the Supervisor is not telling you about the proposed Memoran-dum of Understanding between the County and Airport:The County is and has not been responsible for maintaining any of the levees surrounding the airport (documents of proof can be provided)The maps in the MOU show that the airport retains ownership of the creek bed? The Airport title excludes any lands in the creek bed up to the mean high tide. The Airport is getting fees for permits waived along with plan review and inspections. The County wants to try and secure a grant for the Airport to move the levee currently on State lands West (in accordance to FAA rules which we don’t know yet) leaving the remaining land to the public? How much land will that be? Currently the levees surrounding the Airport are two feet higher than the ones protecting Santa Venetia homes. Any grants for Residents?The agreement implies permission to extend docks out into higher water on the South Fork of the creek? The creek is a navigable waterway owned by the public and would be granted by permitting agencies.Claim for State Lands to resolve the boundary issue decades old in a land exchange within 3 years while entering into a 10 year lease with the Airport?The thousands of taxpayer dollars that the County would have to pay State Lands to do a land exchange. (ie staff costs, title reports, appraisals, surveys, EIR….)The Supervisor has listed the websites to view the MOU along with the site to enter comments. Please let your concerns be heard!

• Linda Levey & Gina HagenAfter the announcements and the SVNA Board Elections (the same Board was voted in, no new recruits), Russ Greenfield introduced Ross and Steve, representatives from the Northgate Mall. They made a presenta-tion about themselves, representing the new owners, provided informa-tional packages and surveys (to find out what we as a community would like to have there). They were very interested in hearing from community members about what our ideal vision of the mall might be, and a special bonus was shared with the meeting attendees – they came bearing gifts (Peet’s Coffee Gift Cards for all!). In case you haven’t heard yet, the Northgate Mall was purchased by in January by a Private Equity Company with offices all over. Currently they own 5 – 6 regional shopping malls, similar to ours.They told us about some of the stores that have long-term leases (Kohls, Macy’s, and Sears) and discussions ensued for how they will move for-ward to better use this site. As I’m sure we all know, the retail atmosphere is currently challenging, with all the online activity, and they are very interested in knowing what would attract us to the Mall.Various discussions and comments were had including: it could be more inviting, better quality food, too many teens and teen stores, community spaces would be nice (community focused spaces desires and/ or safe space for teens to hang out within the mall), this is the only covered mall in Marin, possible mixed use (housing), piped in music choices, and more!They are bringing back the ice skating rink, talking about pathways and connections to the SMART station, and don’t worry – See’s Candy is stay-ing! Thanks again to the Northgate Mall for the great presentation and the generous Gift Cards from Peet’s Coffee.Gina Hagen then took over the meeting, discussing the recent fires - thanking the people in our neighborhood and beyond who chose to respond by volunteering, providing donations, etc. to help those effected by the fires, with a shout out to Bay Marin Community Church for becoming a donation drop off and distribution center. And of course a special thank you to all of the first responders who worked so hard to save people’s lives and property.Next she welcomed the Community – “Bienvenudo. Huān yíng. Vel-commen. Benvenuto. Nei hou. Welcome. These are just a few of the ways people on my street say ‘welcome’. So many of us love living here because of the beauty and diversity of the community...” – and we did have a large group who came to talk about our diverse community and the ways we celebrate what we love about this community. She read the SVNA Mission Statement, assisted by Wayne Lecher who translated in Spanish (thanks a million Wayne!), and introduced members of the SVNA and of San Rafael Building Bridges (SRBB).Everyone joined in as we discussed various issues in the neighborhood including impacts of the recent parking changes and how that has af-fected some of our neighbors (who are being harassed and having their vehicles vandalized).We were lucky to be joined by Susannah Clark, Aide to Supervisor Damon Connolly, who joined us and, as always, was invaluable with ad-dressing questions and comments about what we can do in the wake of some of these problems.It was a lively meeting with most everyone speaking their piece and discussing what we can do to find healthier ways to interact with each other. Members of the SVNA agreed to write a letter to neighbors. The letters are completed (Thank you to Heidi Paizis for taking the lead) and are reproduced on the front page of this newsletter. We ALL agreed on two things – “Not in Our Town” and “Hate Has No Home Here”!

