Class Rankings vs Top 25 Finishes: 10-Yr win & Class Ranking (2024)

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  • Posted on 18 hrs, , User Since 62 months ago, User Post Count: 22083

    • 18 hrs
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    Going back to 2011, on average 48% of teams that finished in the final A.P. Top 25 had a Composite Top 25 Recruiting class. I took a 4-year average for each season. For example, this year I averaged the 2020-2023 classes for an average. Then last year I averaged the 2019-2022 classes.

    Alabama led all teams with 13 Top 10 classes and 13 top 25 finishes. Georgia was the second team with all Top 10 classes and 9 Top 25 finishes. Below is the list of teams with at least 2 AP Top 10 finishes during that span.

    • Alabama 13
    • Ohio St 11
    • Georgia 9
    • Oklahoma 8
    • Clemson 7
    • Oregon 6
    • Florida St 5
    • Texas Christian 4
    • Michigan 4
    • Michigan St. 4
    • Penn St. 4
    • Notre Dame 4
    • Washington 3
    • Wisconsin 3
    • South Carolina 3
    • Stanford 3
    • LSU 3
    • Florida 3
    • Ole Miss 2
    • Texas 2
    • Baylor 2
    • Cincinnati 2
    • Auburn 2
    • Texas A&M 2
    • UCF 2

    Below is an old list I compiled several years ago. It's a 10-year win percentage for all P5 teams and their class average (2011-2020).

    1. Alabama .914 / 1.5 Avg.
    2. Clemson .870 / 12.6 Avg.
    3. Ohio St. .862 / 5.0 Avg.
    4. Oklahoma .809 / 12.4 Avg.
    5. Georgia .767 / 5.5 Avg.
    6. LSU .758 / 7.1 Avg.
    7. Notre Dame .734 / 12.3 Avg.
    8. Oregon .732 / 15.9 Avg.
    9. Wisconsin .731 / 39.7 Avg.
    10. Stanford .703 / 22.7 Avg.
    11. Oklahoma St. .703 / 34.9 Avg.
    12. Florida St. .688 / 8.4 Avg.
    13. Penn St. .672 / 21.7 Avg.
    14. Southern Cal .669 / 9.1 Avg.
    15. Texas A&M .661 / 13.3 Avg.
    16. Michigan St. .659 / 31.3 Avg.
    17. Michigan .656 / 15.4 Avg.
    18. Washington .653 / 23.0 Avg.
    19. Florida .643 / 10.2 Avg.
    20. Texas Christian .635 / 30.3 Avg.
    21. Iowa .632 / 48.3 Avg.
    22. Utah .623 / 40.8 Avg.
    23. Baylor .619 / 35.4 Avg.
    24. Kansas St. .619 / 60.5 Avg.
    25. Louisville .614 / 40 Avg.
    26. Auburn .612 / 8.8 Avg.
    27. Miami .603 / 18.1 Avg.
    28. Virginia Tech .600 / 32.8 Avg.
    29. Northwestern .580 / 52.9 Avg.
    30. West Virginia .580 / 37.9 Avg.
    31. Texas .579 / 9.6 Avg. .
    32. Miss. St .578 / 27.2 Avg.
    33. Arizona St. .570 / 32.5 Avg
    34. South Carolina .568 / 19.5 Avg.
    35. Missouri .568 / 41.1 Avg.
    36. Nebraska .553 / 24.4 Avg.
    37. NC St. .551 / 43.3 Avg.
    38. Minnesota .541 / 52.9 Avg.
    39. North Carolina .532 / 26.9 Avg.
    40. Pittsburgh .523 / 46.8 Avg.
    41. UCLA .521 / 22.5 Avg.
    42. Washington St. .508 / 54 Avg.
    43. Georgia Tech .504 / 49.3 Avg.
    44. Ole Miss .500 / 23.2 Avg.
    45. Duke .492 / 56.4 Avg.
    46. Tennessee .492 / 14.4 Avg.
    47. Arizona .471 / 46.7 Avg.
    48. Texas Tech .459 / 44 Avg.
    49. Kentucky .455 / 34 Avg.
    50. Boston College .452 / 64.7 Avg.
    51. Wake Forest .451 / 62.3 Avg
    52. Iowa St .440 / 51.1 Avg.
    53. Virginia .431 / 42.8 Avg.
    54. California .431 / 44.3 Avg.
    55. Indiana .420 / 46 Avg.
    56. Vanderbilt .418 / 48.6 Avg.
    57. Arkansas .418 / 28.0 Avg.
    58. Syracuse .418 / 58.1 Avg.
    59. Rutgers .397 / 50 Avg.
    60. Maryland .317 / 41.6 Avg.
    61. Colorado .364 / 55.1 Avg.
    62. Purdue .347 / 58.3 Avg.
    63. Illinois .345 / 63.8 Avg.
    64. Oregon St. .341 / 45.9 Avg.
    65. Kansas .154 / 62.1 Avg.