SVNA Community Meeting 10/24/17

submitted in May showing all seven units to be accessed from NSPR. Cur-rently this project is in CEQA/Environmental Review. If you are interested in being included in future SVNA updates on this project, please let us know. Click here for more information and to sign up for updates on this project from the County: >>> SVNA Contact: Mark Wallace, [emailprotected]. County Contact: Project Planner Evelyn Garcia, [emailprotected], 415-473-7173.Upper Road/Vacant Lots – Plans were submitted in June showing access to one parcel off North San Pedro Road and the other off Upper Road. At that time, owner Mark Menges applied for a lot-line adjust-ment with plans for two single-family residential lots. Per the Planner, the lot-line adjust-ment was approved in August. Building plans have not been submitted yet, but the next step should be Design Review. County Contact: Project Plan-ner Megan Alton, [emailprotected], 415-473-6235.We’re out of room this issue but if you are interested in other Land Use issues, please consult our previous and future newsletters for more informa-tion or contact our SVNA Land Use Committee with questions and/or concerns.

Land Use Update continued from page 5

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Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (10)

1 0 S V N A C O M M U N I C ATO R N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 01 7






CSA#18–Parks & Open Space

Dependable, Loyal, Trustworthy...and so is the dog. 790 Mission Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901

San Rafael Building Bridges• Sherri Patterson, [emailprotected], 415-686-9331San Rafael Building Bridges (SRBB) was formed after last year’s elections. We have joined together in Santa Venetia and beyond with a desire to bring positive action, hope, and kindness to these challenging times. Community is important to us and we seek to be inclusive of all neigh-bors from all walks of life. Throughout the last year, civil rights, health care, and the environment have been our key areas of focus.In recent months we have been fortunate to have a new location for our group at Parnow Friendship House. We love being at the physical center of three groups all trying to work positively together - the JCC, Venetia Valley School, and senior residents in affordable housing. Parnow resi-dents have responded enthusiastically to our meetings.One of our group, a member of Rodef Shalom, recently introduced us to Not In Our Town. Not in Our Town is a national movement to stop hate, address bullying, and build safe, inclusive communities for all. NIOT started in Billings, Montana after a huge rock was thrown through the window display of a menorah in the room of a Jewish six year old. In response, ten thousand citizens of Billings put menorahs in their own windows.These are not problems of others. How can we at SRBB help our neigh-bors who feel excluded, shunned, and victims of racism? Moreover, how do we build unity and get past “us” vs. “them” to truly know one another?How do we “light a menorah” for our neighbors when incidents of racism arise here?In the meantime, many neighbors are deeply stressed and our neighbor Hugo Mejia was taken into custody by ICE, leaving his family without his support. And at the Santa Venetia Neighborhood meeting last month neighbors came to express feelings about racially motivated harassment that was incited by the increased parking congestion. We are working on it. We are trying to find a way to “light a menorah” for our neighbors who feel alone. In August, we joined other organiza-tions to gather together school supplies in over four hundred backpacks for disadvantaged students. We have attended deportation vigils and formed a Rapid Response Team. And after a proposed hate rally in San Francisco, SRBB organized a banner drop from several 101 freeway over-passes with messages such as “End Racism” and “Love over Hate”.This year, we are grateful to have found in each other a particularly warm, friendly, and caring group who lifts spirits in hard times. SRBB welcomes new members and will be holding our last meeting of the year, Thursday, December 7th, at Parnow House at 7pm - a “meaningful” but fun holiday gathering we invite you all to attend. Please call ahead for details: 415-686-9331

• Linda LeveyAt our last CSA #18 Advisory Board meeting, we elected Joyce Clements as the new Chair and Gina Hagen and Karen Thompson will remain as Vice President and Secretary. I will remain on the Board but sadly, Nanni Wurl has resigned.Thanks are due to Nanni for the many years served. She will continue to work on her beloved medians, but wanted to let another neighbor have this opportunity. Ellen Stein has applied for and was appointed, so we'll once again have a full quo-rum on our Advisory Board. Welcome Ellen – thank you for stepping up to serve!In other news, there is a new “Incident Report” online for the parks: This is especially handy as you can select the park, add photos, and detail the issue you are reporting. I tested it and quickly received a return email, so that was good news. Or if you prefer to speak with someone, you can contact CSA #18 AB Staff, James Chayka, 415-473-3639, [emailprotected] with questions/concerns. Or, if it is something that needs immediate attention, call the Non-Emergency number (415-479-2311) and they will route you to the correct person.

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JOIN THE SVNA TODAY! Power in Numbers Regular $30 and Seniors $15 Includes subscription to the Communicator Newsletter!

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (11)

COMMUNITY MEETING, Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 7pm • State of the County Supervisor Damon Connolly Korean Church, 635 Adrian Way at Rosal Way

SVNA MEMBERSHIP FORM Resident $30 / Senior Resident 65+ $15

Renew or start your SVNA membership Make check payable to and send to: and newsletter subscription today! SVNA, PO Box 4047, San Rafael, CA 94913-4047

Advertising: Paid-up SVNA members can introduce themselves to the community by buying a 3-5/8” x 2” ad in The Communicator. Ads in the Jan/Feb issue mail to all 1750 households are $60; ads in the other 5 issues going to members only are $30 each. Or pay in advance and save! $180 for an ad in all 6 issues plus free color on web newsletter and SV Market Window. For ad specs and info, contact Norma Novy, 415-499-9409, [emailprotected]. We accept camera-ready ads, text, pdfs, tiff, jpg, eps, reflective artwork, photos, etc.

To start or renew your membership online, please sign-up at

Would you like to volunteer? Check the issues where you can help.

SVNA Board Newsletter and proofing Flyer distribution Phone banks

Watershed—flooding and dredging Land Use and Development Median crew Social activities Neighborhood Watch Bella Santa Venetia-marsh, creek neighborhood clean-ups

YES! Sign me up to today at the following yearly rate (check one): $30 Resident household $15 Senior Resident 65+ household Additional contribution:$_______ General Donation$_______ Neighborhood Median & Beautification Fund$_______ Disaster Preparedness Team (CERT) $_______ Social Activities (such as Labor Day Picnic, Halloween Block Party, Easter Egg Hunt, Northbridge Pool Party.)

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S V N A C O M M U N I C ATO R N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 01 7 11

The Marin County Sheriff’s Department Emergency number from Landline or Cell ..............................................911Safety Related, Non-emergency (24-hour Communications) ......................................................415-479-2311 Online Crime Reporting for harassing phone calls, identity theft, lost property, theft, theft from vehicles, vandalism and vehicle tampering of San RafaelEmergency from a Landline........................................................................911Emergency from a Cell Phone ............................................415-485-3393Fire Dept. Non-Emergency ..................................................415-485-3300Police Dept. Non-Emergency ...............................................415-485-3000San Rafael Emergency/Disaster Info Hotline .................. 415-485-5070

Electrical ConcernsPG&Electrical Outage ............................................................800-743-5002Underground Electrical Line Alert ............................................................811PG&E Underground Alert ......................................................800-227-2600Flood Control/Clogged DrainsDPW Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm ................................415-473-6528After 5pm/Weekends, Holidays ........................................... 415-473-7513Sewer OverflowsLas Gallinas Valley Sanitary District ..............................415-472-1734 Water Running and WasteMarin Municipal Water District ..........................................415-945-1520Website for water waste info and to report water waste: Development Agency/PlanningFront Information Counter ...................................................415-473-6269Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Sewer Overflows (24 hours) .........................................................415-472-1734Trash and Graffeti If you see dumping get license # and call with location and description ........................................................415-479-2311To request dumped stuff pick-up .......................................415-473-7388

Community CompassNote: As of June, BigTent stopped accepting Credit Card or PayPal payments. We are working on a payment solution through our website ( and hope to have that up and running soon. More information will be pro-vided in our next newsletter. Thank you for your patience. And don’t forget, checks are always accepted.

Bus Stop Trash Can, or email: [emailprotected] .......................................415-226-0855Call with location & description ..........................................415-479-2311 How to Report an Issue in our Parks and/or Open SpaceEmergency number from landline or cell ...............................................911Safety Related, Non-emergency (24-hour Communications) ........................................................415-479-2311Routine for Parks ....................................................... 415-446-4419 Routine for Open Space ............................................ 415-473-2816Incident Report for County Parks ........

Insurance and Investment Services for Families and Businesses

Chris Owen [emailprotected] | 415-­‐217-­‐7912

Chris Owen is a Registered Representative with and securities offered

through LPL Financial, Member SIPC CA Insurance Lic. #: OG62903 Chris Owen may only discuss and/or transact business with residents of the following

states: CA, OR, WA, TX, and IL

Insurance and Investment Services for Families and Businesses

Chris Owen [emailprotected] | 415-­‐217-­‐7912

Chris Owen is a Registered Representative with and securities offered

through LPL Financial, Member SIPC CA Insurance Lic. #: OG62903 Chris Owen may only discuss and/or transact business with residents of the following

states: CA, OR, WA, TX, and IL

Insurance and Investment Services for Families and Businesses

Chris Owen [emailprotected] | 415-­‐217-­‐7912

Chris Owen is a Registered Representative with and securities offered

through LPL Financial, Member SIPC CA Insurance Lic. #: OG62903 Chris Owen may only discuss and/or transact business with residents of the following

states: CA, OR, WA, TX, and IL

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia,· 2017-11-30· Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (12)