    This post was edited by Loranza80 19 hours ago

  • Discussion
  • Posted on Jun 21st, 5:17 AM, , User Since 62 months ago, User Post Count: 22083

    • Jun 21st, 5:17 AM
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    Just peeking, not interested in counting all that up again, but there is some movement. Top 5 doesn’t move much. Oklahoma took a hit, and UGA got a little bump.

    Clemson however is starting to rock despite their recruiting rankings averaging top 10.

    LSU has dropped to about a .732 now despite improvement in recruiting rankings.

    Oregon and Notre Dame bumped up. Oklahoma St as well. Stanford started their nose dive.

    FSU, Southern Cal, Florida, and A&M all took a lump despite class rankings improving.

  • Posted on Jun 21st, 5:53 AM, , User Since 7 months ago, User Post Count: 1581

    • Jun 21st, 5:53 AM
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    Looks like we’ve been underperforming compared to our recruiting rankings with that second list. Also Texas….. woof

  • Posted on Jun 21st, 6:03 AM, , User Since 7 months ago, User Post Count: 550

    • Jun 21st, 6:03 AM
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    Loranza80 said... (original post) Going back to 2011, on average 48% of teams that finished in the final A.P. Top 25 had a Composite Top 25 Recruiting class. I took a 4-year avera...

    You don’t have TN in your first list and we know they’ve had multiple top 25 finishes in that period.

  • Is it safe to assume that schools with a high class ranking and poor results are suffering from bad coaching? Vice versa schools such as Utah with low class rankings and good top 25 finishes are benefitting from good coaching?

  • Posted on Jun 21st, 7:02 AM, , User Since 265 months ago, User Post Count: 6693

    • Jun 21st, 7:02 AM
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    tth2001 said... (original post) Is it safe to assume that schools with a high class ranking and poor results are suffering from bad coaching? Vice versa schools such as Utah with ...

    It probably has as much to do with which conference they play in as much as coaching. In the SEC you can finish in the top 20 recruiting rankings and be playing 5 or 6 teams that ranked ahead of you in recruiting.

    This post was edited by Garnet101 24 hours ago

  • Posted on 22 hrs, , User Since 113 months ago, User Post Count: 8211

    • 22 hrs
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    Garnet101 said... (original post) It probably has as much to do with which conference they play in as much as coaching. In the SEC you can finish in the top 20 recruiting rankings ...

    Yeah it's definitely a mix. Teams like Wisconsin, Oklahoma State, and Utah have had great coaching, but at the same time their schedule will only have maybe 2 teams that recruit at a really high level. They might have an average class rank in the 30s nationally, but that's still probably around 5th or better in their conference. Nearly all the teams that look like they underperform their recruiting ranking on this list are SEC teams, but that's because an average of 19th nationally ranked class is 8th in the SEC (now 10th after adding Texas and Oklahoma). Just the reality of life in the SEC - you need to recruit at a near elite level.

  • Posted on 21 hrs, , User Since 42 months ago, User Post Count: 1178

    • 21 hrs
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    CHSGameco*ck4056 said... (original post) Looks like we’ve been underperforming compared to our recruiting rankings with that second list. Also Texas….. woof

    Yea, coaching matters; i.e. player development, talent evaluation, teaching your system well, and playcalling is important. I would argue more important than just pure talent roster except at the very top level. Talent = potential, not guaranteed outcomes, especially at the collegiate level. The players have to be developed to reach their talent ceiling.

    We have recruited well for a while. Somehow most people on the board haven’t seemed to realize we have been recruiting well, at least according to 247. Getting more talent doesn’t really affect much if you can’t develop it. If we performed to our recruiting rankings we’d be top 25 every year or a top 40 team bare minimum. That has not been the case. IMO the issue here is that we have gotten so acclimated to bad coaching that we think this is what we are when really, we could and should be doing better more consistently given our resources and recruiting.

  • Posted on 21 hrs, , User Since 42 months ago, User Post Count: 1178

    • 21 hrs
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    Garnet101 said... (original post) It probably has as much to do with which conference they play in as much as coaching. In the SEC you can finish in the top 20 recruiting rankings ...

    Thats true, but you should still be ranking high in power rankings and advanced metrics as compared to teams in other conferences. We have not been and I think that is accurate. Even accounting for schedule, I dont think I nor the consensus would power rank us higher than other below average schools in lesser conferences.

    Beyond that, I think most of us would agree from the eyetest, we have underperformed our avg ranking over the past decade, despite the conference.

    This post was edited by ThatBoyCaleb 21 hours ago

  • Posted on 21 hrs, V I P, User Since 188 months ago, User Post Count: 153010

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  • Posted on 21 hrs, V I P, User Since 188 months ago, User Post Count: 153010

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  • Posted on 21 hrs, V I P, User Since 188 months ago, User Post Count: 153010

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  • Posted on 18 hrs, , User Since 175 months ago, User Post Count: 7354

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    tth2001 said... (original post) Is it safe to assume that schools with a high class ranking and poor results are suffering from bad coaching? Vice versa schools such as Utah with ...

    It's that, but not just that. Competition matters. A team that recruits regularly around lets say 40th and is in the ACC, will have better record and more top 25 appearances than a team that averages 40th and is in the SEC. Without conferences at all, and assuming roughly similar SOS, there would be less difference between recruiting ranking and the top 25 ranking. Busted evals and conversely, diamonds in the rough, combine with coaching quality and injuries to account for the vast majority of any margin of error.

    We are currently ranked 25. That's good for 10th in the SEC. The team below us, Oregon, is 7th in the B1G. The team below that, WV, is 3rd in the BIG12. Three spots below that, is Wake Forrest, who's 6th in the ACC. We'd have to jump 8 spots just to be in the top HALF of our own conference.

    I mean look at those lists and tell me you are winning big in the SEC without elite recruiting.

  • Posted on 18 hrs, , User Since 62 months ago, User Post Count: 22083

    • 18 hrs
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    GreatOdinsRaven731 said... (original post) You don’t have TN in your first list and we know they’ve had multiple top 25 finishes in that period.

    Thanks, I meant to say Top 10 finishes.

  • Posted on 18 hrs, , User Since 62 months ago, User Post Count: 22083

    • 18 hrs
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    Garnet101 said... (original post) It probably has as much to do with which conference they play in as much as coaching. In the SEC you can finish in the top 20 recruiting rankings ...

    No it’s all coaching and development. Texas, Southern Cal, Michigan, and many others completely changed with a coaching hire.

    Texas despite top 10 classes struggled for years after Mack Brown. Enter Steve Sarkisian and now their at the top.

    Same for Michigan, Washington, Southern Cal, Tennessee, and so on.

  • Posted on 17 hrs, , User Since 7 months ago, User Post Count: 550

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    Loranza80 said... (original post) Thanks, I meant to say Top 10 finishes.

    Does TN only have 1?

  • Posted on 2 hrs, , User Since 62 months ago, User Post Count: 22083

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    GreatOdinsRaven731 said... (original post) Does TN only have 1?


  • Posted on 7 mins, , User Since 7 months ago, User Post Count: 550

    • 7 mins
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    Loranza80 said... (original post) Yeper.

    Class Rankings vs Top 25 Finishes: 10-Yr win & Class Ranking (15)

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Class Rankings vs Top 25 Finishes: 10-Yr win & Class Ranking (2024)


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