[emailprotected] •

Santa Venetia Neighborhood Association P.O. Box 4047, San Rafael, CA 94913-4047

Santa Venetia Neighborhood Association November/December 2017

See Something...Say Something 415-479-2311

Neighborly Notes

Compiled by Linda Levey

From Linda LeveyFuton Mary aka Mary Hughes, will be singing with Singers Marin this year for their holiday show: Tis the Season… Peace on Earth. The show this year will be Sunday, December 17, from 4pm – 6pm, at the Marin Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium at the Civic Center.Mayflower Chorus will be having their wonderful holiday show this year. You can catch it December 8 at 8pm or December 9 at 2:30pm and 7:30pm at the Marin Center Showcase Theatre at the Civic Cen-ter. Their show will include a sing-along and a special surprise: The Santa Rosa Children’s Choral Academy will perform to raise holiday

spirits.TapCracker! – It’s the holidays and once again Dance With Sherry is holding their annual TapCracker show. If you love tap dancing (and who doesn’t?) head on over to the Civic Center Showcase Theater on Saturday, December 16 at 2pm or 5:30pm to catch the show.Santa Venetia Market Our favorite local store, SVMarket, has been making

changes to better offer the items you are looking for. If you haven’t visited in a while, drop by and check them out.From Marika LoveSanta Venetia’s own nonprofit organization, the Joy of Learning Center, is collecting donations to help homeless people by subsidizing their rent so they can afford to stay in a room or apart-ment. We’re also finding them sources of work. Please visit www. and use the Donate button; or just send us a check to 4 Birch Way, San Rafael, CA 94903. Thank you!

SUPPORT OUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS: Bogie’s Cafe • Chalet Basque • Friends of Civic Center Library

Gasparé’s Pizzeria • Golden Cuts & Color • Jackson Square Financial James A. Walsh Real Estate • Lesley McTaggart Realtor • Marin Ace Hardware

Marin County Federal Credit Union • Marin County.Org Energy Upgrade One Foot at a Time/Laurie Steese • Osher Marin Jewish Community Center

Santa Venetia Market • Technomaven–Computer Housecalls • The Marin School

Good Food—Good Neighbors Don’t forget, Gaspare’s Piz-zeria is the place to go for a wonderful meal AND to benefit the SVNA. So, the next time you are too tired to cook, need a special night out, are ready to celebrate, and/or have a yen for some delicious Italian food or pizza: order in or order out at Gaspare’s. And remember – mention the “SVNA” and they’ll donate 15% of your meal ticket to our neighborhood. A big THANK YOU to Danny, Gaspare, and Robin!

Landmark Restored by Russ & Dennis!• Mary Hanley“Go 2 miles east on North San Pedro Road and turn left at the white rail fence.”Living on “The Other Vendola” for the last 30 years, for family, friends, and pizza delivery, those directions proved a Godsend to those both new and old to the neighborhood.This summer, the old rail fence finally gave out and eventually collapsed and I was starting to feel a little lost myself on the way home.I contacted the County to see about repairing the old fence. After hear-ing our replacement would be a non-descript metal bollard, I reached out to our SVNA Board.SVNA President Russ Greenfield and Board Member Dennis Bortoli to the rescue! In the searing heat of July, they lovingly, meticulously re-paired, replaced, and painted the old landmark to its original condition.Saving the County a few extra bucks is one thing, but putting a smile on my face EVERY time I turn left off NSPR… is priceless. Russ and Dennis: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Our landmark is back.

Dance with Sherry Studio Presents


2:00PM & 5:30PM

Marin Civic Center Showcase Theater 10 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael

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Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute!• Linda LeveyWhen I was younger, this was all the rage. “Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute” or “Don’t be a Litterbug” were common phrases. We were taught: don’t throw your cigarettes out the window, don’t throw your trash on the ground. Don’t litter. But lately, it seems that people just don’t care!This garbage not only settles on our roadways, but it makes its way into our storm drains, creeks, bays, and the ocean. It’s not good for our envi-ronment and it’s not good for our neighborhood.So I was glad to hear there is so much chatter about garbage! It’s been the topic in the Marin IJ articles and Letters to the Editor. There have been symposiums and classes and all sorts of conversations going on.It’s a complex matter to be sure but there are ways you can help:Tarp Your Load: It’s the law. If you have debris in the back of your truck, cover it before you drive away. If you see an untarped truck, contact the authorities. Pick It Up: When you are out walking and biking and enjoying the streets and paths, take a bag with you. It’s not difficult: look down and pick up any garbage you see. Within a short period of time, that simple action will make all the difference.You can also visit: to find out ways you can get involved on a County-wide level.

Dear Santa Venetia Neighbor, Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, · 2017-11-30 · Estimado vecino de Santa Venetia, Ha habido informes - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.